2024-02-22 19:01:54
* 图像旋转
* @param src...
/** * 图像旋转 * @param src * @param angel * @return */ public static bufferedimage rotate(image src, double angel) { int src_width = src.getwidth(null); int src_height = src.getheight(null); // calculate the new image size rectangle rect_des = calcrotatedsize(new rectangle(new dimension( src_width, src_height)), angel); bufferedimage res = null; res = new bufferedimage(rect_des.width, rect_des.height, bufferedimage.type_3byte_bgr); graphics2d g2 = res.creategraphics(); // transform g2.translate((rect_des.width - src_width) / 2, (rect_des.height - src_height) / 2); g2.rotate(math.toradians(angel), src_width / 2, src_height / 2); g2.drawimage(src, null, null); return res; } public static rectangle calcrotatedsize(rectangle src, double angel) { // if angel is greater than 90 degree, we need to do some conversion if (angel >= 90) { if(angel / 90 % 2 == 1){ int temp = src.height; src.height = src.width; src.width = temp; } angel = angel % 90; } double r = math.sqrt(src.height * src.height + src.width * src.width) / 2; double len = 2 * math.sin(math.toradians(angel) / 2) * r; double angel_alpha = (math.pi - math.toradians(angel)) / 2; double angel_dalta_width = math.atan((double) src.height / src.width); double angel_dalta_height = math.atan((double) src.width / src.height); int len_dalta_width = (int) (len * math.cos(math.pi - angel_alpha - angel_dalta_width)); len_dalta_width=len_dalta_width>0?len_dalta_width:-len_dalta_width; int len_dalta_height = (int) (len * math.cos(math.pi - angel_alpha - angel_dalta_height)); len_dalta_height=len_dalta_height>0?len_dalta_height:-len_dalta_height; int des_width = src.width + len_dalta_width * 2; int des_height = src.height + len_dalta_height * 2; des_width=des_width>0?des_width:-des_width; des_height=des_height>0?des_height:-des_height; return new java.awt.rectangle(new dimension(des_width, des_height)); }
/** * opencv实现图片旋转 * @param splitimage * @param angle * @return */ public static mat rotate3(mat splitimage, double angle) { double thera = angle * math.pi / 180; double a = math.sin(thera); double b = math.cos(thera); int wsrc = splitimage.width(); int hsrc = splitimage.height(); int wdst = (int) (hsrc * math.abs(a) + wsrc * math.abs(b)); int hdst = (int) (wsrc * math.abs(a) + hsrc * math.abs(b)); mat imgdst = new mat(hdst, wdst, splitimage.type()); point pt = new point(splitimage.cols() / 2, splitimage.rows() / 2); // 获取仿射变换矩阵 mat affinetrans = imgproc.getrotationmatrix2d(pt, angle, 1.0); system.out.println(affinetrans.dump()); // 改变变换矩阵第三列的值 affinetrans.put(0, 2, affinetrans.get(0, 2)[0] + (wdst - wsrc) / 2); affinetrans.put(1, 2, affinetrans.get(1, 2)[0] + (hdst - hsrc) / 2); imgproc.warpaffine(splitimage, imgdst, affinetrans, imgdst.size(), imgproc.inter_cubic | imgproc.warp_fill_outliers); return imgdst; }
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