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Study Resources of Web Services with Java 博客分类: ESB WebJavaSOAWebServiceSOAP 

程序员文章站 2024-02-22 16:42:10

最近收到几个朋友得来信都聊到了学习Web Services的资料问题,在这里简单小结一下,也算是偷一下懒,下回遇到同样的问题我就改发这个链接了:)。



1.The Java Web Services Tutorial

SUN的官方教材,教程先从使用JAXWS API入手,教你如何使用JAXWS API发布Web Services以及如何调用远程的Web Services。
然后介绍了JAXB的使用方法,能够帮助读者轻松搞定WebServices中XML与Java Object的转换问题。
Stax作为新一代的Java XML处理API,采用了基于流的处理方式,极大得提高了Java Web Services的处理效率。教程对此API也有比较相信的介绍。
同时教材还提供了有关SAAJ(SOAP with Attachments API for Java),以及Web Services Security的内容的介绍。

2. SOA: Using Java Web Services
这本书介绍了很多Java Web Services框架实现细节的东西(很务实),特别是对JAXWS系列的规范有比较详细的介绍,同时书中还给出eBay以及Amazon的WebService的调用实例。

下面是从Glen blog 摘抄的书评

"Strengths of this book:

   1. Good introductions and working code to Yahoo! Shopping RESTful Web services as well as eBay and Amazon SOAP-based web services are provided in Chapter 9. This provides a solid starting point for readers to move beyond book knowledge and start practicing with these publicly available API's.

   2. Fairly detailed code samples to work with, covering a broad range of topics, which provide another good starting point for developers.

   3. I have often gone back to the book to find details or review certain topics, so have found that it continues to serve as a good reference after you are done reading it."



FREE Web Services Training - 3rd session

如果你对SOA以及WS*感兴趣,或者你的关注点并不局限API代码,哪你还可以翻阅一下IONA CTO NewComer 写的Understanding SOA with Web Services

还有就是加入cxf-zh中文论坛,作为第一CXF的中文论坛,CXF在北京的开发者都会在该论坛上回复大家的有个WebServices 以及使用CXF遇到的问题。


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