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程序员文章站 2024-02-23 19:18:22
复制代码 代码如下:import java.io.bufferedinputstream;import java.io.bufferedoutputstream;impor...

复制代码 代码如下:

import java.io.bufferedinputstream;
import java.io.bufferedoutputstream;
import java.io.bufferedreader;
import java.io.file;
import java.io.fileinputstream;
import java.io.filenotfoundexception;
import java.io.fileoutputstream;
import java.io.filewriter;
import java.io.ioexception;
import java.io.inputstream;
import java.io.inputstreamreader;
import java.io.outputstream;
import java.text.dateformat;
import java.text.messageformat;
import java.util.arraylist;
import java.util.date;
import java.util.enumeration;
import java.util.list;
import java.util.locale;
import java.util.stringtokenizer;
import java.util.zip.zipentry;
import java.util.zip.zipfile;

 * @author ibm

public class fileutil {

 public static string dirsplit = "\\";//linux windows
  * save file accroding to physical directory infomation
  * @param physicaldir
  *            physical directory
  * @param fname
  *            file name of destination
  * @param istream
  *            input stream of destination file
  * @return

 public static boolean savefilebyphysicaldir(string physicalpath,
   inputstream istream) {

  boolean flag = false;
  try {
   outputstream os = new fileoutputstream(physicalpath);
   int readbytes = 0;
   byte buffer[] = new byte[8192];
   while ((readbytes = istream.read(buffer, 0, 8192)) != -1) {
    os.write(buffer, 0, readbytes);
   flag = true;
  } catch (filenotfoundexception e) {

  } catch (ioexception e) {

  return flag;

 public static boolean createdirectory(string dir){
  file f = new file(dir);
  if (!f.exists()) {
  return true;

 public static void saveasfileoutputstream(string physicalpath,string content) {
    file file = new file(physicalpath);
    boolean b = file.getparentfile().isdirectory();
     file tem = new file(file.getparent());
     // tem.getparentfile().setwritable(true);
     tem.mkdirs();// 创建目录
    fileoutputstream foutput =null;
    try {
     foutput = new fileoutputstream(physicalpath);

    }catch(ioexception ex) {
     throw new runtimeexception(ex);
     try {
     }catch(ioexception ex){
      throw new runtimeexception(ex);
     //log.info("文件保存成功:"+ physicalpath);

     * copy文件
     * @param srcfile string
     * @param desfile string
     * @return boolean
    public boolean copytofile(string srcfile, string desfile) {
        file scrfile = new file(srcfile);
        if (scrfile.isfile() == true) {
            int length;
            fileinputstream fis = null;
            try {
                fis = new fileinputstream(scrfile);
            catch (filenotfoundexception ex) {
            file desfile = new file(desfile);

            fileoutputstream fos = null;
            try {
                fos = new fileoutputstream(desfile, false);
            catch (filenotfoundexception ex) {
            desfile = null;
            length = (int) scrfile.length();
            byte[] b = new byte[length];
            try {
            catch (ioexception e) {
        } else {
            scrfile = null;
            return false;
        scrfile = null;
        return true;

     * copy文件夹
     * @param sourcedir string
     * @param destdir string
     * @return boolean
    public boolean copydir(string sourcedir, string destdir) {
        file sourcefile = new file(sourcedir);
        string tempsource;
        string tempdest;
        string filename;
        file[] files = sourcefile.listfiles();
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            filename = files[i].getname();
            tempsource = sourcedir + "/" + filename;
            tempdest = destdir + "/" + filename;
            if (files[i].isfile()) {
                copytofile(tempsource, tempdest);
            } else {
                copydir(tempsource, tempdest);
        sourcefile = null;
        return true;

     * 删除指定目录及其中的所有内容。
     * @param dir 要删除的目录
     * @return 删除成功时返回true,否则返回false。
    public boolean deletedirectory(file dir) {
        file[] entries = dir.listfiles();
        int sz = entries.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
            if (entries[i].isdirectory()) {
                if (!deletedirectory(entries[i])) {
                    return false;
            } else {
                if (!entries[i].delete()) {
                    return false;
        if (!dir.delete()) {
            return false;
        return true;


     * file exist check
     * @param sfilename file name
     * @return boolean true - exist<br>
     *                 false - not exist
    public static boolean checkexist(string sfilename) {

     boolean result = false;

       try {
        file f = new file(sfilename);

        //if (f.exists() && f.isfile() && f.canread()) {
    if (f.exists() && f.isfile()) {
      result = true;
    } else {
      result = false;
    } catch (exception e) {
         result = false;

        /* return */
        return result;

     * get file size
     * @param sfilename file name
     * @return long file's size(byte) when file not exist return -1
    public static long getsize(string sfilename) {

        long lsize = 0;

        try {
      file f = new file(sfilename);

      if (f.exists()) {
       if (f.isfile() && f.canread()) {
        lsize = f.length();
       } else {
        lsize = -1;
              //not exist
      } else {
          lsize = 0;
    } catch (exception e) {
         lsize = -1;
    /* return */
    return lsize;

  * file delete
  * @param sfilename file nmae
  * @return boolean true - delete success<br>
  *                 false - delete fail
    public static boolean deletefromname(string sfilename) {

        boolean breturn = true;

        try {
            file ofile = new file(sfilename);

           if (ofile.exists()) {
            //delete file
            boolean bresult = ofile.delete();
            //delete fail
            if (bresult == false) {
                breturn = false;

            //not exist
           } else {


   } catch (exception e) {
    breturn = false;

   return breturn;

  * file unzip
  * @param stopath  unzip directory path
  * @param szipfile unzip file name
public static void releasezip(string stopath, string szipfile) throws exception {

  if (null == stopath ||("").equals(stopath.trim())) {
    file objzipfile = new file(szipfile);
    stopath = objzipfile.getparent();
  zipfile zfile = new zipfile(szipfile);
  enumeration zlist = zfile.entries();
  zipentry ze = null;
  byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
  while (zlist.hasmoreelements()) {

    ze = (zipentry) zlist.nextelement();
    if (ze.isdirectory()) {

    outputstream os =
    new bufferedoutputstream(
    new fileoutputstream(getrealfilename(stopath, ze.getname())));
    inputstream is = new bufferedinputstream(zfile.getinputstream(ze));
    int readlen = 0;
    while ((readlen = is.read(buf, 0, 1024)) != -1) {
     os.write(buf, 0, readlen);

  * getrealfilename
  * @param  basedir   root directory
  * @param  absfilename  absolute directory file name
  * @return java.io.file     return file
 @suppresswarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private static file getrealfilename(string basedir, string absfilename) throws exception {

  file ret = null;

  list dirs = new arraylist();
  stringtokenizer st = new stringtokenizer(absfilename, system.getproperty("file.separator"));
  while (st.hasmoretokens()) {

  ret = new file(basedir);
  if (dirs.size() > 1) {
   for (int i = 0; i < dirs.size() - 1; i++) {
    ret = new file(ret, (string) dirs.get(i));
  if (!ret.exists()) {
  ret = new file(ret, (string) dirs.get(dirs.size() - 1));
  return ret;

  * copyfile
  * @param  srcfile   source file
  * @param  targetfile   target file
 static public void copyfile(string srcfile , string targetfile) throws ioexception

   fileinputstream reader = new fileinputstream(srcfile);
   fileoutputstream writer = new fileoutputstream(targetfile);

   byte[] buffer = new byte [4096];
   int len;

    reader = new fileinputstream(srcfile);
    writer = new fileoutputstream(targetfile);

    while((len = reader.read(buffer)) > 0)
     writer.write(buffer , 0 , len);
   catch(ioexception e)
    throw e;
    if (writer != null)writer.close();
    if (reader != null)reader.close();

  * renamefile
  * @param  srcfile   source file
  * @param  targetfile   target file
 static public void renamefile(string srcfile , string targetfile) throws ioexception
   try {
   } catch(ioexception e){
    throw e;

 public static void write(string tivolimsg,string logfilename) {
    byte[]  bmsg = tivolimsg.getbytes();
    fileoutputstream fout = new fileoutputstream(logfilename, true);
  } catch(ioexception e){
   //throw the exception     

 * this method is used to log the messages with timestamp,error code and the method details
 * @param errorcd string
 * @param classname string
 * @param methodname string
 * @param msg string
 public static void writelog(string logfile, string batchid, string exceptioninfo) {

  dateformat df = dateformat.getdatetimeinstance(dateformat.default, dateformat.default, locale.japanese);

  object args[] = {df.format(new date()), batchid, exceptioninfo};

  string fmtmsg = messageformat.format("{0} : {1} : {2}", args);

  try {

   file logfile = new file(logfile);
   if(!logfile.exists()) {

      filewriter fw = new filewriter(logfile, true);


  } catch(exception e) {

 public static string readtextfile(string realpath) throws exception {
  file file = new file(realpath);
   if (!file.exists()){
    system.out.println("file not exist!");
    return null;
   bufferedreader br = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(new fileinputstream(realpath),"utf-8"));  
   string temp = "";
   string txt="";
   while((temp = br.readline()) != null){
  return txt;