1. pipedwriter 源码(基于jdk1.7.40)
package java.io; public class pipedwriter extends writer { // 与pipedwriter通信的pipedreader对象 private pipedreader sink; // pipedwriter的关闭标记 private boolean closed = false; // 构造函数,指定配对的pipedreader public pipedwriter(pipedreader snk) throws ioexception { connect(snk); } // 构造函数 public pipedwriter() { } // 将“pipedwriter” 和 “pipedreader”连接。 public synchronized void connect(pipedreader snk) throws ioexception { if (snk == null) { throw new nullpointerexception(); } else if (sink != null || snk.connected) { throw new ioexception("already connected"); } else if (snk.closedbyreader || closed) { throw new ioexception("pipe closed"); } sink = snk; snk.in = -1; snk.out = 0; // 设置“pipedreader”和“pipedwriter”为已连接状态 // connected是pipedreader中定义的,用于表示“pipedreader和pipedwriter”是否已经连接 snk.connected = true; } // 将一个字符c写入“pipedwriter”中。 // 将c写入“pipedwriter”之后,它会将c传输给“pipedreader” public void write(int c) throws ioexception { if (sink == null) { throw new ioexception("pipe not connected"); } sink.receive(c); } // 将字符数组b写入“pipedwriter”中。 // 将数组b写入“pipedwriter”之后,它会将其传输给“pipedreader” public void write(char cbuf[], int off, int len) throws ioexception { if (sink == null) { throw new ioexception("pipe not connected"); } else if ((off | len | (off + len) | (cbuf.length - (off + len))) < ) { throw new indexoutofboundsexception(); } sink.receive(cbuf, off, len); } // 清空“pipedwriter”。 // 这里会调用“pipedreader”的notifyall(); // 目的是让“pipedreader”放弃对当前资源的占有,让其它的等待线程(等待读取pipedwriter的线程)读取“pipedwriter”的值。 public synchronized void flush() throws ioexception { if (sink != null) { if (sink.closedbyreader || closed) { throw new ioexception("pipe closed"); } synchronized (sink) { sink.notifyall(); } } } // 关闭“pipedwriter”。 // 关闭之后,会调用receivedlast()通知“pipedreader”它已经关闭。 public void close() throws ioexception { closed = true; if (sink != null) { sink.receivedlast(); } } }
2. pipedreader 源码(基于jdk1.7.40)
package java.io; public class pipedreader extends reader { // “pipedwriter”是否关闭的标记 boolean closedbywriter = false; // “pipedreader”是否关闭的标记 boolean closedbyreader = false; // “pipedreader”与“pipedwriter”是否连接的标记 // 它在pipedwriter的connect()连接函数中被设置为true boolean connected = false; thread readside; // 读取“管道”数据的线程 thread writeside; // 向“管道”写入数据的线程 // “管道”的默认大小 private static final int default_pipe_size = 1024; // 缓冲区 char buffer[]; //下一个写入字符的位置。in==out代表满,说明“写入的数据”全部被读取了。 int in = -; //下一个读取字符的位置。in==out代表满,说明“写入的数据”全部被读取了。 int out = ; // 构造函数:指定与“pipedreader”关联的“pipedwriter” public pipedreader(pipedwriter src) throws ioexception { this(src, default_pipe_size); } // 构造函数:指定与“pipedreader”关联的“pipedwriter”,以及“缓冲区大小” public pipedreader(pipedwriter src, int pipesize) throws ioexception { initpipe(pipesize); connect(src); } // 构造函数:默认缓冲区大小是1024字符 public pipedreader() { initpipe(default_pipe_size); } // 构造函数:指定缓冲区大小是pipesize public pipedreader(int pipesize) { initpipe(pipesize); } // 初始化“管道”:新建缓冲区大小 private void initpipe(int pipesize) { if (pipesize <= 0) { throw new illegalargumentexception("pipe size <= 0"); } buffer = new char[pipesize]; } // 将“pipedreader”和“pipedwriter”绑定。 // 实际上,这里调用的是pipedwriter的connect()函数 public void connect(pipedwriter src) throws ioexception { src.connect(this); } // 接收int类型的数据b。 // 它只会在pipedwriter的write(int b)中会被调用 synchronized void receive(int c) throws ioexception { // 检查管道状态 if (!connected) { throw new ioexception("pipe not connected"); } else if (closedbywriter || closedbyreader) { throw new ioexception("pipe closed"); } else if (readside != null && !readside.isalive()) { throw new ioexception("read end dead"); } // 获取“写入管道”的线程 writeside = thread.currentthread(); // 如果“管道中被读取的数据,等于写入管道的数据”时, // 则每隔1000ms检查“管道状态”,并唤醒管道操作:若有“读取管道数据线程被阻塞”,则唤醒该线程。 while (in == out) { if ((readside != null) && !readside.isalive()) { throw new ioexception("pipe broken"); } /* full: kick any waiting readers */ notifyall(); try { wait(1000); } catch (interruptedexception ex) { throw new java.io.interruptedioexception(); } } if (in < 0) { in = 0; out = 0; } buffer[in++] = (char) c; if (in >= buffer.length) { in = 0; } } // 接收字符数组b。 synchronized void receive(char c[], int off, int len) throws ioexception { while (--len >= ) { receive(c[off++]); } } // 当pipedwriter被关闭时,被调用 synchronized void receivedlast() { closedbywriter = true; notifyall(); } // 从管道(的缓冲)中读取一个字符,并将其转换成int类型 public synchronized int read() throws ioexception { if (!connected) { throw new ioexception("pipe not connected"); } else if (closedbyreader) { throw new ioexception("pipe closed"); } else if (writeside != null && !writeside.isalive() && !closedbywriter && (in < )) { throw new ioexception("write end dead"); } readside = thread.currentthread(); int trials = 2; while (in < 0) { if (closedbywriter) { /* closed by writer, return eof */ return -1; } if ((writeside != null) && (!writeside.isalive()) && (--trials < )) { throw new ioexception("pipe broken"); } /* might be a writer waiting */ notifyall(); try { wait(1000); } catch (interruptedexception ex) { throw new java.io.interruptedioexception(); } } int ret = buffer[out++]; if (out >= buffer.length) { out = 0; } if (in == out) { /* now empty */ in = -1; } return ret; } // 从管道(的缓冲)中读取数据,并将其存入到数组b中 public synchronized int read(char cbuf[], int off, int len) throws ioexception { if (!connected) { throw new ioexception("pipe not connected"); } else if (closedbyreader) { throw new ioexception("pipe closed"); } else if (writeside != null && !writeside.isalive() && !closedbywriter && (in < 0)) { throw new ioexception("write end dead"); } if ((off < 0) || (off > cbuf.length) || (len < 0) || ((off + len) > cbuf.length) || ((off + len) < 0)) { throw new indexoutofboundsexception(); } else if (len == 0) { return 0; } /* possibly wait on the first character */ int c = read(); if (c < 0) { return -1; } cbuf[off] = (char)c; int rlen = 1; while ((in >= 0) && (--len > 0)) { cbuf[off + rlen] = buffer[out++]; rlen++; if (out >= buffer.length) { out = 0; } if (in == out) { /* now empty */ in = -; } } return rlen; } // 是否能从管道中读取下一个数据 public synchronized boolean ready() throws ioexception { if (!connected) { throw new ioexception("pipe not connected"); } else if (closedbyreader) { throw new ioexception("pipe closed"); } else if (writeside != null && !writeside.isalive() && !closedbywriter && (in < )) { throw new ioexception("write end dead"); } if (in < 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } // 关闭pipedreader public void close() throws ioexception { in = -; closedbyreader = true; } }
下面,我们看看多线程中通过pipedwriter和pipedreader通信的例子。例子中包括3个类:receiver.java, sender.java 和 pipetest.java
import java.io.ioexception; import java.io.pipedreader; @suppresswarnings("all") /** * 接收者线程 */ public class receiver extends thread { // 管道输入流对象。 // 它和“管道输出流(pipedwriter)”对象绑定, // 从而可以接收“管道输出流”的数据,再让用户读取。 private pipedreader in = new pipedreader(); // 获得“管道输入流对象” public pipedreader getreader(){ return in; } @override public void run(){ readmessageonce() ; //readmessagecontinued() ; } // 从“管道输入流”中读取次数据 public void readmessageonce(){ // 虽然buf的大小是2048个字符,但最多只会从“管道输入流”中读取1024个字符。 // 因为,“管道输入流”的缓冲区大小默认只有1024个字符。 char[] buf = new char[2048]; try { int len = in.read(buf); system.out.println(new string(buf,0,len)); in.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } // 从“管道输入流”读取>1024个字符时,就停止读取 public void readmessagecontinued(){ int total=0; while(true) { char[] buf = new char[]; try { int len = in.read(buf); total += len; system.out.println(new string(buf,,len)); // 若读取的字符总数>1024,则退出循环。 if (total > 1024) break; } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } try { in.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } } sender.java的代码如下: import java.io.ioexception; import java.io.pipedwriter; @suppresswarnings("all") /** * 发送者线程 */ public class sender extends thread { // 管道输出流对象。 // 它和“管道输入流(pipedreader)”对象绑定, // 从而可以将数据发送给“管道输入流”的数据,然后用户可以从“管道输入流”读取数据。 private pipedwriter out = new pipedwriter(); // 获得“管道输出流”对象 public pipedwriter getwriter(){ return out; } @override public void run(){ writeshortmessage(); //writelongmessage(); } // 向“管道输出流”中写入一则较简短的消息:"this is a short message" private void writeshortmessage() { string strinfo = "this is a short message" ; try { out.write(strinfo.tochararray()); out.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } // 向“管道输出流”中写入一则较长的消息 private void writelongmessage() { stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); // 通过for循环写入1020个字符 for (int i=0; i<102; i++) sb.append("0123456789"); // 再写入26个字符。 sb.append("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); // str的总长度是1020+26=1046个字符 string str = sb.tostring(); try { // 将1046个字符写入到“管道输出流”中 out.write(str); out.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } }
import java.io.pipedreader; import java.io.pipedwriter; import java.io.ioexception; @suppresswarnings("all") /** * 管道输入流和管道输出流的交互程序 */ public class pipetest { public static void main(string[] args) { sender t1 = new sender(); receiver t2 = new receiver(); pipedwriter out = t1.getwriter(); pipedreader in = t2.getreader(); try { //管道连接。下面句话的本质是一样。 //out.connect(in); in.connect(out); /** * thread类的start方法: * 使该线程开始执行;java 虚拟机调用该线程的 run 方法。 * 结果是两个线程并发地运行;当前线程(从调用返回给 start 方法)和另一个线程(执行其 run 方法)。 * 多次启动一个线程是非法的。特别是当线程已经结束执行后,不能再重新启动。 */ t.start(); t.start(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } }
this is a short message
(01) in.connect(out);
它的作用是将“管道输入流”和“管道输出流”关联起来。查看pipedwriter.java和pipedreader.java中connect()的源码;我们知道 out.connect(in); 等价于 in.connect(out);
t1.start(); // 启动“sender”线程
t2.start(); // 启动“receiver”线程
writeshortmessage();的作用就是向“管道输出流”中写入数据"this is a short message" ;这条数据会被“管道输入流”接收到。下面看看这是如何实现的。
先看write(char char的源码。pipedwriter.java继承于writer.java;writer.java中write(char c[])的源码如下:
public void write(char cbuf[]) throws ioexception { write(cbuf, 0, cbuf.length); }
实际上write(char c[])是调用的pipedwriter.java中的write(char c[], int off, int len)函数。查看write(char c[], int off, int len)的源码,我们发现:它会调用 sink.receive(cbuf, off, len); 进一步查看receive(char c[], int off, int len)的定义,我们知道sink.receive(cbuf, off, len)的作用就是:将“管道输出流”中的数据保存到“管道输入流”的缓冲中。而“管道输入流”的缓冲区buffer的默认大小是1024个字符。
至此,我们知道:t1.start()启动sender线程,而sender线程会将数据"this is a short message"写入到“管道输出流”;而“管道输出流”又会将该数据传输给“管道输入流”,即而保存在“管道输入流”的缓冲中。
t2.start() 会启动receiver线程,从而执行receiver.java的run()函数。查看receiver.java的源码,我们知道run()调用了readmessageonce()。
通过上面的分析,我们已经知道“管道输入流in”的缓冲中的数据是"this is a short message";因此,buf的数据就是"this is a short message"。
public void run(){ writeshortmessage(); //writelongmessage(); }
public void run(){ //writeshortmessage(); writelongmessage(); }
从中,我们看出,程序运行出错!抛出异常 java.io.ioexception: pipe closed
(01) 在pipetest中,通过in.connect(out)将输入和输出管道连接起来;然后,启动两个线程。t1.start()启动了线程sender,t2.start()启动了线程receiver。
(02) sender线程启动后,通过writelongmessage()写入数据到“输出管道”,out.write(str.tochararray())共写入了1046个字符。而根据pipedwriter的源码,pipedwriter的write()函数会调用pipedreader的receive()函数。而观察pipedreader的receive()函数,我们知道,pipedreader会将接受的数据存储缓冲区。仔细观察receive()函数,有如下代码:
while (in == out) { if ((readside != null) && !readside.isalive()) { throw new ioexception("pipe broken"); } /* full: kick any waiting readers */ notifyall(); try { wait(1000); } catch (interruptedexception ex) { throw new java.io.interruptedioexception(); } }
而in和out的初始值分别是in=-1, out=0;结合上面的while(in==out)。我们知道,它的含义就是,每往管道中写入一个字符,就达到了in==out这个条件。然后,就调用notifyall(),唤醒“读取管道的线程”。
(03) receiver线程启动后,会调用readmessageonce()读取管道输入流。读取1024个字符会,会调用close()关闭,管道。
由(02)和(03)的分析可知,sender要往管道写入1046个字符。其中,前1024个字符(缓冲区容量是1024)能正常写入,并且每写入一个就读取一个。当写入1025个字符时,依然是依次的调用pipedwriter.java中的write();然后,write()中调用pipedreader.java中的receive();在pipedreader.java中,最终又会调用到receive(int c)函数。 而此时,管道输入流已经被关闭,也就是closedbyreader为true,所以抛出throw new ioexception("pipe closed")。
试验二: 在“试验一”的基础上继续修改receiver.java
public void run(){ readmessageonce() ; //readmessagecontinued() ; }
public void run(){ //readmessageonce() ; readmessagecontinued() ; }
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