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程序员文章站 2024-02-23 20:02:04
1.新建一个项目 2.给项目添加引用:microsoft excel 12.0 object library (2007版本) 复制代码 代码如下:using exce...


2.给项目添加引用:microsoft excel 12.0 object library (2007版本)

复制代码 代码如下:

using excel = microsoft.office.interop.excel;


复制代码 代码如下:

using system;
using system.collections.generic;
using system.linq;
using system.text;
using excel = microsoft.office.interop.excel;

namespace excelexample
    class program
        static void main(string[] args)
            excel.application excelapp = new excel.application();  // creates a new excel application
            excelapp.visible = true;  // makes excel visible to the user.

            // the following line if uncommented adds a new workbook
            //excel.workbook newworkbook = excelapp.workbooks.add();

            // the following code opens an existing workbook
            string workbookpath = "f:\\11.xlsx";  // add your own path here

            excel.workbook excelworkbook = null;

                excelworkbook = excelapp.workbooks.open(workbookpath, 0,
                    false, 5, "", "", false, excel.xlplatform.xlwindows, "", true,
                    false, 0, true, false, false);
                //create a new workbook if the existing workbook failed to open.
                excelworkbook = excelapp.workbooks.add();

            // the following gets the worksheets collection
            excel.sheets excelsheets = excelworkbook.worksheets;

            // the following gets sheet1 for editing
            string currentsheet = "sheet1";
            excel.worksheet excelworksheet = (excel.worksheet)excelsheets.get_item(currentsheet);

            // the following gets cell a1 for editing
            excel.range excelcell = (excel.range)excelworksheet.get_range("a1", "b1");

            // the following sets cell a1's value to "hi there"
            excelcell.value2 = "hi there";

            excel.worksheet excelworksheet2 = (excel.worksheet)excelsheets.get_item("sheet2");
            excel.range excelcell2 = (excel.range)excelworksheet2.get_range("a1", type.missing);
            excelcell2.value2 = "hi here";

            // add hyperlinks to the cell a1

            // add hyperlinks from "sheet1 a1" to "sheet2 a1"
            excelworksheet.hyperlinks.add(excelcell, "#sheet2!a1", type.missing, type.missing, type.missing);

            // close the excel workbook

            //quit the excel app