1. 获取磁盘总空间大小
//磁盘总空间 + (cgfloat)diskofallsizembytes{ cgfloat size = 0.0; nserror *error; nsdictionary *dic = [[nsfilemanager defaultmanager] attributesoffilesystemforpath:nshomedirectory() error:&error]; if (error) { #ifdef debug nslog(@"error: %@", error.localizeddescription); #endif }else{ nsnumber *number = [dic objectforkey:nsfilesystemsize]; size = [number floatvalue]/1024/1024; } return size; }
2. 获取磁盘可用空间大小
//磁盘可用空间 + (cgfloat)diskoffreesizembytes{ cgfloat size = 0.0; nserror *error; nsdictionary *dic = [[nsfilemanager defaultmanager] attributesoffilesystemforpath:nshomedirectory() error:&error]; if (error) { #ifdef debug nslog(@"error: %@", error.localizeddescription); #endif }else{ nsnumber *number = [dic objectforkey:nsfilesystemfreesize]; size = [number floatvalue]/1024/1024; } return size; }
3. 获取指定路径下某个文件的大小
//获取文件大小 + (long long)filesizeatpath:(nsstring *)filepath{ nsfilemanager *filemanager = [nsfilemanager defaultmanager]; if (![filemanager fileexistsatpath:filepath]) return 0; return [[filemanager attributesofitematpath:filepath error:nil] filesize]; }
4. 获取文件夹下所有文件的大小
//获取文件夹下所有文件的大小 + (long long)foldersizeatpath:(nsstring *)folderpath{ nsfilemanager *filemanager = [nsfilemanager defaultmanager]; if (![filemanager fileexistsatpath:folderpath]) return 0; nsenumerator *filesenumerator = [[filemanager subpathsatpath:folderpath] objectenumerator]; nsstring *filename; long long folersize = 0; while ((filename = [filesenumerator nextobject]) != nil) { nsstring *filepath = [folderpath stringbyappendingpathcomponent:filename]; folersize += [self filesizeatpath:filepath]; } return folersize; }
5. 获取字符串(或汉字)首字母
//获取字符串(或汉字)首字母 + (nsstring *)firstcharacterwithstring:(nsstring *)string{ nsmutablestring *str = [nsmutablestring stringwithstring:string]; cfstringtransform((cfmutablestringref)str, null, kcfstringtransformmandarinlatin, no); cfstringtransform((cfmutablestringref)str, null, kcfstringtransformstripdiacritics, no); nsstring *pingyin = [str capitalizedstring]; return [pingyin substringtoindex:1]; }
6. 将字符串数组按照元素首字母顺序进行排序分组
//将字符串数组按照元素首字母顺序进行排序分组 + (nsdictionary *)dictionaryorderbycharacterwithoriginalarray:(nsarray *)array{ if (array.count == 0) { return nil; } for (id obj in array) { if (![obj iskindofclass:[nsstring class]]) { return nil; } } uilocalizedindexedcollation *indexedcollation = [uilocalizedindexedcollation currentcollation]; nsmutablearray *objects = [nsmutablearray arraywithcapacity:indexedcollation.sectiontitles.count]; //创建27个分组数组 for (int i = 0; i < indexedcollation.sectiontitles.count; i++) { nsmutablearray *obj = [nsmutablearray array]; [objects addobject:obj]; } nsmutablearray *keys = [nsmutablearray arraywithcapacity:objects.count]; //按字母顺序进行分组 nsinteger lastindex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < array.count; i++) { nsinteger index = [indexedcollation sectionforobject:array[i] collationstringselector:@selector(uppercasestring)]; [[objects objectatindex:index] addobject:array[i]]; lastindex = index; } //去掉空数组 for (int i = 0; i < objects.count; i++) { nsmutablearray *obj = objects[i]; if (obj.count == 0) { [objects removeobject:obj]; } } //获取索引字母 for (nsmutablearray *obj in objects) { nsstring *str = obj[0]; nsstring *key = [self firstcharacterwithstring:str]; [keys addobject:key]; } nsmutabledictionary *dic = [nsmutabledictionary dictionary]; [dic setobject:objects forkey:keys]; return dic; } //获取字符串(或汉字)首字母 + (nsstring *)firstcharacterwithstring:(nsstring *)string{ nsmutablestring *str = [nsmutablestring stringwithstring:string]; cfstringtransform((cfmutablestringref)str, null, kcfstringtransformmandarinlatin, no); cfstringtransform((cfmutablestringref)str, null, kcfstringtransformstripdiacritics, no); nsstring *pingyin = [str capitalizedstring]; return [pingyin substringtoindex:1]; }
nsarray *arr = @[@"guangzhou", @"shanghai", @"北京", @"henan", @"hainan"]; nsdictionary *dic = [utilities dictionaryorderbycharacterwithoriginalarray:arr]; nslog(@"\n\ndic: %@", dic);
7. 获取当前时间
//获取当前时间 //format: @"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"、@"yyyy年mm月dd日 hh时mm分ss秒" + (nsstring *)currentdatewithformat:(nsstring *)format{ nsdateformatter *dateformatter = [[nsdateformatter alloc] init]; [dateformatter setdateformat:format]; return [dateformatter stringfromdate:[nsdate date]]; }
8. 计算上次日期距离现在多久, 如 xx 小时前、xx 分钟前等
/** * 计算上次日期距离现在多久 * * @param lasttime 上次日期(需要和格式对应) * @param format1 上次日期格式 * @param currenttime 最近日期(需要和格式对应) * @param format2 最近日期格式 * * @return xx分钟前、xx小时前、xx天前 */ + (nsstring *)timeintervalfromlasttime:(nsstring *)lasttime lasttimeformat:(nsstring *)format1 tocurrenttime:(nsstring *)currenttime currenttimeformat:(nsstring *)format2{ //上次时间 nsdateformatter *dateformatter1 = [[nsdateformatter alloc]init]; dateformatter1.dateformat = format1; nsdate *lastdate = [dateformatter1 datefromstring:lasttime]; //当前时间 nsdateformatter *dateformatter2 = [[nsdateformatter alloc]init]; dateformatter2.dateformat = format2; nsdate *currentdate = [dateformatter2 datefromstring:currenttime]; return [utilities timeintervalfromlasttime:lastdate tocurrenttime:currentdate]; } + (nsstring *)timeintervalfromlasttime:(nsdate *)lasttime tocurrenttime:(nsdate *)currenttime{ nstimezone *timezone = [nstimezone systemtimezone]; //上次时间 nsdate *lastdate = [lasttime datebyaddingtimeinterval:[timezone secondsfromgmtfordate:lasttime]]; //当前时间 nsdate *currentdate = [currenttime datebyaddingtimeinterval:[timezone secondsfromgmtfordate:currenttime]]; //时间间隔 nsinteger intevaltime = [currentdate timeintervalsincereferencedate] - [lastdate timeintervalsincereferencedate]; //秒、分、小时、天、月、年 nsinteger minutes = intevaltime / 60; nsinteger hours = intevaltime / 60 / 60; nsinteger day = intevaltime / 60 / 60 / 24; nsinteger month = intevaltime / 60 / 60 / 24 / 30; nsinteger yers = intevaltime / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365; if (minutes <= 10) { return @"刚刚"; }else if (minutes < 60){ return [nsstring stringwithformat: @"%ld分钟前",(long)minutes]; }else if (hours < 24){ return [nsstring stringwithformat: @"%ld小时前",(long)hours]; }else if (day < 30){ return [nsstring stringwithformat: @"%ld天前",(long)day]; }else if (month < 12){ nsdateformatter * df =[[nsdateformatter alloc]init]; df.dateformat = @"m月d日"; nsstring * time = [df stringfromdate:lastdate]; return time; }else if (yers >= 1){ nsdateformatter * df =[[nsdateformatter alloc]init]; df.dateformat = @"yyyy年m月d日"; nsstring * time = [df stringfromdate:lastdate]; return time; } return @""; }
nslog(@"\n\nresult: %@", [utilities timeintervalfromlasttime:@"2015年12月8日 15:50" lasttimeformat:@"yyyy年mm月dd日 hh:mm" tocurrenttime:@"2015/12/08 16:12" currenttimeformat:@"yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm"]);
9. 判断手机号码格式是否正确
//判断手机号码格式是否正确 + (bool)valimobile:(nsstring *)mobile{ mobile = [mobile stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@" " withstring:@""]; if (mobile.length != 11) { return no; }else{ /** * 移动号段正则表达式 */ nsstring *cm_num = @"^((13[4-9])|(147)|(15[0-2,7-9])|(178)|(18[2-4,7-8]))\\d{8}|(1705)\\d{7}$"; /** * 联通号段正则表达式 */ nsstring *cu_num = @"^((13[0-2])|(145)|(15[5-6])|(176)|(18[5,6]))\\d{8}|(1709)\\d{7}$"; /** * 电信号段正则表达式 */ nsstring *ct_num = @"^((133)|(153)|(177)|(18[0,1,9]))\\d{8}$"; nspredicate *pred1 = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"self matches %@", cm_num]; bool ismatch1 = [pred1 evaluatewithobject:mobile]; nspredicate *pred2 = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"self matches %@", cu_num]; bool ismatch2 = [pred2 evaluatewithobject:mobile]; nspredicate *pred3 = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"self matches %@", ct_num]; bool ismatch3 = [pred3 evaluatewithobject:mobile]; if (ismatch1 || ismatch2 || ismatch3) { return yes; }else{ return no; } } }
10. 判断邮箱格式是否正确
//利用正则表达式验证 + (bool)isavailableemail:(nsstring *)email { nsstring *emailregex = @"[a-z0-9a-z._%+-]+@[a-za-z0-9.-]+\\.[a-za-z]{2,4}"; nspredicate *emailtest = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"self matches %@", emailregex]; return [emailtest evaluatewithobject:email]; }
11. 将十六进制颜色转换为 uicolor 对象
//将十六进制颜色转换为 uicolor 对象 + (uicolor *)colorwithhexstring:(nsstring *)color{ nsstring *cstring = [[color stringbytrimmingcharactersinset:[nscharacterset whitespaceandnewlinecharacterset]] uppercasestring]; // string should be 6 or 8 characters if ([cstring length] < 6) { return [uicolor clearcolor]; } // strip "0x" or "#" if it appears if ([cstring hasprefix:@"0x"]) cstring = [cstring substringfromindex:2]; if ([cstring hasprefix:@"#"]) cstring = [cstring substringfromindex:1]; if ([cstring length] != 6) return [uicolor clearcolor]; // separate into r, g, b substrings nsrange range; range.location = 0; range.length = 2; //r nsstring *rstring = [cstring substringwithrange:range]; //g range.location = 2; nsstring *gstring = [cstring substringwithrange:range]; //b range.location = 4; nsstring *bstring = [cstring substringwithrange:range]; // scan values unsigned int r, g, b; [[nsscanner scannerwithstring:rstring] scanhexint:&r]; [[nsscanner scannerwithstring:gstring] scanhexint:&g]; [[nsscanner scannerwithstring:bstring] scanhexint:&b]; return [uicolor colorwithred:((float) r / 255.0f) green:((float) g / 255.0f) blue:((float) b / 255.0f) alpha:1.0f]; }
12. 对图片进行滤镜处理
#pragma mark - 对图片进行滤镜处理 // 怀旧 --> ciphotoeffectinstant 单色 --> ciphotoeffectmono // 黑白 --> ciphotoeffectnoir 褪色 --> ciphotoeffectfade // 色调 --> ciphotoeffecttonal 冲印 --> ciphotoeffectprocess // 岁月 --> ciphotoeffecttransfer 铬黄 --> ciphotoeffectchrome // cilineartosrgbtonecurve, cisrgbtonecurvetolinear, cigaussianblur, ciboxblur, cidiscblur, cisepiatone, cidepthoffield + (uiimage *)filterwithoriginalimage:(uiimage *)image filtername:(nsstring *)name{ cicontext *context = [cicontext contextwithoptions:nil]; ciimage *inputimage = [[ciimage alloc] initwithimage:image]; cifilter *filter = [cifilter filterwithname:name]; [filter setvalue:inputimage forkey:kciinputimagekey]; ciimage *result = [filter valueforkey:kcioutputimagekey]; cgimageref cgimage = [context createcgimage:result fromrect:[result extent]]; uiimage *resultimage = [uiimage imagewithcgimage:cgimage]; cgimagerelease(cgimage); return resultimage; }
13. 对图片进行模糊处理
#pragma mark - 对图片进行模糊处理 // cigaussianblur ---> 高斯模糊 // ciboxblur ---> 均值模糊(available in ios 9.0 and later) // cidiscblur ---> 环形卷积模糊(available in ios 9.0 and later) // cimedianfilter ---> 中值模糊, 用于消除图像噪点, 无需设置radius(available in ios 9.0 and later) // cimotionblur ---> 运动模糊, 用于模拟相机移动拍摄时的扫尾效果(available in ios 9.0 and later) + (uiimage *)blurwithoriginalimage:(uiimage *)image blurname:(nsstring *)name radius:(nsinteger)radius{ cicontext *context = [cicontext contextwithoptions:nil]; ciimage *inputimage = [[ciimage alloc] initwithimage:image]; cifilter *filter; if (name.length != 0) { filter = [cifilter filterwithname:name]; [filter setvalue:inputimage forkey:kciinputimagekey]; if (![name isequaltostring:@"cimedianfilter"]) { [filter setvalue:@(radius) forkey:@"inputradius"]; } ciimage *result = [filter valueforkey:kcioutputimagekey]; cgimageref cgimage = [context createcgimage:result fromrect:[result extent]]; uiimage *resultimage = [uiimage imagewithcgimage:cgimage]; cgimagerelease(cgimage); return resultimage; }else{ return nil; } }
14. 调整图片饱和度、亮度、对比度
/** * 调整图片饱和度, 亮度, 对比度 * * @param image 目标图片 * @param saturation 饱和度 * @param brightness 亮度: -1.0 ~ 1.0 * @param contrast 对比度 * */ + (uiimage *)colorcontrolswithoriginalimage:(uiimage *)image saturation:(cgfloat)saturation brightness:(cgfloat)brightness contrast:(cgfloat)contrast{ cicontext *context = [cicontext contextwithoptions:nil]; ciimage *inputimage = [[ciimage alloc] initwithimage:image]; cifilter *filter = [cifilter filterwithname:@"cicolorcontrols"]; [filter setvalue:inputimage forkey:kciinputimagekey]; [filter setvalue:@(saturation) forkey:@"inputsaturation"]; [filter setvalue:@(brightness) forkey:@"inputbrightness"]; [filter setvalue:@(contrast) forkey:@"inputcontrast"]; ciimage *result = [filter valueforkey:kcioutputimagekey]; cgimageref cgimage = [context createcgimage:result fromrect:[result extent]]; uiimage *resultimage = [uiimage imagewithcgimage:cgimage]; cgimagerelease(cgimage); return resultimage; }
15. 创建一张实时模糊效果 view (毛玻璃效果)
//avilable in ios 8.0 and later + (uivisualeffectview *)effectviewwithframe:(cgrect)frame{ uiblureffect *effect = [uiblureffect effectwithstyle:uiblureffectstylelight]; uivisualeffectview *effectview = [[uivisualeffectview alloc] initwitheffect:effect]; effectview.frame = frame; return effectview; }
16. 全屏截图
//全屏截图 + (uiimage *)shotscreen{ uiwindow *window = [uiapplication sharedapplication].keywindow; uigraphicsbeginimagecontext(window.bounds.size); [window.layer renderincontext:uigraphicsgetcurrentcontext()]; uiimage *image = uigraphicsgetimagefromcurrentimagecontext(); uigraphicsendimagecontext(); return image; }
17. 截取一张 view 生成图片
//截取view生成一张图片 + (uiimage *)shotwithview:(uiview *)view{ uigraphicsbeginimagecontext(view.bounds.size); [view.layer renderincontext:uigraphicsgetcurrentcontext()]; uiimage *image = uigraphicsgetimagefromcurrentimagecontext(); uigraphicsendimagecontext(); return image; }
18. 截取view中某个区域生成一张图片
+ (uiimage *)shotwithview:(uiview *)view scope:(cgrect)scope{ cgimageref imageref = cgimagecreatewithimageinrect([self shotwithview:view].cgimage, scope); uigraphicsbeginimagecontext(scope.size); cgcontextref context = uigraphicsgetcurrentcontext(); cgrect rect = cgrectmake(0, 0, scope.size.width, scope.size.height); cgcontexttranslatectm(context, 0, rect.size.height);//下移 cgcontextscalectm(context, 1.0f, -1.0f);//上翻 cgcontextdrawimage(context, rect, imageref); uiimage *image = uigraphicsgetimagefromcurrentimagecontext(); uigraphicsendimagecontext(); cgimagerelease(imageref); cgcontextrelease(context); return image; }
19. 压缩图片到指定尺寸大小
//压缩图片到指定尺寸大小 + (uiimage *)compressoriginalimage:(uiimage *)image tosize:(cgsize)size{ uiimage *resultimage = image; uigraphicsbeginimagecontext(size); [resultimage drawinrect:cgrectmake(0, 0, size.width, size.height)]; uigraphicsendimagecontext(); return resultimage; }
20. 压缩图片到指定文件大小
//压缩图片到指定文件大小 + (nsdata *)compressoriginalimage:(uiimage *)image tomaxdatasizekbytes:(cgfloat)size{ nsdata *data = uiimagejpegrepresentation(image, 1.0); cgfloat datakbytes = data.length/1000.0; cgfloat maxquality = 0.9f; cgfloat lastdata = datakbytes; while (datakbytes > size && maxquality > 0.01f) { maxquality = maxquality - 0.01f; data = uiimagejpegrepresentation(image, maxquality); datakbytes = data.length/1000.0; if (lastdata == datakbytes) { break; }else{ lastdata = datakbytes; } } return data; }
21. 获取设备 ip 地址
#import <ifaddrs.h> #import <arpa/inet.h>
//获取设备 ip 地址 + (nsstring *)getipaddress { nsstring *address = @"error"; struct ifaddrs *interfaces = null; struct ifaddrs *temp_addr = null; int success = 0; success = getifaddrs(&interfaces); if (success == 0) { temp_addr = interfaces; while(temp_addr != null) { if(temp_addr->ifa_addr->sa_family == af_inet) { if([[nsstring stringwithutf8string:temp_addr->ifa_name] isequaltostring:@"en0"]) { address = [nsstring stringwithutf8string:inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *)temp_addr->ifa_addr)->sin_addr)]; } } temp_addr = temp_addr->ifa_next; } } freeifaddrs(interfaces); return address; }
22. 判断字符串中是否含有空格
+ (bool)ishavespaceinstring:(nsstring *)string{ nsrange _range = [string rangeofstring:@" "]; if (_range.location != nsnotfound) { return yes; }else { return no; } }
23. 判断字符串中是否含有某个字符串
+ (bool)ishavestring:(nsstring *)string1 instring:(nsstring *)string2{ nsrange _range = [string2 rangeofstring:string1]; if (_range.location != nsnotfound) { return yes; }else { return no; } }
24. 判断字符串中是否含有中文
+ (bool)ishavechineseinstring:(nsstring *)string{ for(nsinteger i = 0; i < [string length]; i++){ int a = [string characteratindex:i]; if (a > 0x4e00 && a < 0x9fff) { return yes; } } return no; }
25. 判断字符串是否全部为数字
+ (bool)isallnum:(nsstring *)string{ unichar c; for (int i=0; i<string.length; i++) { c=[string characteratindex:i]; if (!isdigit(c)) { return no; } } return yes; }
26. 绘制虚线
/* ** lineframe: 虚线的 frame ** length: 虚线中短线的宽度 ** spacing: 虚线中短线之间的间距 ** color: 虚线中短线的颜色 */ + (uiview *)createdashedlinewithframe:(cgrect)lineframe linelength:(int)length linespacing:(int)spacing linecolor:(uicolor *)color{ uiview *dashedline = [[uiview alloc] initwithframe:lineframe]; dashedline.backgroundcolor = [uicolor clearcolor]; cashapelayer *shapelayer = [cashapelayer layer]; [shapelayer setbounds:dashedline.bounds]; [shapelayer setposition:cgpointmake(cgrectgetwidth(dashedline.frame) / 2, cgrectgetheight(dashedline.frame))]; [shapelayer setfillcolor:[uicolor clearcolor].cgcolor]; [shapelayer setstrokecolor:color.cgcolor]; [shapelayer setlinewidth:cgrectgetheight(dashedline.frame)]; [shapelayer setlinejoin:kcalinejoinround]; [shapelayer setlinedashpattern:[nsarray arraywithobjects:[nsnumber numberwithint:length], [nsnumber numberwithint:spacing], nil]]; cgmutablepathref path = cgpathcreatemutable(); cgpathmovetopoint(path, null, 0, 0); cgpathaddlinetopoint(path, null, cgrectgetwidth(dashedline.frame), 0); [shapelayer setpath:path]; cgpathrelease(path); [dashedline.layer addsublayer:shapelayer]; return dashedline; }
27. 将字典对象转换为 json 字符串
+ (nsstring *)jsonprettystringencoded:(nsdictionary *)dictionary{ if ([nsjsonserialization isvalidjsonobject:dictionary ]) { nserror *error; nsdata *jsondata = [nsjsonserialization datawithjsonobject:dictionary options:nsjsonwritingprettyprinted error:&error]; if (!error) { nsstring *json = [[nsstring alloc] initwithdata:jsondata encoding:nsutf8stringencoding]; return json; } } return nil; }
28.将数组对象转换为 json 字符串
+ (nsstring *)jsonprettystringencoded:(nsarray *)array{ if ([nsjsonserialization isvalidjsonobject:array]) { nserror *error; nsdata *jsondata = [nsjsonserialization datawithjsonobject:array options:nsjsonwritingprettyprinted error:&error]; if (!error) { nsstring *json = [[nsstring alloc] initwithdata:jsondata encoding:nsutf8stringencoding]; return json; } } return nil; }
29. 获取 wifi 信息
#import <systemconfiguration/captivenetwork.h>
//获取 wifi 信息 - (nsdictionary *)fetchssidinfo { nsarray *ifs = (__bridge_transfer nsarray *)cncopysupportedinterfaces(); if (!ifs) { return nil; } nsdictionary *info = nil; for (nsstring *ifnam in ifs) { info = (__bridge_transfer nsdictionary *)cncopycurrentnetworkinfo((__bridge cfstringref)ifnam); if (info && [info count]) { break; } } return info; }
30. 获取广播地址、本机地址、子网掩码、端口信息
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 14.0px menlo; color: #ff4647}span.s1 {font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures; color: #eb905a}span.s2 {font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures} #import <ifaddrs.h> #import <arpa/inet.h>
//获取广播地址、本机地址、子网掩码、端口信息 - (nsmutabledictionary *)getlocalinfoforcurrentwifi { nsmutabledictionary *dict = [nsmutabledictionary dictionary]; struct ifaddrs *interfaces = null; struct ifaddrs *temp_addr = null; int success = 0; // retrieve the current interfaces - returns 0 on success success = getifaddrs(&interfaces); if (success == 0) { // loop through linked list of interfaces temp_addr = interfaces; //*/ while(temp_addr != null) { if(temp_addr->ifa_addr->sa_family == af_inet) { // check if interface is en0 which is the wifi connection on the iphone if([[nsstring stringwithutf8string:temp_addr->ifa_name] isequaltostring:@"en0"]) { //广播地址 nsstring *broadcast = [nsstring stringwithutf8string:inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *)temp_addr->ifa_dstaddr)->sin_addr)]; if (broadcast) { [dict setobject:broadcast forkey:@"broadcast"]; } // nslog(@"broadcast address--%@",broadcast); //本机地址 nsstring *localip = [nsstring stringwithutf8string:inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *)temp_addr->ifa_addr)->sin_addr)]; if (localip) { [dict setobject:localip forkey:@"localip"]; } // nslog(@"local device ip--%@",localip); //子网掩码地址 nsstring *netmask = [nsstring stringwithutf8string:inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *)temp_addr->ifa_netmask)->sin_addr)]; if (netmask) { [dict setobject:netmask forkey:@"netmask"]; } // nslog(@"netmask--%@",netmask); //--en0 端口地址 nsstring *interface = [nsstring stringwithutf8string:temp_addr->ifa_name]; if (interface) { [dict setobject:interface forkey:@"interface"]; } // nslog(@"interface--%@",interface); return dict; } } temp_addr = temp_addr->ifa_next; } } // free memory freeifaddrs(interfaces); return dict; }
上一篇: 详解Metrics应用监控指标的使用说明
下一篇: 利用Python抓取阿里云盘资源