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程序员文章站 2024-02-24 15:56:46
知识归纳 因为mysql是使用user和host两个字段来确定用户身份的,这样就带来一个问题,就是一个客户端到底属于哪个host。 如果一个客户端同时匹配几个host,...



  • 基本观点越精确的匹配越优先
  • host列上,越是确定的host越优先,[localhost,, wiki.yfang.cn] 优先于[192.168.%, %.yfang.cn],优先于[192.%, %.cn],优先于[%]
  • user列上,明确的username优先于空username。(空username匹配所有用户名,即匿名用户匹配所有用户)
  • host列优先于user列考虑


  • user() 返回你连接server时候指定的用户和主机
  • current_user() 返回在mysql.user表中匹配到的用户和主机,这将确定你在数据库中的权限


  • 首先检查user表中的全局权限,如果满足条件,则执行操作
  • 如果上面的失败,则检查mysql.db表中是否有满足条件的权限,如果满足,则执行操作
  • 如果上面的失败,则检查mysql.table_priv和mysql.columns_priv(如果是存储过程操作则检查mysql.procs_priv),如果满足,则执行操作
  • 如果以上检查均失败,则系统拒绝执行操作。


mysql> grant select on *.* to ''@'%' identified by '123';
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> grant select,createon *.* to 'bruce'@'' identified by '123';
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> grant select,create,deleteon *.* to 'bruce'@'%' identified by'123';
query ok, 0rows affected (0.00 sec)


[root@brucetest7 ~]# mysql -ubruce -p -h10.20.0.231
enter password: 
welcome to the mariadb monitor. commands end with ; or \g.
your mysql connection id is 5
server version: 5.5.20-log mysql community server (gpl)
this software comes with absolutely no warranty. this is free software,
and you are welcome tomodify and redistribute it under the gpl v2 license
type 'help;' or '\h' for help. type'\c'to clear the current inputstatement.
mysql [(none)]> show grants;
| grants for bruce@                       |
| grant select, createon *.* to 'bruce'@'' identified by password'*23ae809ddacaf96af0fd78ed04b6a265e05aa257' |
1 row inset (0.00 sec)
mysql [(none)]> select user(), current_user();
| user()   | current_user() |
| bruce@ | bruce@ |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)


mysql> delete from mysql.userwhereuser='bruce'andhost='';
query ok, 1row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> flush privileges;
query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

[root@brucetest7 ~]# mysql -ubruce -p -h10.20.0.231
enter password: 
welcome to the mariadb monitor. commands end with ; or \g.
your mysql connection id is 6
server version: 5.5.20-log mysql community server (gpl)
this software comes with absolutely no warranty. this is free software,
and you are welcome tomodify and redistribute it under the gpl v2 license
type 'help;' or '\h' for help. type'\c'to clear the current inputstatement.

mysql [(none)]>show grants;
| grants for bruce@%                         |
| grant select, delete, createon*.* to 'bruce'@'%' identified bypassword'*23ae809ddacaf96af0fd78ed04b6a265e05aa257' |
1 row inset (0.00 sec)
mysql [(none)]> select user(), current_user();
| user()   | current_user() |
| bruce@ | bruce@%  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


[root@brucetest7 ~]# mysql -ubruce -p -h10.20.0.231
enter password: 
welcome to the mariadb monitor. commands end with ; or \g.
your mysql connection id is 8
server version: 5.5.20-log mysql community server (gpl)
this software comes with absolutely no warranty. this is free software,
and you are welcome tomodify and redistribute it under the gpl v2 license
type 'help;' or '\h' for help. type '\c'to clear the current inputstatement.
mysql [(none)]> show grants;
| grants for @%                                              |
| grant select on*.* to''@'%' identified by password '*23ae809ddacaf96af0fd78ed04b6a265e05aa257'                         |
| grant select, insert, update, delete, create, drop, references, index, alter, create temporary tables, lock tables, create view, show view, createroutine, event, trigger on `test`.* to''@'%' |
| grant select, insert, update, delete, create, drop, references, index, alter, createtemporary tables, lock tables, create view, show view, createroutine, event, trigger on `test\_%`.* to''@'%' |
mysql [(none)]> select user(), current_user();
| user()   | current_user() |
| bruce@ | @%    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

此时匹配的是 用户

