Spring Cloud中FeignClient实现文件上传功能
项目概况:spring cloud搭的微服务,使用了eureka,feignclient,现在遇到feignclient调用接口时不支持上传文件,
<dependency> <groupid>io.github.openfeign.form</groupid> <artifactid>feign-form-spring</artifactid> <version>3.2.2</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupid>io.github.openfeign.form</groupid> <artifactid>feign-form</artifactid> <version>3.2.2</version> </dependency>
@bean @primary @scope("prototype") public encoder multipartformencoder() { return new springformencoder(); }
@responsebody @requestmapping(value = "/ctstestcase/updatetestcase", method = {requestmethod.post}, consumes = mediatype.multipart_form_data_value) map<string, object> updatetestcase(@requestparam("testcaseid") string testcaseid, @requestparam("name") string name, @requestparam("assignid") string assignid, @requestparam("areaid") string areaid, @requestparam("state") integer state, @requestparam("iterationid") string iterationid,@requestparam("priority") integer priority, @requestparam("moduleid") string moduleid, @requestparam("executiontype") integer executiontype, @requestparam("summary") string summary, @requestparam("tcsteps") string tcsteps, @requestparam("relations") string relations,@requestparam("attachments") string attachments, @requestpart("files") multipartfile[] files);
@fielddefaults(level = private, makefinal = true) public class springmanymultipartfileswriter extends abstractwriter { springsinglemultipartfilewriter filewriter = new springsinglemultipartfilewriter(); @override public void write (output output, string boundary, string key, object value) throws exception { if (value instanceof multipartfile[]) { val files = (multipartfile[]) value; for (val file : files) { filewriter.write(output, boundary, key, file); } } else if (value instanceof iterable) { val iterable = (iterable<?>) value; for (val file : iterable) { filewriter.write(output, boundary, key, file); } } } @override public boolean isapplicable (object value) { if (value == null) { return false; } if (value instanceof multipartfile[]) { return true; } if (value instanceof iterable) { val iterable = (iterable<?>) value; val iterator = iterable.iterator(); if (iterator.hasnext() && iterator.next() instanceof multipartfile) { return true; } } return false; }
public class springformencoder extends formencoder { /** * constructor with the default feign's encoder as a delegate. */ public springformencoder () { this(new encoder.default()); } /** * constructor with specified delegate encoder. * * @param delegate delegate encoder, if this encoder couldn't encode object. */ public springformencoder (encoder delegate) { super(delegate); val processor = (multipartformcontentprocessor) getcontentprocessor(multipart); processor.addwriter(new springsinglemultipartfilewriter()); processor.addwriter(new springmanymultipartfileswriter()); } @override public void encode (object object, type bodytype, requesttemplate template) throws encodeexception { if (!bodytype.equals(multipartfile.class)) { super.encode(object, bodytype, template); return; } val file = (multipartfile) object; val data = singletonmap(file.getname(), object); super.encode(data, map_string_wildcard, template); } }
public class feignspringformencoder extends formencoder { /** * constructor with the default feign's encoder as a delegate. */ public feignspringformencoder() { this(new encoder.default()); } /** * constructor with specified delegate encoder. * * @param delegate delegate encoder, if this encoder couldn't encode object. */ public feignspringformencoder(encoder delegate) { super(delegate); val processor = (multipartformcontentprocessor) getcontentprocessor(multipart); processor.addwriter(new springsinglemultipartfilewriter()); processor.addwriter(new springmanymultipartfileswriter()); } @override public void encode(object object, type bodytype, requesttemplate template) throws encodeexception { if (bodytype.equals(multipartfile.class)) { val file = (multipartfile) object; val data = singletonmap(file.getname(), object); super.encode(data, map_string_wildcard, template); return; } else if (bodytype.equals(multipartfile[].class)) { val file = (multipartfile[]) object; if(file != null) { val data = singletonmap(file.length == 0 ? "" : file[0].getname(), object); super.encode(data, map_string_wildcard, template); return; } } super.encode(object, bodytype, template); } }