public static ibinder getremotebinder(){ try { class<?> servicemanager = class.forname("android.os.servicemanager"); method getservice = servicemanager.getmethod("getservice", string.class); ibinder ibinder = (ibinder) getservice.invoke(servicemanager.newinstance(), "inputservice"); if(ibinder==null){ log.e(pinyinime.tag,"getservice inputservice : is empty"); printserverlist();//打印系统所提供的所有服务 } return ibinder; } catch (classnotfoundexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (nosuchmethodexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (illegalaccessexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (illegalargumentexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (invocationtargetexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (instantiationexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } return null; }
//具体源码在android.os.servicemanager /** * returns a reference to a service with the given name. * * @param name the name of the service to get * @return a reference to the service, or <code>null</code> if the service doesn't exist */ public static ibinder getservice(string name) { try { ibinder service = scache.get(name); if (service != null) { return service; } else { return getiservicemanager().getservice(name); } } catch (remoteexception e) { log.e(tag, "error in getservice", e); } return null; }
class iservicemanager : public iinterface { public: declare_meta_interface(servicemanager); /** * retrieve an existing service, blocking for a few seconds * if it doesn't yet exist. */ virtual sp<ibinder> getservice( const string16& name) const = 0; /** * retrieve an existing service, non-blocking. */ virtual sp<ibinder> checkservice( const string16& name) const = 0; /** * register a service. */ virtual status_t addservice( const string16& name, const sp<ibinder>& service, bool allowisolated = false) = 0; /** * return list of all existing services. */ virtual vector<string16> listservices() = 0; enum { get_service_transaction = ibinder::first_call_transaction, check_service_transaction, add_service_transaction, list_services_transaction, }; };
//上面c++层注册服务提供一个ibinder接口子类,需要实现ontransact方法 virtual status_t ontransact(uint32_t code, const parcel& data, parcel* reply, uint32_t flags = 0) { logd("enter myservice ontransact and the code is %d", code); switch (code) { case binder_handle: logd("myservice interface handle"); reply->writecstring("handle reply"); break; case binder_set_screen: logd("myservice interface set screen"); reply->writecstring("set screen reply"); break; case binder_set_char: {//call cb logd("myservice interface set char before"); reply->writecstring("set char reply"); cb = data.readstrongbinder(); if (cb != null) { logd("myservice interface set char : %s", data.readcstring()); parcel in, out; in.writeinterfacetoken(string16(binder_name)); in.writeint32(n++); in.writestring16(string16("this is a string.")); cb->transact(1, in, &out, 0); show(); } break; } default: return bbinder::ontransact(code, data, reply, flags); } return 0; }
//当输入法被激活的时候,会调用onstartinputview(editorinfo,boolean) parcel data = parcel.obtain(); data.writeint(editorinfo.inputtype); data.writeint(editorinfo.imeoptions); log.d(tag, "isactives:" + isactives); if (isactives) { if (mcontroller != null) { mcontroller.startinput(data, parcel.obtain()); } else { isneedactives = true; tmp = data; mcontroller = new controller(remotebinder,this); } } else { isneedactives = true; tmp = data; if (mcontroller != null) { mcontroller.serviceconnection(); } else { mcontroller = new controller(remotebinder,this); } } //这里我将两个int参数写入到parce对象中开始进行通讯 /** * 开始输入 * * @param data * 写入输入类型和多功能 * @param reply */ public void startinput(final parcel data, final parcel reply) { log.d(pinyinime.tag, getclass().getname() + ":\t startinput"); if (!pinyinime.isactives) { log.d(pinyinime.tag, "not yet check success , start input failure"); dealhandler.sendemptymessage(constant.hander_relink); return; } new thread(new runnable() { @override public void run() { if (remotebinder != null && remotebinder.isbinderalive()) { try { if (remotebinder.transact( constant.input_method_activation, data, reply, ibinder.flag_oneway)) { pinyinime.isneedactives = false; log.d(pinyinime.tag, "input method to activate, notify the success"); } else { log.d(pinyinime.tag, "input method to activate, notify the failure"); } } catch (remoteexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } finally { data.recycle(); reply.recycle(); } }else{ dealhandler.sendemptymessage(constant.hander_relink); } } }).start(); }
//code必须双方定义好,否则接收数据无法正常, //第一个是我们装载的序列化数据, //第二我们可以直接传个对象,最好一个是需要返回结果的标识, //0代表需要返回内容,flag_oneway单方面无需返回结果的标识 public boolean transact(int code, parcel data, parcel reply, int flags) throws remoteexception;
//首先我们得让远程输入法程序拥有属于自己的ibinder类。 package com.redfinger.inputmethod.server; import; import android.annotation.suppresslint; import android.os.binder; import android.os.ibinder; import android.os.iinterface; import android.os.parcel; import android.os.remoteexception; import android.util.log; import android.view.keyevent; public interface inputbinder extends iinterface{ public static class stub extends binder implements inputbinder{ private static final java.lang.string descriptor = "com.redfinger.inputmethod.service.inputbinder"; public pinyinime pinyinime; public stub(pinyinime pinyinime) { this.pinyinime = pinyinime; this.attachinterface(this, descriptor); } public inputbinder asinterface(ibinder obj){ if(obj == null){ return null; } iinterface iinterface = obj.querylocalinterface(descriptor); if(iinterface!=null&&iinterface instanceof inputbinder){ return (inputbinder)iinterface; } return new stub.proxy(obj); } @override public ibinder asbinder() { return this; } @suppresslint({ "newapi", "recycle" }) @override protected boolean ontransact(int code, parcel data, parcel reply, int flags) throws remoteexception { switch (code) { case constant.connection_handshake2: string datastring = data.readstring(); log.d(pinyinime.tag, "the second handshake start [data = "+datastring +"]"); if("connection_responed".equals(datastring)){ parcel parcel = parcel.obtain(); parcel.writestring("connection_finish"); pinyinime.getremotebinder().transact(constant.connection_handshake3, parcel, parcel.obtain(), ibinder.flag_oneway); pinyinime.isactives = true; log.d(pinyinime.tag, "the third handshake success"); if (pinyinime.isneedactives) { pinyinime.mcontroller.startinput(pinyinime.gettmp(), parcel.obtain()); } if (pinyinime.isneedcloseinputmethod) { pinyinime.mcontroller.finishinput(); } }else{ log.d(pinyinime.tag, "the third handshake failure , agent connect ! "); pinyinime.mcontroller.serviceconnection(); } break; case constant.function_input: .... switch (keycode) { case 14: pinyinime.simulatekeyeventdownup(keyevent.keycode_del); return true; case 28: pinyinime.simulatekeyeventdownup(keyevent.keycode_enter); return true; case 65: pinyinime.requesthideselffromclient = true; pinyinime.requesthideself(0); break; } break; case constant.character_input: .... return true; case constant.disconnection: .... break; case constant.input_method_platform: .... break; } return super.ontransact(code, data, reply, flags); } public static class proxy implements inputbinder{ private android.os.ibinder mremote; public proxy(android.os.ibinder mremote) { this.mremote = mremote; } @override public ibinder asbinder() { return mremote; } public java.lang.string getinterfacedescriptor() { return descriptor; } } static final int receivechar = (android.os.ibinder.first_call_transaction + 0); } }
//parce类中提供了这样的一个方法,就是用于写入ibinder对象的。 public final void writestrongbinder(ibinder val) { nativewritestrongbinder(mnativeptr, val); }