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HPM Note1,Book Organization 博客分类: Database MySQLperformanceSecurityCC++ 

程序员文章站 2024-02-22 16:45:46
How This Book Is Organization

A Broad Overview
Ch1, MySQL Architecture

Building a Solid Foundation
Ch2, Finding Bottlenecks: Benchmarking and Profiling

Ch3, Schema Optimization and Indexing

Ch4, Query Performance Optimization

Ch5, Advanced MySQL Features

Tuning Your Application
Ch6, Optimizing Server Settings

Ch7, Operating System and Hardware Optimization

Scaling Upward After Making Changes
Ch8, Replication

Ch9, Scaling and High Availability

Ch10, Application-Level Optimization

Making Your Application Reliable
Ch11, Backup and Recovery

Ch12, Security

Miscellaneous Usefull Topics
Ch13, MySQL Server Status

Ch14, Tools for High Performance

Appendix A, Transferring Large Files

Appendix B, Using EXPLAIN

Appendix C, Using Sphinx with MySQL

Appendix D, Debugging Locks