11.7 使用Apache Camel路由引擎框架 博客分类: ActiveMQ in Action 翻译英文文档翻译 ActiveMQApache Camel路由引擎框架
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11.7 Routing engine with Apache Camel framework
11.7 使用Apache Camel路由引擎框架
Apache Camel is a simple-to-use integration framework that’s easily embedded in containers
and applications.
Apache Camel是一个非常易于使用的集成框架,很容易集成到容器或者应用程序中.
At the core of the Camel framework is a routing engine builder. It allows you to
define your own routing rules, the sources from which to accept messages, and how to
process and send them to other destinations. Camel defines an integration language
that allows you to define routing rules, akin to business processes.