/** * <p>initialize this servlet. most of the processing has been factored into * support methods so that you can overrideparticular functionality at a * fairly granular level.</p> * * @exception servletexception if we cannotconfigure ourselves correctly */ publicvoidinit() throwsservletexception { // wraps the entire initialization in a try/catch tobetter handle // unexpected exceptions and errors to provide better feedback // to the developer try { initinternal(); initother(); initservlet(); getservletcontext().setattribute(globals.action_servlet_key, this); initmoduleconfigfactory(); // initialize modules as needed moduleconfig moduleconfig =initmoduleconfig("", config); initmodulemessageresources(moduleconfig); initmoduledatasources(moduleconfig); initmoduleplugins(moduleconfig); moduleconfig.freeze(); enumeration names =getservletconfig().getinitparameternames(); while (names.hasmoreelements()) { string name = (string)namesnextelement(); if (!name.startswith("config/")) { continue; } string prefix =name.substring(6); moduleconfig = initmoduleconfig (prefix,getservletconfig().getinitparameter(name)); initmodulemessageresources(moduleconfig); initmoduledatasources(moduleconfig); initmoduleplugins(moduleconfig); moduleconfig.freeze(); } this.initmoduleprefixes(this.getservletcontext()); thisdestroyconfigdigester(); } catch (unavailableexception ex) { throw ex; } catch (throwable t) { // the follow error message is not retrieved from internal message // resources as they may not have been able to have been // initialized logerror("unable to initialize struts actionservlet due to an " + "unexpected exception or error thrown, so marking the " + "servlet as unavailable. mostlikely, this is due to an " + "incorrect or missing library dependency.", t); throw new unavailableexception(t.getmessage()); } }
/** * <p>initialize our internal messageresourcesbundle</p> * * @exception servletexception if we cannotinitialize these resources */ protectedvoidinitinternal() throwsservletexception { // :fixme: document unavailableexception try { internal = messageresourcesgetmessageresources(internalname); } catch (missingresourceexception e) { log.error("cannot load internal resources from '"+ internalname+ "'", e); throw new unavailableexception ("cannot load internal resources from '"+ internalname+ "'"); } }
/** * create and return an instance of <code>messageresources</code> for the * created by the default <code>messageresourcesfactory</code>. * * @param config configuration parameterfor this message bundle. */ publicsynchronizedstaticmessageresources getmessageresources(string config) { if (defaultfactory == null) { defaultfactory =messageresourcesfactory.createfactory(); } return defaultfactory.createresources(config); }
/** * create and return a <code>messageresourcesfactory</code> instance ofthe * appropriate class, which can be used tocreate customized * <code>messageresources</code>instances if no such factory can be * created, return <code>null</code> instead */ publicstaticmessageresourcesfactory createfactory(){ // construct a new instance of the specified factory class try { if (clazz == null) clazz = requestutils.applicationclass(factoryclass); messageresourcesfactory factory = (messageresourcesfactory) clazz.newinstance(); return (factory); } catch (throwable t) { log.error("messageresourcesfactory.createfactory",t); return (null); } }
这个方法的具体作用就是初始化messageresources,具体实现是工厂模式,首先判断defaultfactory是否存在,不存在则创建工厂,defaultfactory = messageresourcesfactory.createfactory(),在通过工厂创建资源类defaultfactory.createresources(config);存在则直接创建资源类。
/** * <p>initialize other global characteristics ofthe controller servlet</p> * * @exception servletexception if we cannotinitialize these resources */ protectedvoidinitother() throwsservletexception { string value = null; value =getservletconfig().getinitparameter("config"); if (value != null) { config = value; } // backwards compatibility for form beans of java wrapper classes // set to true for strict struts 0 compatibility value =getservletconfig().getinitparameter("convertnull"); if ("true".equalsignorecase(value) || "yes".equalsignorecase(value) || "on".equalsignorecase(value) || "y".equalsignorecase(value) || "1".equalsignorecase(value)) { convertnull = true; } if (convertnull) { convertutils.deregister(); convertutils.register(new bigdecimalconverter(null), bigdecimal.class); convertutils.register(new bigintegerconverter(null), biginteger.class); convertutils.register(new booleanconverter(null), boolean.class); convertutils.register(new byteconverter(null), byte.class); convertutils.register(new characterconverter(null), character.class); convertutils.register(new doubleconverter(null), double.class); convertutils.register(new floatconverter(null), float.class); convertutils.register(new integerconverter(null), integer.class); convertutils.register(new longconverter(null), long.class); convertutils.register(new shortconverter(null), short.class); } }
/** * <p>initialize the servlet mapping under which our controller servlet * is being accessed. this will be used in the <code>&html:form></code> * tag to generate correct destination urls for form submissions.</p> * * @throws servletexception if error happens while scanning web.xml */ protected void initservlet() throws servletexception { // remember our servlet name this.servletname = getservletconfig().getservletname(); // prepare a digester to scan the web application deployment descriptor digester digester = new digester(); digester.push(this); digester.setnamespaceaware(true); digester.setvalidating(false); // register our local copy of the dtds that we can find for (int i = 0; i < registrations.length; i += 2) { url url = this.getclass().getresource(registrations[i+1]); if (url != null) { digester.register(registrations[i], url.tostring()); } } // configure the processing rules that we need digester.addcallmethod("web-app/servlet-mapping", "addservletmapping", 2); digester.addcallparam("web-app/servlet-mapping/servlet-name", 0); digester.addcallparam("web-app/servlet-mapping/url-pattern", 1); // process the web application deployment descriptor if (log.isdebugenabled()) { log.debug("scanning web.xml for controller servlet mapping"); } inputstream input = getservletcontext().getresourceasstream("/web-inf/web.xml"); if (input == null) { log.error(internal.getmessage("configwebxml")); throw new servletexception(internal.getmessage("configwebxml")); } try { digester.parse(input); } catch (ioexception e) { log.error(internal.getmessage("configwebxml"), e); throw new servletexception(e); } catch (saxexception e) { log.error(internal.getmessage("configwebxml"), e); throw new servletexception(e); } finally { try { input.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { log.error(internal.getmessage("configwebxml"), e); throw new servletexception(e); } } // record a servlet context attribute (if appropriate) if (log.isdebugenabled()) { logdebug("mapping for servlet '" + servletname + "' = '" + servletmapping + "'"); } if (servletmapping != null) { getservletcontext().setattribute(globals.servlet_key, servletmapping); } }
public void init() throws servletexception { try { //初始化资源类 initinternal(); //注册转换类 initother(); //利用digester读取webxml文件并且将其放到servletcontext中 initservlet(); getservletcontext().setattribute(globals.action_servlet_key, this); initmoduleconfigfactory(); moduleconfig moduleconfig = initmoduleconfig("", config); initmodulemessageresources(moduleconfig); initmoduledatasources(moduleconfig); initmoduleplugins(moduleconfig); moduleconfig.freeze(); enumeration names = getservletconfig().getinitparameternames(); while (names.hasmoreelements()) { string name = (string) names.nextelement(); if (!name.startswith("config/")) { continue; } string prefix = name.substring(6); moduleconfig = initmoduleconfig (prefix, getservletconfig()getinitparameter(name)); initmodulemessageresources(moduleconfig); initmoduledatasources(moduleconfig); initmoduleplugins(moduleconfig); moduleconfig.freeze(); } this.initmoduleprefixes(this.getservletcontext()); this.destroyconfigdigester(); } catch (unavailableexception ex) { throw ex; } catch (throwable t) { log.error("unable to initialize struts actionservlet due to an " + "unexpected exception or error thrown, so marking the " + "servlet as unavailable most likely, this is due to an " + "incorrect or missing library dependency", t); throw new unavailableexception(t.getmessage()); } }
public static final string action_servlet_key= "org.apache.struts.action.action_servlet";
protected voidinitmoduleconfigfactory(){ string configfactory =getservletconfig().getinitparameter("configfactory"); if (configfactory != null) { moduleconfigfactory.setfactoryclass(configfactory); } }
public static void setfactoryclass(string factoryclass) { moduleconfigfactory.factoryclass = factoryclass; moduleconfigfactory.clazz = null; }
protected static string factoryclass = "org.apache.struts.config.impl.defaultmoduleconfigfactory"; }
moduleconfig moduleconfig =initmoduleconfig("", config)方法是非常重要的,initmoduleconfig方法给strits-config里面的属性初始化后放入moduleconfig对象里面去,放到moduleconfig对象里面去便于以后操作更快,因为它是文件流。
protected moduleconfig initmoduleconfig(stringprefix, string paths) throws servletexception { // :fixme: document unavailableexception? (doesn't actually throw anything) if (log.isdebugenabled()) { log.debug( "initializing module path '" + prefix + "' configuration from '" + paths + "'"); } // parse the configuration for this module moduleconfigfactory factoryobject= moduleconfigfactory.createfactory(); moduleconfig config =factoryobject.createmoduleconfig(prefix); // configure the digester instance we will use digester digester =initconfigdigester(); // process each specified resource path while (paths.length() > 0) { digester.push(config); string path = null; int comma = paths.indexof(','); if (comma >= 0) { path =paths.substring(0, comma).trim(); paths =paths.substring(comma + 1); } else { path = pathstrim(); paths = ""; } if (pathlength() < 1){ break; } this.parsemoduleconfigfile(digester,path); } getservletcontext().setattribute( globals.module_key +config.getprefix(), config); // force creation and registration of dynaactionformclass instances // for all dynamic form beans we wil be using formbeanconfig fbs[] =config.findformbeanconfigs(); for (int i = 0; i < fbs.length; i++) { if (fbs[i].getdynamic()) { fbs[i].getdynaactionformclass(); } } return config; }
initmoduledatasources(moduleconfig)方法是通过moduleconfig中的配置文件信息,创建datasource对象. initmoduleplugins(moduleconfig)加载并初始化默认应用模块的所有插件的。