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程序员文章站 2024-02-23 10:04:16

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<title>css tables</title>
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<table id="mytable" cellspacing="0" summary="the technical specifications of the apple powermac g5 series">
<caption> </caption>
    <th scope="col" abbr="configurations" class="nobg">configurations</th>

    <th scope="col" abbr="dual 1.8">dual 1.8ghz</th>
    <th scope="col" abbr="dual 2">dual 2ghz</th>
 <th scope="col" abbr="dual 2.5">dual 2.5ghz</th>
    <th scope="row" abbr="model" class="spec">lipeng</th>

    <th scope="row" abbr="g5 processor" class="specalt">mapabc</th>
    <td class="alt">dual 1.8ghz powerpc g5</td>
    <td class="alt">dual 2ghz powerpc g5</td>

    <td class="alt">dual 2.5ghz powerpc g5</td>
    <th scope="row" abbr="frontside bus" class="spec">地图名片</th>
    <td>900mhz per processor</td>
    <td>1ghz per processor</td>
    <td>1.25ghz per processor</td>

    <th scope="row" abbr="l2 cache" class="specalt">图秀卡</th>
    <td class="alt">512k per processor</td>
    <td class="alt">512k per processor</td>
    <td class="alt">512k per processor</td>

