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程序员文章站 2024-02-26 21:32:04





public defaultsettings() {
    arraylist<settings> list = new arraylist<settings>();
    // stuts.properties, default.properties
    try {
      list.add(new propertiessettings("struts"));
    } catch (exception e) {
      log.warn("defaultsettings: could not find or error in struts.properties", e);


public propertiessettings(string name) {
    url settingsurl = classloaderutil.getresource(name + ".properties", getclass());
    if (settingsurl == null) {
      if (log.isdebugenabled()) {
      log.debug(name + ".properties missing");
      settings = new locatableproperties();

也可以把你想写在struts.properties的自定义配置写在struts.xml文件下<constant>节点中,java培训如果同时都在两个文件配置了,一个相同的项目, 先加载 struts.xml,再加载struts.properties也就是说 struts.properties 是可以覆盖 struts.xml里面的配置的

<constant name="struts.devmode" value="false" />
  <constant name="struts.i18n.encoding" value="utf-8" />
  <constant name="struts.action.extension" value="action," />
  <constant name="struts.objectfactory" value="spring" />
  <constant name="struts.custom.i18n.resources" value="applicationresources,errors" />
  <constant name="struts.multipart.maxsize" value="2097152" />
  <constant name="struts.ui.theme" value="css_xhtml" />
  <constant name="struts.codebehind.pathprefix" value="/web-inf/pages/" />
  <constant name="struts.enable.slashesinactionnames" value="true" />
  <constant name="struts.convention.action.disablescanning"
    value="true" />
  <constant name="struts.mapper.alwaysselectfullnamespace"
    value="false" />
  <!-- allow <s:submit> to call method names directly -->
  <constant name="struts.enable.dynamicmethodinvocation" value="true" />
  <constant name="struts.multipart.savedir" value="/tmp"></constant>


package org.apache.struts2;
import org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.mapper.compositeactionmapper;
 * this class provides a central location for framework configuration keys
 * used to retrieve and store struts configuration settings.
public final class strutsconstants {
  /** whether struts is in development mode or not */
  public static final string struts_devmode = "struts.devmode";
  /** whether the localization messages should automatically be reloaded */
  public static final string struts_i18n_reload = "struts.i18n.reload";
  /** the encoding to use for localization messages */
  public static final string struts_i18n_encoding = "struts.i18n.encoding";
  /** whether to reload the xml configuration or not */
  public static final string struts_configuration_xml_reload = "struts.configuration.xml.reload";
  /** the url extension to use to determine if the request is meant for a struts action */
  public static final string struts_action_extension = "struts.action.extension";
  /** comma separated list of patterns (java.util.regex.pattern) to be excluded from struts2-processing */
  public static final string struts_action_exclude_pattern = "struts.action.excludepattern";
  /** whether to use the alterative syntax for the tags or not */
  public static final string struts_tag_altsyntax = "struts.tag.altsyntax";
  /** the http port used by struts urls */
  public static final string struts_url_http_port = "struts.url.http.port";
  /** the https port used by struts urls */
  public static final string struts_url_https_port = "struts.url.https.port";
  /** the default includeparams method to generate struts urls */
  public static final string struts_url_includeparams = "struts.url.includeparams";
  public static final string struts_url_renderer = "struts.urlrenderer";
  /** the com.opensymphony.xwork2.objectfactory implementation class */
  public static final string struts_objectfactory = "struts.objectfactory";
  public static final string struts_objectfactory_actionfactory = "struts.objectfactory.actionfactory";
  public static final string struts_objectfactory_resultfactory = "struts.objectfactory.resultfactory";
  public static final string struts_objectfactory_converterfactory = "struts.objectfactory.converterfactory";
  public static final string struts_objectfactory_interceptorfactory = "struts.objectfactory.interceptorfactory";
  public static final string struts_objectfactory_validatorfactory = "struts.objectfactory.validatorfactory";
  public static final string struts_objectfactory_unknownhandlerfactory = "struts.objectfactory.unknownhandlerfactory";
  /** the com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.filemanager implementation class */
  public static final string struts_file_manager_factory = "struts.filemanagerfactory";
  /** the com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.fs.filemanager implementation class */
  public static final string struts_file_manager = "struts.filemanager";
  /** the com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.objecttypedeterminer implementation class */
  public static final string struts_objecttypedeterminer = "struts.objecttypedeterminer";
  /** the package containing actions that use rife continuations */
  public static final string struts_continuations_package = "struts.continuations.package";
  /** the org.apache.struts2.config.configuration implementation class */
  public static final string struts_configuration = "struts.configuration";
  /** the default locale for the struts application */
  public static final string struts_locale = "struts.locale";
  /** whether to use a servlet request parameter workaround necessary for some versions of weblogic */
  public static final string struts_dispatcher_parametersworkaround = "struts.dispatcher.parametersworkaround";
  /** the org.apache.struts2.views.freemarker.freemarkermanager implementation class */
  public static final string struts_freemarker_manager_classname = "struts.freemarker.manager.classname";
  /** cache freemarker templates, this cache is managed by struts2,instead of native freemarker cache,set struts_freemarker_mru_max_strong_size >0&&struts_freemarker_templates_cache_update_delay>0*/
  public static final string struts_freemarker_templates_cache = "struts.freemarker.templatescache";
  /** update freemarker templates cache in seconds*/
  public static final string struts_freemarker_templates_cache_update_delay = "struts.freemarker.templatescache.updatedelay";
  /** cache model instances at beanwrapper level */
  public static final string struts_freemarker_beanwrapper_cache = "struts.freemarker.beanwrappercache";
  /** maximum strong sizing for mrucachestorage for freemarker */
  public static final string struts_freemarker_mru_max_strong_size = "struts.freemarker.mru.max.strong.size";
  /** org.apache.struts2.views.velocity.velocitymanager implementation class */
  public static final string struts_velocity_manager_classname = "struts.velocity.manager.classname";
  /** the velocity configuration file path */
  public static final string struts_velocity_configfile = "struts.velocity.configfile";
  /** the location of the velocity toolbox */
  public static final string struts_velocity_toolboxlocation = "struts.velocity.toolboxlocation";
  /** list of velocity context names */
  public static final string struts_velocity_contexts = "struts.velocity.contexts";
  /** the directory containing ui templates. all templates must reside in this directory. */
  public static final string struts_ui_templatedir = "struts.ui.templatedir";
  /** the default ui template theme */
  public static final string struts_ui_theme = "struts.ui.theme";
  /** token to use to indicate start of theme to be expanded. */
  public static final string struts_ui_theme_expansion_token = "struts.ui.theme.expansion.token";
  /** the maximize size of a multipart request (file upload) */
  public static final string struts_multipart_maxsize = "struts.multipart.maxsize";
  /** the directory to use for storing uploaded files */
  public static final string struts_multipart_savedir = "struts.multipart.savedir";
  /** declares the buffer size to be used during streaming multipart content to disk. used only with {@link org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.multipart.jakartastreammultipartrequest} */
  public static final string struts_multipart_buffersize = "struts.multipart.buffersize";
   * the org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.multipart.multipartrequest parser implementation
   * for a multipart request (file upload)
  public static final string struts_multipart_parser = "struts.multipart.parser";
  /** how spring should autowire. valid values are 'name', 'type', 'auto', and 'constructor' */
  public static final string struts_objectfactory_spring_autowire = "struts.objectfactory.spring.autowire";
  /** whether the autowire strategy chosen by struts_objectfactory_spring_autowire is always respected. defaults
   * to false, which is the legacy behavior that tries to determine the best strategy for the situation.
   * @since 2.1.3
  public static final string struts_objectfactory_spring_autowire_always_respect = "struts.objectfactory.spring.autowire.alwaysrespect";
  /** whether spring should use its class cache or not */
  public static final string struts_objectfactory_spring_use_class_cache = "struts.objectfactory.spring.useclasscache";
  /** uses different logic to construct beans, see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ww-4110 */
  public static final string struts_objectfactory_spring_enable_aop_support = "struts.objectfactory.spring.enableaopsupport";
  /** whether or not xslt templates should not be cached */
  public static final string struts_xslt_nocache = "struts.xslt.nocache";
  /** location of additional configuration properties files to load */
  public static final string struts_custom_properties = "struts.custom.properties";
  /** location of additional localization properties files to load */
  public static final string struts_custom_i18n_resources = "struts.custom.i18n.resources";
  /** the org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.mapper.actionmapper implementation class */
  public static final string struts_mapper_class = "struts.mapper.class";
   * a prefix based action mapper that is capable of delegating to other
   * {@link org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.mapper.actionmapper}s based on the request's prefix
   * you can specify different prefixes that will be handled by different mappers
  public static final string prefix_based_mapper_configuration = "struts.mapper.prefixmapping";
  /** whether the struts filter should serve static content or not */
  public static final string struts_serve_static_content = "struts.serve.static";
  /** if static content served by the struts filter should set browser caching header properties or not */
  public static final string struts_serve_static_browser_cache = "struts.serve.static.browsercache";
  /** allows one to disable dynamic method invocation from the url */
  public static final string struts_enable_dynamic_method_invocation = "struts.enable.dynamicmethodinvocation";
  /** whether slashes in action names are allowed or not */
  public static final string struts_enable_slashes_in_action_names = "struts.enable.slashesinactionnames";
  /** prefix used by {@link compositeactionmapper} to identify its containing {@link org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.mapper.actionmapper} class. */
  public static final string struts_mapper_composite = "struts.mapper.composite";
  public static final string struts_actionproxyfactory = "struts.actionproxyfactory";
  public static final string struts_freemarker_wrapper_alt_map = "struts.freemarker.wrapper.altmap";
  /** the name of the xwork converter implementation */
  public static final string struts_xworkconverter = "struts.xworkconverter";
  public static final string struts_always_select_full_namespace = "struts.mapper.alwaysselectfullnamespace";
  /** xwork default text provider */
  public static final string struts_xworktextprovider = "struts.xworktextprovider";
  /** the {@link com.opensymphony.xwork2.localeprovider} implementation class */
  public static final string struts_locale_provider = "struts.localeprovider";
  /** the name of the parameter to create when mapping an id (used by some action mappers) */
  public static final string struts_id_parameter_name = "struts.mapper.idparametername";
  /** the name of the parameter to determine whether static method access will be allowed in ognl expressions or not */
  public static final string struts_allow_static_method_access = "struts.ognl.allowstaticmethodaccess";
  /** the com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.actionvalidatormanager implementation class */
  public static final string struts_actionvalidatormanager = "struts.actionvalidatormanager";
  /** the {@link com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.valuestackfactory} implementation class */
  public static final string struts_valuestackfactory = "struts.valuestackfactory";
  /** the {@link com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.reflection.reflectionprovider} implementation class */
  public static final string struts_reflectionprovider = "struts.reflectionprovider";
  /** the {@link com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.reflection.reflectioncontextfactory} implementation class */
  public static final string struts_reflectioncontextfactory = "struts.reflectioncontextfactory";
  /** the {@link com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.patternmatcher} implementation class */
  public static final string struts_patternmatcher = "struts.patternmatcher";
  /** the {@link org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.staticcontentloader} implementation class */
  public static final string struts_static_content_loader = "struts.staticcontentloader";
  /** the {@link com.opensymphony.xwork2.unknownhandlermanager} implementation class */
  public static final string struts_unknown_handler_manager = "struts.unknownhandlermanager";
  /** throw runtimeexception when a property is not found, or the evaluation of the espression fails*/
  public static final string struts_el_throw_exception = "struts.el.throwexceptiononfailure";
  /** logs properties that are not found (very verbose) **/
  public static final string struts_log_missing_properties = "struts.ognl.logmissingproperties";
  /** enables caching of parsed ognl expressions **/
  public static final string struts_enable_ognl_expression_cache = "struts.ognl.enableexpressioncache";
  /** enables evaluation of ognl expressions **/
  public static final string struts_enable_ognl_eval_expression = "struts.ognl.enableognlevalexpression";
  /** disables {@link org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.strutsrequestwrapper} request attribute value stack lookup (jstl accessibility) **/
  public static final string struts_disable_request_attribute_value_stack_lookup = "struts.disablerequestattributevaluestacklookup";
  /** the{@link org.apache.struts2.views.util.urlhelper} implementation class **/
  public static final string struts_url_helper = "struts.view.urlhelper";
  /** {@link com.opensymphony.xwork2.conversion.impl.xworkbasicconverter} **/
  public static final string struts_converter_collection = "struts.converter.collection";
  public static final string struts_converter_array = "struts.converter.array";
  public static final string struts_converter_date = "struts.converter.date";
  public static final string struts_converter_number = "struts.converter.number";
  public static final string struts_converter_string = "struts.converter.string";
  /** enable handling exceptions by dispatcher - true by default **/
  public static final string struts_handle_exception = "struts.handle.exception";
  public static final string struts_converter_properties_processor = "struts.converter.properties.processor";
  public static final string struts_converter_file_processor = "struts.converter.file.processor";
  public static final string struts_converter_annotation_processor = "struts.converter.annotation.processor";
  public static final string struts_converter_creator = "struts.converter.creator";
  public static final string struts_converter_holder = "struts..converter.holder";
  public static final string struts_expression_parser = "struts.expression.parser";
  /** actions names' whitelist **/
  public static final string struts_allowed_action_names = "struts.allowed.action.names";
  /** enables action: prefix **/
  public static final string struts_mapper_action_prefix_enabled = "struts.mapper.action.prefix.enabled";
  /** enables access to actions in other namespaces than current with action: prefix **/
  public static final string struts_mapper_action_prefix_crossnamespaces = "struts.mapper.action.prefix.crossnamespaces";
  public static final string default_template_type_config_key = "struts.ui.templatesuffix";
  /** allows override default dispatchererrorhandler **/
  public static final string struts_dispatcher_error_handler = "struts.dispatcher.errorhandler";
  /** comma delimited set of excluded classes and package names which cannot be accessed via expressions **/
  public static final string struts_excluded_classes = "struts.excludedclasses";
  public static final string struts_excluded_package_name_patterns = "struts.excludedpackagenamepatterns";
  /** dedicated services to check if passed string is excluded/accepted **/
  public static final string struts_excluded_patterns_checker = "struts.excludedpatterns.checker";
  public static final string struts_accepted_patterns_checker = "struts.acceptedpatterns.checker";
  /** constant is used to override framework's default excluded patterns **/
  public static final string struts_override_excluded_patterns = "struts.override.excludedpatterns";
  public static final string struts_override_accepted_patterns = "struts.override.acceptedpatterns";
  public static final string struts_additional_excluded_patterns = "struts.additional.excludedpatterns";
  public static final string struts_additional_accepted_patterns = "struts.additional.acceptedpatterns";


/** comma separated list of patterns (java.util.regex.pattern) to be excluded from struts2-processing */
  public static final string struts_action_exclude_pattern = "struts.action.excludepattern";





以上就是本文关于struts2配置静态资源代码详解的全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助。感兴趣的朋友可以参阅:   struts2 通过ognl表达式实现投影   struts2修改上传文件大小限制方法解析 等,有什么问题可以随时留言,小编会及时回复大家的。感谢朋友们对本站的支持。