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程序员文章站 2024-02-24 09:03:04


1. 启用innodb引擎,并配置相关参数


innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 16m #一般16m也够了,可以适当调整下
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 6g #如果是专用db的话,一般是内存总量的80%
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:1024m:autoextend
innodb_file_io_threads = 4
innodb_thread_concurrency = 20
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1
innodb_log_buffer_size = 16m
innodb_log_file_size = 256m
innodb_log_files_in_group = 3
innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct = 50
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 120


mysql> alter table cdb_access engine = innodb;

将表存储引擎改成innodb后,不仅可以避免大量的锁等待,还可以提升查询的效率,因为innodb会把data和index都放在buffer pool中,效率更高。

在 my.cnf 中添加/修改以下选项:

key_buffer = 512m
back_log = 200
max_allowed_packet = 2m
table_cache = 512
sort_buffer_size = 4m
read_buffer_size = 4m
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64m
thread_cache = 128
query_cache_size = 128m
set-variable = wait_timeout=60
thread_concurrency = 4
log-slow-queries = slow.log
long_query_time = 1




 select t.* from cdb_posts p, cdb_threads t where
t.fid in ('37', '45', '4', '6', '17', '41', '28', '32', '31', '1', '42')
and p.tid=t.tid and p.author like 'joanswin'
group by t.tid order by lastpost desc limit 0, 80;

用 explain 分析的结果如下:

 mysql>explain select t.* from cdb_posts p, cdb_threads t where
t.fid in ('37', '45', '4', '6', '17', '41', '28', '32', '31', '1', '42')
and p.tid=t.tid and p.author like 'joanswin'
group by t.tid order by lastpost desc limit 0, 80; 
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref   | rows | extra
| 1 | simple  | t  | range | primary,fid | fid | 2  | null  | 66160 | using where; 
using temporary; using filesort |
| 1 | simple  | p  | ref | tid   | tid | 3  | forum.t.tid | 10 | using where
| +----+-------------+-------+-------+---------------+------+---------+-------------+-------+

只用到了 t.fid 和 p.tid,而 p.author 则没有索引可用,总共需要扫描
66160*10 = 661600 次索引,够夸张吧 :(
再分析 cdb_threads 和 cdb_posts 的索引情况:

 mysql>show index from cdb_posts; 
| table  | non_unique | key_name | seq_in_index | column_name | collation | cardinality | sub_part | 
packed | null | index_type | comment | +-----------+------------+----------+--------------+----
| cdb_posts |   0 | primary |   1 | pid   | a   |  680114 |  null | null |
| btree  |   |
| cdb_posts |   1 | fid  |   1 | fid   | a   |   10 |  null | null |
| btree  |   |
| cdb_posts |   1 | tid  |   1 | tid   | a   |  68011 |  null | null |
| btree  |   |
| cdb_posts |   1 | tid  |   2 | dateline | a   |  680114 |  null | null |
| btree  |   |
| cdb_posts |   1 | dateline |   1 | dateline | a   |  680114 |  null | null |
| btree  |   | 


 mysql>show index from cdb_threads; 
| table  | non_unique | key_name | seq_in_index | column_name | collation | cardinality | sub_part |
packed | null | index_type | comment | +-----------+------------+----------+--------------+-----
| cdb_threads |   0 | primary |   1 | tid   | a   |  68480 |  null | null |
| btree  |   |
| cdb_threads |   1 | lastpost |   1 | topped  | a   |   4 |  null | null |
| btree  |   |
| cdb_threads |   1 | lastpost |   2 | lastpost | a   |  68480 |  null | null |
| btree  |   |
| cdb_threads |   1 | lastpost |   3 | fid   | a   |  68480 |  null | null |
| btree  |   |
| cdb_threads |   1 | replies |   1 | replies  | a   |   233 |  null | null |
| btree  |   |
| cdb_threads |   1 | dateline |   1 | dateline | a   |  68480 |  null | null |
| btree  |   |
| cdb_threads |   1 | fid  |   1 | fid   | a   |   10 |  null | null |
| btree  |   |
| cdb_threads |   1 | enablehot |   1 | enablehot | a   |   2 |  null | null |
| btree  |   | +-------------+------------+-----------+--------------+-------------+------

看到索引 fid 和 enablehot 基数太小,看来该索引完全没必要,不过,对于fid基数较大的情况,则可能需要保留>该索引.

 alter table `cdb_threads` drop index `enablehot`, drop index `fid`, add index (`fid`, `lastpost`);
alter table `cdb_posts` drop index `fid`, add index (`author`(10));
optimize table `cdb_posts`;
optimize table `cdb_threads`;

在这里, p.author 字段我设定的部分索引长度是 10, 是我经过分析后得出来的结果,不同的系统,这里的长度也不同,最好自己先取一下平均值,然后再适当调整.
现在,再来执行一次上面的慢查询,发现时间已经从 6s 变成 0.19s,提高了 30 倍.