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程序员文章站 2024-02-24 16:00:16
复制代码 代码如下:import java.util.arraylist;import java.util.list; import org.apache.log4j.l...

复制代码 代码如下:

import java.util.arraylist;
import java.util.list;

import org.apache.log4j.logger;
import org.smslib.icallnotification;
import org.smslib.iinboundmessagenotification;
import org.smslib.ioutboundmessagenotification;
import org.smslib.inboundmessage;
import org.smslib.inboundmessage.messageclasses;
import org.smslib.library;
import org.smslib.message.messageencodings;
import org.smslib.message.messagetypes;
import org.smslib.outboundmessage;
import org.smslib.service;
import org.smslib.modem.serialmodemgateway;

 * @author terry
public class smsmodem {

 // 短信网关
 private serialmodemgateway gateway = null;
 java.util.resourcebundle rb = null;//resourcebundle.getbundle("sms");
 static smsmodem smsmodem = null;
 outboundnotification outboundnotification = new outboundnotification();
 private static final logger log = logger.getlogger(smsmodem.class);
 service srv;
 inboundnotification inboundnotification = new inboundnotification();
 // create the notification callback method for inbound voice calls.
 callnotification callnotification = new callnotification();

 public smsmodem() {
  try {
   //readmessages rm = new readmessages();

   rb = resourcebundle.getbundle("sms");
   string portname= "com10";
   int port = 9600;
   log.info("default portname:" + portname);
   log.info("default port:" + port);
   if(rb != null)
    log.info("rb is not null");
    if(rb.getstring("smsport") != null && !"".equals(rb.getstring("smsport")))
     portname = rb.getstring("smsport");
     log.info("portname:" + portname);
    if(rb.getstring("smsbolv") != null && !"".equals(rb.getstring("smsbolv")))
     port = integer.valueof(rb.getstring("smsbolv"));
     log.info("port:" + port);
   // 初始化短信网关
   gateway = new serialmodemgateway("modem." + portname, portname, port,
     "wavecom", "17254");

  } catch (exception e) {
   log.error("网关初始化失败:" + e.getmessage());

 public static smsmodem getinstant() {
  if (smsmodem == null) {
   smsmodem = new smsmodem();
  return smsmodem;

 public serialmodemgateway getgateway() {
  return gateway;

 public void sendmessage(string phone, string content) throws exception {
  doit(phone, content);

  * 发送短信
  * @param phone
  * @param content
  * @throws exception
 public void doit(string phone, string content) throws exception {

  outboundmessage msg;

  log.info("sent example: send message from a serial gsm modem.");
  log.info("sent version: " + library.getlibraryversion());
  if (srv == null) {
   srv = new service();
   srv.s.serial_polling = true;

  if (gateway != null) {
   log.info("sent modem information:");
   log.info("sent  manufacturer: " + gateway.getmanufacturer());
   log.info("sent  model: " + gateway.getmodel());
   log.info("sent  serial no: " + gateway.getserialno());
   log.info("sent  sim imsi: " + gateway.getimsi());
   log.info("sent  signal level: " + gateway.getsignallevel() + "%");
   log.info("sent  battery level: " + gateway.getbatterylevel() + "%");
  // send a message synchronously.

  msg = new outboundmessage(phone, content);
  msg.setencoding(messageencodings.encucs2);// 这句话是发中文短信必须的

  * 发送消息类
  * @author terry
 public class outboundnotification implements ioutboundmessagenotification {
  public void process(string gatewayid, outboundmessage msg) {
   log.info("sent outbound handler called from gateway: " + gatewayid);
 public string readmessage()
  stringbuffer sb = new stringbuffer("");
  list<inboundmessage> msglist;
  // create the notification callback method for inbound & status report
  // messages.

   system.out.println("read example: read messages from a serial gsm modem.");
   system.out.println("read version: " + library.getlibraryversion());
   // create new service object - the parent of all and the main interface
   // to you.
   if (srv == null) {
    srv = new service();
    srv.s.serial_polling = true;

   // similarly, you may define as many gateway objects, representing
   // various gsm modems, add them in the service object and control all of them.
   // start! (i.e. connect to all defined gateways)

   log.info("read modem information:");
   log.info("read   manufacturer: " + gateway.getmanufacturer());
   log.info("read   model: " + gateway.getmodel());
   log.info("read   serial no: " + gateway.getserialno());
   log.info("read   sim imsi: " + gateway.getimsi());
   log.info("read   signal level: " + gateway.getsignallevel() + "%");
   log.info("read   battery level: " + gateway.getbatterylevel() + "%");
   // read messages. the reading is done via the service object and
   // affects all gateway objects defined. this can also be more directed to a specific
   // gateway - look the javadocs for information on the service method calls.
   msglist = new arraylist<inboundmessage>();
   this.srv.readmessages(msglist, messageclasses.all);
   int num = 1;
   for (inboundmessage msg : msglist)
    sb.append("第" + num + "条;发件人:"+msg.getoriginator() + ";内容:" + msg.gettext() + "\n");
    //sb.append(msg.tostring() + "\n");
    log.info("第" + num + "条;发件人:"+msg.getoriginator() + ";内容:" + msg.gettext() + "\n");
   // sleep now. emulate real world situation and give a chance to the notifications
   // methods to be called in the event of message or voice call reception.
   //system.out.println("now sleeping - hit <enter> to terminate.");
  catch (exception e)
  return sb.tostring();

 public class inboundnotification implements iinboundmessagenotification
  public void process(string gatewayid, messagetypes msgtype, inboundmessage msg)
   if (msgtype == messagetypes.inbound) system.out.println(">>> new inbound message detected from gateway: " + gatewayid);
   else if (msgtype == messagetypes.statusreport) system.out.println(">>> new inbound status report message detected from gateway: " + gatewayid);
    // uncomment following line if you wish to delete the message upon arrival.
    // srv.deletemessage(msg);
   catch (exception e)
    system.out.println("oops!!! something gone bad...");

 public class callnotification implements icallnotification
  public void process(string gatewayid, string callerid)
   system.out.println(">>> new call detected from gateway: " + gatewayid + " : " + callerid);
