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程序员文章站 2024-02-29 13:40:34
实例代码如下: import com.jacob.activex.activexcomponent; import com.jacob.com.dispatc...


import com.jacob.activex.activexcomponent; 
import com.jacob.com.dispatch; 
import com.jacob.com.variant; 
 * jacob操作msword类 
 * @author 
public class wordbean { 
  // word文档 
  private dispatch doc; 
  // word运行程序对象 
  private activexcomponent word; 
  // 所有word文档集合 
  private dispatch documents; 
  // 选定的范围或插入点 
  private dispatch selection; 
  private boolean saveonexit = true; 
  public wordbean()throws exception{ 
    if (word == null) { 
      word = new activexcomponent("word.application"); 
      word.setproperty("visible", new variant(false));  //不可见打开word      
      word.setproperty("automationsecurity", new variant(3)); //禁用宏 
    if (documents == null) 
      documents = word.getproperty("documents").todispatch(); 
   * 设置退出时参数 
   * @param saveonexit 
   *      boolean true-退出时保存文件,false-退出时不保存文件 
  public void setsaveonexit(boolean saveonexit) { 
    this.saveonexit = saveonexit; 
   * 创建一个新的word文档 
  public void createnewdocument() { 
    doc = dispatch.call(documents, "add").todispatch(); 
    selection = dispatch.get(word, "selection").todispatch(); 
   * 打开一个已存在的文档 
   * @param docpath 
  public void opendocument(string docpath) { 
    doc = dispatch.call(documents, "open", docpath).todispatch(); 
    selection = dispatch.get(word, "selection").todispatch(); 
   * 打开一个保护文档, 
   * @param docpath-文件全名 
   * @param pwd-密码 
  public void opendocumentonlyread(string docpath, string pwd)throws exception { 
//   doc = dispatch.invoke(documents, "open", dispatch.method,  
//       new object[]{docpath, new variant(false), new variant(true), new variant(true), pwd},  
//       new int[1]).todispatch();//打开word文件  
    doc = dispatch.calln(documents, "open", new object[]{docpath, new variant(false),  
        new variant(true), new variant(true), pwd, "", new variant(false)}).todispatch(); 
    selection = dispatch.get(word, "selection").todispatch(); 
  public void opendocument(string docpath, string pwd)throws exception { 
    doc = dispatch.calln(documents, "open", new object[]{docpath, new variant(false),  
        new variant(false), new variant(true), pwd}).todispatch(); 
    selection = dispatch.get(word, "selection").todispatch(); 
   * 把选定的内容或插入点向上移动 
   * @param pos 
   *      移动的距离 
  public void moveup(int pos) { 
    if (selection == null) 
      selection = dispatch.get(word, "selection").todispatch(); 
    for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++) 
      dispatch.call(selection, "moveup"); 
   * 把选定的内容或者插入点向下移动 
   * @param pos 
   *      移动的距离 
  public void movedown(int pos) { 
    if (selection == null) 
      selection = dispatch.get(word, "selection").todispatch(); 
    for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++) 
      dispatch.call(selection, "movedown"); 
   * 把选定的内容或者插入点向左移动 
   * @param pos 
   *      移动的距离 
  public void moveleft(int pos) { 
    if (selection == null) 
      selection = dispatch.get(word, "selection").todispatch(); 
    for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++) { 
      dispatch.call(selection, "moveleft"); 
   * 把选定的内容或者插入点向右移动 
   * @param pos 
   *      移动的距离 
  public void moveright(int pos) { 
    if (selection == null) 
      selection = dispatch.get(word, "selection").todispatch(); 
    for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++) 
      dispatch.call(selection, "moveright"); 
   * 把插入点移动到文件首位置 
  public void movestart() { 
    if (selection == null) 
      selection = dispatch.get(word, "selection").todispatch(); 
    dispatch.call(selection, "homekey", new variant(6)); 
   * 从选定内容或插入点开始查找文本 
   * @param tofindtext 
   *      要查找的文本 
   * @return boolean true-查找到并选中该文本,false-未查找到文本 
  public boolean find(string tofindtext) { 
    if (tofindtext == null || tofindtext.equals("")) 
      return false; 
    // 从selection所在位置开始查询 
    dispatch find = word.call(selection, "find").todispatch(); 
    // 设置要查找的内容 
    dispatch.put(find, "text", tofindtext); 
    // 向前查找 
    dispatch.put(find, "forward", "true"); 
    // 设置格式 
    dispatch.put(find, "format", "true"); 
    // 大小写匹配 
    dispatch.put(find, "matchcase", "true"); 
    // 全字匹配 
    dispatch.put(find, "matchwholeword", "true"); 
    // 查找并选中 
    return dispatch.call(find, "execute").getboolean(); 
   * 把选定选定内容设定为替换文本 
   * @param tofindtext 
   *      查找字符串 
   * @param newtext 
   *      要替换的内容 
   * @return 
  public boolean replacetext(string tofindtext, string newtext) { 
    if (!find(tofindtext)) 
      return false; 
    dispatch.put(selection, "text", newtext); 
    return true; 
   * 全局替换文本 
   * @param tofindtext 
   *      查找字符串 
   * @param newtext 
   *      要替换的内容 
  public void replacealltext(string tofindtext, string newtext) { 
    while (find(tofindtext)) { 
      dispatch.put(selection, "text", newtext); 
      dispatch.call(selection, "moveright"); 
   * 在当前插入点插入字符串 
   * @param newtext 
   *      要插入的新字符串 
  public void inserttext(string newtext) { 
    dispatch.put(selection, "text", newtext); 
   * @param tofindtext 
   *      要查找的字符串 
   * @param imagepath 
   *      图片路径 
   * @return 
  public boolean replaceimage(string tofindtext, string imagepath) { 
    if (!find(tofindtext)) 
      return false; 
    dispatch.call(dispatch.get(selection, "inlineshapes").todispatch(), 
        "addpicture", imagepath); 
    return true; 
   * 全局替换图片 
   * @param tofindtext 
   *      查找字符串 
   * @param imagepath 
   *      图片路径 
  public void replaceallimage(string tofindtext, string imagepath) { 
    while (find(tofindtext)) { 
      dispatch.call(dispatch.get(selection, "inlineshapes").todispatch(), 
          "addpicture", imagepath); 
      dispatch.call(selection, "moveright"); 
   * 在当前插入点插入图片 
   * @param imagepath 
   *      图片路径 
  public void insertimage(string imagepath) { 
    dispatch.call(dispatch.get(selection, "inlineshapes").todispatch(), 
        "addpicture", imagepath); 
   * 合并单元格 
   * @param tableindex 
   * @param fstcellrowidx 
   * @param fstcellcolidx 
   * @param seccellrowidx 
   * @param seccellcolidx 
  public void mergecell(int tableindex, int fstcellrowidx, int fstcellcolidx, 
      int seccellrowidx, int seccellcolidx) { 
    // 所有表格 
    dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
    // 要填充的表格 
    dispatch table = dispatch.call(tables, "item", new variant(tableindex)) 
    dispatch fstcell = dispatch.call(table, "cell", 
        new variant(fstcellrowidx), new variant(fstcellcolidx)) 
    dispatch seccell = dispatch.call(table, "cell", 
        new variant(seccellrowidx), new variant(seccellcolidx)) 
    dispatch.call(fstcell, "merge", seccell); 
   * 在指定的单元格里填写数据 
   * @param tableindex 
   * @param cellrowidx 
   * @param cellcolidx 
   * @param txt 
  public void puttxttocell(int tableindex, int cellrowidx, int cellcolidx, 
      string txt) { 
    // 所有表格 
    dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
    // 要填充的表格 
    dispatch table = dispatch.call(tables, "item", new variant(tableindex)) 
    dispatch cell = dispatch.call(table, "cell", new variant(cellrowidx), 
        new variant(cellcolidx)).todispatch(); 
    dispatch.call(cell, "select"); 
    dispatch.put(selection, "text", txt);     
   * 获得指定的单元格里数据 
   * @param tableindex 
   * @param cellrowidx 
   * @param cellcolidx 
   * @return 
  public string gettxtfromcell(int tableindex, int cellrowidx, int cellcolidx) { 
    // 所有表格 
    dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
    // 要填充的表格 
    dispatch table = dispatch.call(tables, "item", new variant(tableindex)) 
    dispatch cell = dispatch.call(table, "cell", new variant(cellrowidx), 
        new variant(cellcolidx)).todispatch(); 
    dispatch.call(cell, "select");  
    string ret = "";   
    ret = dispatch.get(selection, "text").tostring(); 
    ret = ret.substring(0, ret.length()-1); //去掉最后的回车符; 
    return ret; 
   * 在当前文档拷贝剪贴板数据 
   * @param pos 
  public void pasteexcelsheet(string pos) { 
    if (this.find(pos)) { 
      dispatch textrange = dispatch.get(selection, "range").todispatch(); 
      dispatch.call(textrange, "paste"); 
   * 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝表格 
   * @param pos 
   *      当前文档指定的位置 
   * @param tableindex 
   *      被拷贝的表格在word文档中所处的位置 
  public void copytable(string pos, int tableindex) { 
    // 所有表格 
    dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
    // 要填充的表格 
    dispatch table = dispatch.call(tables, "item", new variant(tableindex)) 
    dispatch range = dispatch.get(table, "range").todispatch(); 
    dispatch.call(range, "copy"); 
    if (this.find(pos)) { 
      dispatch textrange = dispatch.get(selection, "range").todispatch(); 
      dispatch.call(textrange, "paste"); 
   * 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝来自另一个文档中的表格 
   * @param anotherdocpath 
   *      另一个文档的磁盘路径 
   * @param tableindex 
   *      被拷贝的表格在另一格文档中的位置 
   * @param pos 
   *      当前文档指定的位置 
  public void copytablefromanotherdoc(string anotherdocpath, int tableindex, 
      string pos) { 
    dispatch doc2 = null; 
    try { 
      doc2 = dispatch.call(documents, "open", anotherdocpath) 
      // 所有表格 
      dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc2, "tables").todispatch(); 
      // 要填充的表格 
      dispatch table = dispatch.call(tables, "item", 
          new variant(tableindex)).todispatch(); 
      dispatch range = dispatch.get(table, "range").todispatch(); 
      dispatch.call(range, "copy"); 
      if (this.find(pos)) { 
        dispatch textrange = dispatch.get(selection, "range") 
        dispatch.call(textrange, "paste"); 
    } catch (exception e) { 
    } finally { 
      if (doc2 != null) { 
        dispatch.call(doc2, "close", new variant(saveonexit)); 
        doc2 = null; 
   * 在当前文档指定的位置拷贝来自另一个文档中的图片 
   * @param anotherdocpath 另一个文档的磁盘路径 
   * @param shapeindex 被拷贝的图片在另一格文档中的位置 
   * @param pos 当前文档指定的位置 
  public void copyimagefromanotherdoc(string anotherdocpath, int shapeindex, 
      string pos) { 
    dispatch doc2 = null; 
    try { 
      doc2 = dispatch.call(documents, "open", anotherdocpath) 
      dispatch shapes = dispatch.get(doc2, "inlineshapes").todispatch(); 
      dispatch shape = dispatch.call(shapes, "item", 
          new variant(shapeindex)).todispatch(); 
      dispatch imagerange = dispatch.get(shape, "range").todispatch(); 
      dispatch.call(imagerange, "copy"); 
      if (this.find(pos)) { 
        dispatch textrange = dispatch.get(selection, "range") 
        dispatch.call(textrange, "paste"); 
    } catch (exception e) { 
    } finally { 
      if (doc2 != null) { 
        dispatch.call(doc2, "close", new variant(saveonexit)); 
        doc2 = null; 
   * 创建表格 
   * @param pos 
   *      位置 
   * @param cols 
   *      列数 
   * @param rows 
   *      行数 
  public void createtable(string pos, int numcols, int numrows) { 
    if (find(pos)) { 
      dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
      dispatch range = dispatch.get(selection, "range").todispatch(); 
      dispatch newtable = dispatch.call(tables, "add", range, 
          new variant(numrows), new variant(numcols)).todispatch(); 
      dispatch.call(selection, "moveright"); 
    } else { 
      dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
      dispatch range = dispatch.get(selection, "range").todispatch(); 
      dispatch newtable = dispatch.call(tables, "add", range, 
          new variant(numrows), new variant(numcols)).todispatch(); 
      dispatch.call(selection, "moveright"); 
   * 在指定行前面增加行 
   * @param tableindex 
   *      word文件中的第n张表(从1开始) 
   * @param rowindex 
   *      指定行的序号(从1开始) 
  public void addtablerow(int tableindex, int rowindex) { 
    // 所有表格 
    dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
    // 要填充的表格 
    dispatch table = dispatch.call(tables, "item", new variant(tableindex)) 
    // 表格的所有行 
    dispatch rows = dispatch.get(table, "rows").todispatch(); 
    dispatch row = dispatch.call(rows, "item", new variant(rowindex)) 
    dispatch.call(rows, "add", new variant(row)); 
   * 在第1行前增加一行 
   * @param tableindex 
   * word文档中的第n张表(从1开始) 
  public void addfirsttablerow(int tableindex) { 
    // 所有表格 
    dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
    // 要填充的表格 
    dispatch table = dispatch.call(tables, "item", new variant(tableindex)) 
    // 表格的所有行 
    dispatch rows = dispatch.get(table, "rows").todispatch(); 
    dispatch row = dispatch.get(rows, "first").todispatch(); 
    dispatch.call(rows, "add", new variant(row)); 
   * 在最后1行前增加一行 
   * @param tableindex 
   *      word文档中的第n张表(从1开始) 
  public void addlasttablerow(int tableindex) { 
    // 所有表格 
    dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
    // 要填充的表格 
    dispatch table = dispatch.call(tables, "item", new variant(tableindex)) 
    // 表格的所有行 
    dispatch rows = dispatch.get(table, "rows").todispatch(); 
    dispatch row = dispatch.get(rows, "last").todispatch(); 
    dispatch.call(rows, "add", new variant(row)); 
   * 增加一行 
   * @param tableindex 
   *      word文档中的第n张表(从1开始) 
  public void addrow(int tableindex) { 
    dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
    // 要填充的表格 
    dispatch table = dispatch.call(tables, "item", new variant(tableindex)) 
    // 表格的所有行 
    dispatch rows = dispatch.get(table, "rows").todispatch(); 
    dispatch.call(rows, "add"); 
   * 增加一列 
   * @param tableindex 
   *      word文档中的第n张表(从1开始) 
  public void addcol(int tableindex) { 
    // 所有表格 
    dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
    // 要填充的表格 
    dispatch table = dispatch.call(tables, "item", new variant(tableindex)) 
    // 表格的所有行 
    dispatch cols = dispatch.get(table, "columns").todispatch(); 
    dispatch.call(cols, "add").todispatch(); 
    dispatch.call(cols, "autofit"); 
   * 在指定列前面增加表格的列 
   * @param tableindex 
   *      word文档中的第n张表(从1开始) 
   * @param colindex 
   *      制定列的序号 (从1开始) 
  public void addtablecol(int tableindex, int colindex) { 
    // 所有表格 
    dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
    // 要填充的表格 
    dispatch table = dispatch.call(tables, "item", new variant(tableindex)) 
    // 表格的所有行 
    dispatch cols = dispatch.get(table, "columns").todispatch(); 
    system.out.println(dispatch.get(cols, "count")); 
    dispatch col = dispatch.call(cols, "item", new variant(colindex)) 
    // dispatch col = dispatch.get(cols, "first").todispatch(); 
    dispatch.call(cols, "add", col).todispatch(); 
    dispatch.call(cols, "autofit"); 
   * 在第1列前增加一列 
   * @param tableindex 
   *      word文档中的第n张表(从1开始) 
  public void addfirsttablecol(int tableindex) { 
    dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
    // 要填充的表格 
    dispatch table = dispatch.call(tables, "item", new variant(tableindex)) 
    // 表格的所有行 
    dispatch cols = dispatch.get(table, "columns").todispatch(); 
    dispatch col = dispatch.get(cols, "first").todispatch(); 
    dispatch.call(cols, "add", col).todispatch(); 
    dispatch.call(cols, "autofit"); 
   * 在最后一列前增加一列 
   * @param tableindex 
   *      word文档中的第n张表(从1开始) 
  public void addlasttablecol(int tableindex) { 
    dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
    // 要填充的表格 
    dispatch table = dispatch.call(tables, "item", new variant(tableindex)) 
    // 表格的所有行 
    dispatch cols = dispatch.get(table, "columns").todispatch(); 
    dispatch col = dispatch.get(cols, "last").todispatch(); 
    dispatch.call(cols, "add", col).todispatch(); 
    dispatch.call(cols, "autofit"); 
   * 自动调整表格 
  public void autofittable() { 
    dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
    int count = dispatch.get(tables, "count").toint(); 
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { 
      dispatch table = dispatch.call(tables, "item", new variant(i + 1)) 
      dispatch cols = dispatch.get(table, "columns").todispatch(); 
      dispatch.call(cols, "autofit"); 
   * 调用word里的宏以调整表格的宽度,其中宏保存在document下 
  public void callwordmacro() { 
    dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
    int count = dispatch.get(tables, "count").toint(); 
    variant vmacroname = new variant("normal.newmacros.tablefit"); 
    variant vparam = new variant("param1"); 
    variant para[] = new variant[] { vmacroname }; 
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { 
      dispatch table = dispatch.call(tables, "item", new variant(i + 1)) 
      dispatch.call(table, "select"); 
      dispatch.call(word, "run", "tablefitcontent"); 
   * 设置当前选定内容的字体 
   * @param boldsize 
   * @param italicsize 
   * @param underlinesize 
   *      下划线 
   * @param colorsize 
   *      字体颜色 
   * @param size 
   *      字体大小 
   * @param name 
   *      字体名称 
  public void setfont(boolean bold, boolean italic, boolean underline, 
      string colorsize, string size, string name) { 
    dispatch font = dispatch.get(selection, "font").todispatch(); 
    dispatch.put(font, "name", new variant(name)); 
    dispatch.put(font, "bold", new variant(bold)); 
    dispatch.put(font, "italic", new variant(italic)); 
    dispatch.put(font, "underline", new variant(underline)); 
    dispatch.put(font, "color", colorsize); 
    dispatch.put(font, "size", size); 
   * 设置单元格被选中 
   * @param tableindex 
   * @param cellrowidx 
   * @param cellcolidx 
  public void settablecellselected(int tableindex, int cellrowidx, int cellcolidx){ 
    dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
    dispatch table = dispatch.call(tables, "item", new variant(tableindex)) 
    dispatch cell = dispatch.call(table, "cell", new variant(cellrowidx), 
        new variant(cellcolidx)).todispatch(); 
    dispatch.call(cell, "select"); 
   * 设置选定单元格的垂直对起方式, 请使用settablecellselected选中一个单元格 
   * @param align 0-顶端, 1-居中, 3-底端 
  public void setcellverticalalign(int verticalalign){ 
    dispatch cells = dispatch.get(selection, "cells").todispatch();    
    dispatch.put(cells, "verticalalignment", new variant(verticalalign));     
   * 设置当前文档中所有表格水平居中方式及其它一些格式,用在将word文件转化为html中,针对申报表 
  public void setapplytableformat(){ 
    dispatch tables = dispatch.get(doc, "tables").todispatch(); 
    int tabcount = integer.valueof(dispatch.get(tables, "count").tostring());  //system.out.println(tabcount); 
    for(int i=1; i<=tabcount; i++){    
      dispatch table = dispatch.call(tables, "item", new variant(i)).todispatch(); 
      dispatch rows = dispatch.get(table, "rows").todispatch(); 
        dispatch.put(rows, "alignment", new variant(2));  //1-居中,2-right 
        continue ; 
      dispatch.put(rows, "alignment", new variant(1));  //1-居中      
      dispatch.call(table, "autofitbehavior", new variant(1));//设置自动调整表格方式,1-根据窗口自动调整 
      dispatch.put(table, "preferredwidthtype", new variant(1)); 
      dispatch.put(table, "preferredwidth", new variant(700));       
      system.out.println(dispatch.get(rows, "heightrule").tostring()); 
      dispatch.put(rows, "heightrule", new variant(1));  //0-自动wdrowheightauto,1-最小值wdrowheightatleast, 2-固定wdrowheightexactly   
      dispatch.put(rows, "height", new variant(0.04*28.35));      
      //int oldalign = integer.valueof(dispatch.get(rows, "alignment").tostring());   
      //system.out.println("algin:" + oldalign); 
   * 设置段落格式 
   * @param alignment 
   *     0-左对齐, 1-右对齐, 2-右对齐, 3-两端对齐, 4-分散对齐 
   * @param linespaceingrule  
   * @param lineunitbefore   
   * @param lineunitafter  
   * @param characterunitfirstlineindent 
  public void setparagraphsproperties(int alignment, int linespaceingrule, 
      int lineunitbefore, int lineunitafter, int characterunitfirstlineindent){ 
    dispatch paragraphs = dispatch.get(selection, "paragraphs").todispatch();   
    dispatch.put(paragraphs, "alignment", new variant(alignment));       //对齐方式      
    dispatch.put(paragraphs, "linespacingrule", new variant(linespaceingrule)); //行距 
    dispatch.put(paragraphs, "lineunitbefore", new variant(lineunitbefore));  //段前 
    dispatch.put(paragraphs, "lineunitafter", new variant(lineunitafter));   //段后   
    dispatch.put(paragraphs, "characterunitfirstlineindent",  
        new variant(characterunitfirstlineindent));             //首行缩进字符数 
   * 设置当前段落格式, 使用前,请先选中段落 
  public void getparagraphsproperties(){ 
    dispatch paragraphs = dispatch.get(selection, "paragraphs").todispatch();     
    string val = dispatch.get(paragraphs, "linespacingrule").tostring();  //行距 
    val = dispatch.get(paragraphs, "alignment").tostring();     //对齐方式  
    val = dispatch.get(paragraphs, "lineunitbefore").tostring();  //段前行数 
    val = dispatch.get(paragraphs, "lineunitafter").tostring();   //段后行数 
    val = dispatch.get(paragraphs, "firstlineindent").tostring();  //首行缩进 
    val = dispatch.get(paragraphs, "characterunitfirstlineindent").tostring(); //首行缩进字符数 
   * 文件保存或另存为 
   * @param savepath 
   *      保存或另存为路径 
  public void save(string savepath) { 
    dispatch.call(dispatch.call(word, "wordbasic").getdispatch(), 
        "filesaveas", savepath); 
   * 文件保存为html格式 
   * @param savepath 
   * @param htmlpath 
  public void saveashtml(string htmlpath){ 
    dispatch.invoke(doc,"saveas", dispatch.method,  
        new object[]{htmlpath, new variant(8)}, new int[1]);  
   * 关闭文档 
   *@param val 0不保存修改 -1 保存修改 -2 提示是否保存修改 
  public void closedocument(int val) { 
    dispatch.call(doc, "close", new variant(val)); 
    doc = null; 
   * 关闭当前word文档 
  public void closedocument() { 
    if (doc != null) { 
      dispatch.call(doc, "save"); 
      dispatch.call(doc, "close", new variant(saveonexit)); 
      doc = null; 
  public void closedocumentwithoutsave(){ 
    if (doc != null) {      
      dispatch.call(doc, "close", new variant(false)); 
      doc = null; 
   * 关闭全部应用 
  public void close() { 
    if (word != null) { 
      dispatch.call(word, "quit"); 
      word = null; 
    selection = null; 
    documents = null; 
   * 打印当前word文档 
  public void printfile() { 
    if (doc != null) { 
      dispatch.call(doc, "printout"); 
   * 保护当前档,如果不存在, 使用expression.protect(type, noreset, password) 
   * @param pwd 
   * wdprotectiontype 可以是下列 wdprotectiontype 常量之一: 
   *   1-wdallowonlycomments, 2-wdallowonlyformfields, 0-wdallowonlyrevisions, 
   *   -1-wdnoprotection, 3-wdallowonlyreading 
   * 使用参照 main1() 
  public void protectedword(string pwd){ 
    string protectiontype = dispatch.get(doc, "protectiontype").tostring(); 
      dispatch.call(doc, "protect", new variant(3), new variant(true), pwd); 
   * 解除文档保护,如果存在 
   * @param pwd 
   * wdprotectiontype 常量之一(long 类型,只读): 
   *   1-wdallowonlycomments,2-wdallowonlyformfields、 
   *   0-wdallowonlyrevisions,-1-wdnoprotection, 3-wdallowonlyreading 
   *   使用参照 main1() 
  public void unprotectedword(string pwd){ 
    string protectiontype = dispatch.get(doc, "protectiontype").tostring(); 
      dispatch.call(doc, "unprotect", pwd); 
   * 设置word文档安全级别 
   * @param value 
   *   1-msoautomationsecuritybyui 使用“安全”对话框指定的安全设置。 
   *   2-msoautomationsecurityforcedisable 在程序打开的所有文件中禁用所有宏,而不显示任何安全提醒。 
   *   3-msoautomationsecuritylow 启用所有宏,这是启动应用程序时的默认值。 
  public void setautomationsecurity(int value){ 
    word.setproperty("automationsecurity", new variant(value));  
   * 读取文档中第paragraphsindex段文字的内容; 
   * @param paragraphsindex 
   * @return 
  public string getparagraphs(int paragraphsindex){ 
    string ret = ""; 
    dispatch paragraphs = dispatch.get(doc, "paragraphs").todispatch(); // 所有段落 
    int paragraphcount = dispatch.get(paragraphs, "count").getint();      // 一共的段落数 
    dispatch paragraph = null; 
    dispatch range = null; 
    if(paragraphcount > paragraphsindex && 0 < paragraphsindex){  
      paragraph = dispatch.call(paragraphs, "item", new variant(paragraphsindex)).todispatch(); 
      range = dispatch.get(paragraph, "range").todispatch(); 
      ret = dispatch.get(range, "text").tostring(); 
    return ret; 
   * 设置页眉文字 
   * @param cont 
   * @return 
   * sub addheadertext() 
   * '设置页眉或页脚中的文字 
   * '由 headers、footers 和 headerfooter 属性返回 headerfooter 对象。下列示例更改当前页眉中的文字。 
   * with activedocument.activewindow.view 
   *   .seekview = wdseekcurrentpageheader 
   *   selection.headerfooter.range.text = "header text" 
   *   .seekview = wdseekmaindocument 
   * end with 
   * end sub 
  public void setheadercontent(string cont){ 
    dispatch activewindow = dispatch.get(doc, "activewindow").todispatch(); 
    dispatch view = dispatch.get(activewindow, "view").todispatch(); 
    //dispatch seekview = dispatch.get(view, "seekview").todispatch(); 
    dispatch.put(view, "seekview", new variant(9));     //wdseekcurrentpageheader-9 
    dispatch headerfooter = dispatch.get(selection, "headerfooter").todispatch(); 
    dispatch range = dispatch.get(headerfooter, "range").todispatch(); 
    dispatch.put(range, "text", new variant(cont));  
    //string content = dispatch.get(range, "text").tostring(); 
    dispatch font = dispatch.get(range, "font").todispatch(); 
    dispatch.put(font, "name", new variant("楷体_gb2312")); 
    dispatch.put(font, "bold", new variant(true)); 
    //dispatch.put(font, "italic", new variant(true)); 
    //dispatch.put(font, "underline", new variant(true)); 
    dispatch.put(font, "size", 9); 
    dispatch.put(view, "seekview", new variant(0));     //wdseekmaindocument-0恢复视图; 
  public static void main(string[] args)throws exception{ 
    wordbean word = new wordbean();  


     activexcomponent app = new activexcomponent("word.application");
     app.setproperty("visible", new variant(false));  
     dispatch docs = app.getproperty("documents").todispatch();  
     dispatch doc = dispatch.invoke(docs, "open", dispatch.method, new object[] { "d:/aaa/a.doc", new variant(false),  
             new variant(false) }, new int[1]).todispatch(); 
     dispatch activedocument = app.getproperty("activedocument").todispatch();
     dispatch tablesofcontents = dispatch.get(activedocument,"tablesofcontents").todispatch();
     variant tablesofcontent = dispatch.call(tablesofcontents, "item", new variant(1)); 
     /**更新目录,有两个方法:update 更新域,updatepagenumbers 只更新页码*/
     dispatch toc = tablesofcontent.todispatch();
     toc.call(toc, "update");
     dispatch.call(doc, "save");
     dispatch.call(doc, "close", new variant(-1));
     app.invoke("quit", new variant[] {});

