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数据之美(十):关于墨西哥湾石油污染的 Infographics

程序员文章站 2022-03-19 18:35:26

墨西哥湾的石油污染事故已经过去三个月,这个人类历史上最严重人为环境灾难引起了全球的关注,人们通过各种方式展示这场灾难的严重程度,包括 Infographics。本文收集了大量关于这场事故的 Infographics 图片,很多数据,当它可以感受的时候,往往是触目惊心的。


下面的这组 Infographics 图片可以告诉我们,为什么美国需要在他们的国土之外大量开采石油。

Burning Trough Oil (世界离不开石油)

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Oil, What’s Left (石油,还剩下多少)

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U.S. Oil Consumption vs. Production(美国石油消费与产量)

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Just how reliant is the US on foreign oil?(美国对进口石油的依赖)

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Oil and Alternatives(石油与替代品)

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Energy Bill vs Oil Companies Contributions to Senators(那些支持和反对能源法案的石油巨头)

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Offshore Drilling(离岸开采)

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Oil Primer: Where it Comes From, Where it Goes(石油生产与消费图)

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Greenopia’s Top 5 Oil Companies and their Oil Spills(5大石油巨头石油泄漏数据)

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The physics of oil spills(石油泄露的物理知识)

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The World’s Most Disasterous Oil Spills(全球石油泄露大灾难)

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The Worst Spills(最严重的石油泄露灾难)

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The world’s largest oil spills(世界最大的几次石油泄漏事件)

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The Biggest Oil Spills(最大的几次石油泄露事件)

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Comparing Exxon Valdez to the Gulf Oil Spill(埃克森石油泄露事件和这次墨西哥湾石油泄露事件对比)

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How the Gulf of Mexico oil spill happened(墨西哥湾石油泄露是如何发生的)

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BP Oil Spill Timeline(BP石油泄露事件时间线)

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Oil Spill Timeline(另一个版本)

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Timeline: Oil spill in the Gulf(又一个版本)

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Tracking the Oil Spill in the Gulf(交互式追踪墨西哥湾的石油泄露)

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Gulf Coast oil spill(墨西哥湾海岸的石油污染)

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CNN Tracking the Gulf oil disaster(CNN 制作的墨西哥湾石油泄露追踪)

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CNN Map: Impact of the oil disaster(这次石油泄露事件的影响)

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Deepwater Horizon : la marée noire du siècle(世纪大溢油)

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Day 54 of Gulf Oil Disaster(54天带来的灾难)

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The Evolving Estimates Of BP’s Oil Leak(BP漏油事件的后续估算)

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Just How Bad is the BP Oil Spill?(这次泄油事件有多糟糕)

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Oil disaster by the numbers(从数字看石油灾难)

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Gulf oil spill by the numbers(又一版本)

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Crude Awakening(这次大灾难的重大损失)

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The Spilled Disaster(漏油灾难)

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The Size of the Oil Spill(污染面积有多大)

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In Deep Water(漏油对海洋的影响)

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The Cost of Clumsiness(恶果)

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Cost and Effects of The BP Oil Spill(恶果2)

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Gulf Oil Spill Numbers(从数字看漏油事件)

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The Current State of the Gulf Oil Spill(墨西哥湾现状)

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The Oil spill(漏油事件)

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How did the oil and gas sector fare last year?(过去一年石油和天然气行业日子过得怎么样)

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Deepwater Horizon’s Cementing(油井补救)

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First success in oil spill cleanup(清理污染的初步成果)

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Riser Insertion Tube Tool(油井补救2)

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Drilling the relief wells(再打一口井来缓解压力)

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Containment dome to collect leaking oil in Gulf of Mexico(把漏油的井憋死)

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Relief Well Reaches 8,000 Feet(压力缓解井已经打到了8000英尺深)

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What’s going on beneath the sea?(海底现在怎么样了)

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Deepwater Horizon Victims(受害者)

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How oil spills endanger sea life(海洋生物的灾难)

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The US Oil Spill Endangers the Rare Bird’s Habitat Near the Coastal Islands(危机珍惜海鸟的栖息地)

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Nantucket Windfarm vs. Gulf Oil Spill, Which Impacts the Environment More?(美国心批准的离岸风力发电站与墨西哥湾石油泄露污染对比)

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Who’s the Boss?(谁是老板)

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BP’s Production Costs vs Production in the Gulf(BP在墨西哥湾的生产成本与产出)

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Egregious Citations Issued to BP(BP之恶名)

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Fun Ways to Measure the Size of the BP Gulf Oil Spill(如何衡量漏量)

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The Skinny On The Oil Spill(漏油事件里的数字)

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Surface of the Earth(地球的表面)


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Coke + BP (可口可乐和BP)


数据之美(十):关于墨西哥湾石油污染的 Infographics

相关标签: 生物