CXF 2.0 RC 发布了 博客分类: Java Apache公告mavenSpringjson
经过4个月的努力,CXF 2.0 RC发布了, 我们会在后续的几个月中推出2.0正式版。
下面是Mail List中的公告。
The Apache CXF team is proud to announce the availability of the
2.0-incubator-RC release! Release notes and download information can
be found here:
Apache CXF is a Java open source service development framework. This
release contains the following features:
* JAX-WS frontend - Apache CXF uses/implements the JAX-WS API's but
makes no representation that this release is JAX-WS compliant.
* Java2WSDL and WSDL2Java tools and Maven plugin
* SOAP 1.1 & 1.2, XML and RESTful HTTP bindings
* JAXB 2.0 Databinding support
* WSDL 1.1 support
* WS-Addressing, WS-ReliableMessaging, WS-Security, and WS-Policy support
* MTOM attachment support
* HTTP, Servlet, JMS and Local Transports
* Simple POJO service frontend
* Javascript frontend
* JBI Service Engine. CXF services can be deployed into any JBI
compliant container (ServiceMix or OpenESB)
* JCA 1.0 support, J2EE application can integrate with legacy
application through JCA 1.0 support in CXF
* Spring Support
* JSON support with Jettison
* Many other bug fixes and feature enhancements
For more information see:
* Website:
* Release Notes:
* Mailing lists:
If you have feedback, questions or would like to get involved in the
CXF project please join the mailing lists and let us know your
The Apache Incubator CXF Team