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程序员文章站 2024-02-29 19:07:04
begin -- 声明变量 declare v_addtime_begin varchar(13); declare v_addtime_end var...
 -- 声明变量
 declare v_addtime_begin varchar(13);
 declare v_addtime_end varchar(13);

 declare v_borrow_id int;
 declare v_count int;
 declare s1 int;
 /** 声明游标,并将查询结果存到游标中 **/
 declare c_borrow cursor for
 select id from rocky_borrow where borrowtype = 2 and publish_time >= unix_timestamp('2014-05-27') and publish_time <= unix_timestamp('2014-07-30') order by id asc;
 /** 获取查询数量 **/
 select count(id) into v_count from rocky_borrow where borrowtype = 2 and publish_time >= unix_timestamp('2014-05-27') and publish_time <= unix_timestamp('2014-07-30') order by id asc;

 set s1 = 1;
 -- 开始事务
 start transaction;
 -- 打开游标
 open c_borrow;
 -- 循环游标
  while s1 < v_count+1 do
  -- 遍历游标
  fetch c_borrow into v_borrow_id;
  select t1.addtime into v_addtime_begin from (select * from rocky_b_tenderrecord bt where borrow_id = v_borrow_id and tender_type = 1 order by id asc) t1 group by t1.borrow_id;
  select t1.addtime into v_addtime_end from (select * from rocky_b_tenderrecord bt where borrow_id = v_borrow_id and tender_type = 1 order by id desc) t1 group by t1.borrow_id;
  if (v_addtime_begin is not null) && (v_addtime_end is not null) then
   -- 嵌套使用游标
    declare v_id int;
    declare v_user_id int;
    declare v_type varchar(20);
    declare v_total decimal(20,8) default 0;
    declare v_money decimal(20,8) default 0;
    declare v_use_money decimal(20,8) default 0;
    declare v_no_use_money decimal(20,8) default 0;
    declare v_collection decimal(20,8) default 0;
    declare v_to_user int(11);
    declare v_remark varchar(1000);
    declare v_addtime varchar(13);
    declare v_addip varchar(64);
    declare v_first_borrow_use_money decimal(20,8) default 0;
    declare done varchar(45) default '';
    declare t_error int default 0;
    declare c_accountlog cursor for
    select id,user_id,type,total,money,use_money,no_use_money,collection,to_user,remark,addtime,addip,first_borrow_use_money from (
    select id,user_id,type,total,money,use_money,no_use_money,collection,to_user,remark,addtime,addip,first_borrow_use_money from rocky_accountlog
    where addtime >= v_addtime_begin and addtime <= v_addtime_end and (type = 'tender_cold' or type= 'repayment_deduct')
    ) t group by t.user_id having count(t.user_id) > 1;
    declare continue handler for not found set done = null;
    open c_accountlog;
    fetch c_accountlog into v_id,v_user_id,v_type,v_total,v_money,v_use_money,v_no_use_money,v_collection,v_to_user,v_remark,v_addtime,v_addip,v_first_borrow_use_money;
    while (done is not null) do
     insert into rocky_accountlog_test2 (accountlog_id,user_id,type,total,money,use_money,no_use_money,collection,to_user,remark,addtime,addip,first_borrow_use_money,borrow_id)
     values (v_id,v_user_id,v_type,v_total,v_money,v_use_money,v_no_use_money,v_collection,v_to_user,v_remark,v_addtime,v_addip,v_first_borrow_use_money,v_borrow_id);
     fetch c_accountlog into v_id,v_user_id,v_type,v_total,v_money,v_use_money,v_no_use_money,v_collection,v_to_user,v_remark,v_addtime,v_addip,v_first_borrow_use_money;
    end while;
    close c_accountlog;
  end if;
  set s1 = s1 + 1;
 end while;
 close c_borrow;

 commit; -- 事务提交 