public class download { public static int threadcount = 5; //线程开启的数量.. public static void main(string[] args) { // todo auto-generated method stub string path = ""; try { url url = new url(path); httpurlconnection conn = (httpurlconnection) url.openconnection(); conn.setrequestmethod("get"); conn.setconnecttimeout(5000); int status = conn.getresponsecode(); if(status == 200){ int length = conn.getcontentlength(); system.out.println(length); int blocksize = length/threadcount; //将文件长度进行平分.. for(int threadid=1; threadid<=threadcount;threadid++){ int startindex = (threadid-1)*blocksize; //开始位置的求法.. int endindex = threadid*blocksize -1; //结束位置的求法.. /** * 如果一个文件的长度无法整除线程数.. * 那么最后一个线程下载的结束位置需要设置文件末尾.. * */ if(threadid == threadcount){ endindex = length; } system.out.println("线程下载位置:"+startindex+"---"+endindex); } } } catch (exception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } } }
//下载线程的定义.. public static class downloadthread implements runnable{ private int threadid; private int startindex; private int endindex; private string path; public downloadthread(int threadid,int startindex,int endindex,string path){ this.threadid = threadid; this.startindex = startindex; this.endindex = endindex; this.path = path; } @override public void run() { // todo auto-generated method stub try { //判断上一次是否下载完毕..如果没有下载完毕需要继续进行下载..这个文件记录了上一次的下载位置.. file tempfile =new file(threadid+".txt"); if(tempfile.exists() && tempfile.length()>0){ fileinputstream fis = new fileinputstream(tempfile); byte buffer[] = new byte[1024]; int leng =; int downlength = integer.parseint(new string(buffer,0,leng));//从上次下载后的位置开始下载..重新拟定开始下载的位置.. startindex = downlength; fis.close(); } url url = new url(path); httpurlconnection conn =(httpurlconnection) url.openconnection(); conn.setrequestmethod("get"); conn.setconnecttimeout(5000); conn.setrequestproperty("range", "bytes="+startindex+"-"+endindex); int status = conn.getresponsecode(); //206也表示服务器响应成功.. if(status == 206){ //获取服务器返回的i/o流..然后将数据写入文件当中.. inputstream in = conn.getinputstream(); //文件写入开始..用来保存当前需要下载的文件.. randomaccessfile raf = new randomaccessfile("jdk.exe", "rwd");; int len = 0; byte buf[] =new byte[1024]; //记录已经下载的长度.. int total = 0; while((len =!=-1){ //用于记录当前下载的信息.. randomaccessfile file =new randomaccessfile(threadid+".txt", "rwd"); total += len; file.write((total+startindex+"").getbytes()); file.close(); //将数据写入文件当中.. raf.write(buf, 0, len); } in.close(); raf.close(); } } catch (exception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); }finally{ //如果所有的线程全部下载完毕后..也就是任务完成..清除掉所有原来的记录文件.. runningthread -- ; if(runningthread==0){ for(int i=1;i<threadcount;i++){ file file = new file(i+".txt"); file.delete(); } } } } }
package com.example.mutithread; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.bundle; import android.os.handler; import android.os.message; import; import android.text.textutils; import; import android.view.view; import android.widget.edittext; import android.widget.progressbar; import android.widget.textview; import android.widget.toast; public class mainactivity extends activity { private edittext et; private progressbar pb; public static int threadcount = 5; public static int runningthread=5; public int currentprogress=0; //当前进度值.. private textview tv; private handler handler = new handler(){ @override public void handlemessage(message msg){ switch (msg.what) { case 1: toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), msg.obj.tostring(), 0).show(); break; case 2: break; case 3: tv.settext("当前进度:"+(pb.getprogress()*100)/pb.getmax()); default: break; } } }; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main); et = (edittext) findviewbyid(; pb =(progressbar) findviewbyid(; tv= (textview) findviewbyid(; } public void download(view v){ final string path = et.gettext().tostring().trim(); if(textutils.isempty(path)){ toast.maketext(this, "下载路径错误", toast.length_long).show(); return ; } new thread(){ // string path = ""; public void run(){ try { url url = new url(path); httpurlconnection conn = (httpurlconnection) url.openconnection(); conn.setrequestmethod("get"); conn.setconnecttimeout(5000); int status = conn.getresponsecode(); if(status == 200){ int length = conn.getcontentlength(); system.out.println("文件总长度"+length); pb.setmax(length); randomaccessfile raf = new randomaccessfile("/sdcard/setup.exe","rwd"); raf.setlength(length); raf.close(); //开启5个线程来下载当前资源.. int blocksize = length/threadcount ; for(int threadid=1;threadid<=threadcount;threadid++){ int startindex = (threadid-1)*blocksize; int endindex = threadid*blocksize -1; if(threadid == threadcount){ endindex = length; } system.out.println("线程"+threadid+"下载:---"+startindex+"--->"+endindex); new thread(new downloadthread(threadid, startindex, endindex, path)).start() ; } } } catch (exception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } }; }.start(); } /** * 下载线程.. * */ public class downloadthread implements runnable{ private int threadid; private int startindex; private int endindex; private string path; public downloadthread(int threadid,int startindex,int endindex,string path){ this.threadid = threadid; this.startindex = startindex; this.endindex = endindex; this.path = path; } @override public void run() { // todo auto-generated method stub url url; try { //检查是否存在还未下载完成的文件... file tempfile = new file("/sdcard/"+threadid+".txt"); if(tempfile.exists() && tempfile.length()>0){ fileinputstream fis = new fileinputstream(tempfile); byte temp[] =new byte[1024]; int leng =; int downlength = integer.parseint(new string(temp,0,leng)); int alreadydown = downlength -startindex; currentprogress += alreadydown;//发生断点之后记录下载的文件长度.. startindex = downlength; fis.close(); } url = new url(path); httpurlconnection conn = (httpurlconnection) url.openconnection(); conn.setrequestmethod("get"); conn.setrequestproperty("range", "bytes="+startindex+"-"+endindex); conn.setconnecttimeout(5000); //获取响应码.. int status =conn.getresponsecode(); if(status == 206){ inputstream in = conn.getinputstream(); randomaccessfile raf =new randomaccessfile("/sdcard/jdk.exe", "rwd"); //文件开始写入..; int len =0; byte[] buffer =new byte[1024]; //已经下载的数据长度.. int total = 0; while((len =!=-1){ //记录当前数据下载的长度... randomaccessfile file = new randomaccessfile("/sdcard/"+threadid+".txt", "rwd"); raf.write(buffer, 0, len); total += len; system.out.println("线程"+threadid+"total:"+total); file.write((total+startindex+"").getbytes()); file.close(); synchronized (mainactivity.this) { currentprogress += len; //获取当前总进度... //progressbar progressdialog可以直接在子线程内部更新ui..由于源码内部进行了特殊的处理.. pb.setprogress(currentprogress); //更改界面上的进度条进度.. message msg =message.obtain(); //复用以前的消息..避免多次new... msg.what = 3; handler.sendmessage(msg); } } raf.close(); in.close(); system.out.println("线程:"+threadid+"下载完毕"); }else{ system.out.println("线程:"+threadid+"下载失败"); } } catch (exception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); message msg = new message(); msg.what = 1; msg.obj = e; handler.sendmessage(msg); }finally{ synchronized (mainactivity.this) { runningthread--; if(runningthread == 0){ for(int i=1;i<=threadcount;i++){ file file = new file("/sdcard/"+i+".txt"); file.delete(); } message msg =new message(); msg.what = 2; msg.obj ="下载完毕"; handler.sendmessage(msg); } } } } } @override public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu(menu menu) { // inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present. getmenuinflater().inflate(, menu); return true; } }
源代码如上..优化的事情我就不做了..为了方便直接就贴上了..这里定义了一个progressbar进度条..一个textview来同步进度条的下载进度..在android中我们自然不能够在主线程中去调用耗时间的操作..因此这些耗时的操作我们就通过开启子线程的方式去使用..但是子线程是不能够更新ui界面的..因此我们需要使用到handler message机制来完成主界面ui更新的操作.
private synchronized void refreshprogress(int id, int progress, boolean fromuser) { if (muithreadid == thread.currentthread().getid()) { //如果当前运行的线程和主线程相同..那么更新进度条.. dorefreshprogress(id, progress, fromuser, true); } else { //如果不满足上面说的情况.. if (mrefreshprogressrunnable == null) { mrefreshprogressrunnable = new refreshprogressrunnable();//那么新建立一个线程..然后执行下面的过程.. } final refreshdata rd = refreshdata.obtain(id, progress, fromuser); //获取消息队列中的消息.. mrefreshdata.add(rd); if (mattached && !mrefreshisposted) { post(mrefreshprogressrunnable); //主要是这个地方..调用了post方法..将当前运行的线程发送到消息队列当中..那么这个线程就可以在ui中运行了..因此这一步是决定因素.. mrefreshisposted = true; } } }
正是由于源码内部调用了post方法..将当前的线程放入到消息队列当中..那么ui中的looper线程就会对这个线程进行处理,那么就表示这个线程是可以被执行在ui当中的..也正是这个因素导致了我们可以在子线程内部更新progressbar..但是我们可以看到如果我们想要去更新textview的时候..我们就需要调用handler message机制来完成ui界面的更新了..因此这一块需要我们去注意。