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程序员文章站 2024-02-26 15:27:04
package coreservlets;import java.io.*;import javax.servlet.*;import javax.servlet.http...
package coreservlets;

import java.io.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

/** sets six cookies: three that apply only to the current
* session (regardless of how long that session lasts)
* and three that persist for an hour (regardless of
* whether the browser is restarted).
* <p>
* taken from core servlets and javaserver pages
* from prentice hall and sun microsystems press,
* http://www.coreservlets.com/.
* © 2000 marty hall; may be freely used or adapted.

public class setcookies extends httpservlet {
public void doget(httpservletrequest request,
httpservletresponse response)
throws servletexception, ioexception {
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
// default maxage is -1, indicating cookie
// applies only to current browsing session.
cookie cookie = new cookie("session-cookie-" + i,
"cookie-value-s" + i);
cookie = new cookie("persistent-cookie-" + i,
"cookie-value-p" + i);
// cookie is valid for an hour, regardless of whether
// user quits browser, reboots computer, or whatever.
printwriter out = response.getwriter();
string title = "setting cookies";
(servletutilities.headwithtitle(title) +
"<body bgcolor=\"#fdf5e6\">\n" +
"<h1 align=\"center\">" + title + "</h1>\n" +
"there are six cookies associated with this page.\n" +
"to see them, visit the\n" +
"<a href=\"/servlet/coreservlets.showcookies\">\n" +
"<code>showcookies</code> servlet</a>.\n" +
"<p>\n" +
"three of the cookies are associated only with the\n" +
"current session, while three are persistent.\n" +
"quit the browser, restart, and return to the\n" +
"<code>showcookies</code> servlet to verify that\n" +
"the three long-lived ones persist across sessions.\n" +