2024-02-19 09:44:10
private void button1_click(object sender, syste...
private void button1_click(object sender, system.eventargs e) { object omissing = system.reflection.missing.value; object oendofdoc = "\\endofdoc"; /* \endofdoc是预定义的bookmark */ //创建一个document. word._application oword; word._document odoc; oword = new word.application(); oword.visible = true; odoc = oword.documents.add(ref omissing, ref omissing, ref omissing, ref omissing); //在document的开始部分添加一个paragraph. word.paragraph opara1; opara1 = odoc.content.paragraphs.add(ref omissing); opara1.range.text = "heading 1"; opara1.range.font.bold = 1; opara1.format.spaceafter = 24; //24 pt spacing after paragraph. opara1.range.insertparagraphafter(); //在当前document的最后添加一个paragraph word.paragraph opara2; object orng = odoc.bookmarks.get_item(ref oendofdoc).range; opara2 = odoc.content.paragraphs.add(ref orng); opara2.range.text = "heading 2"; opara2.format.spaceafter = 6; opara2.range.insertparagraphafter(); //接着添加一个paragraph word.paragraph opara3; orng = odoc.bookmarks.get_item(ref oendofdoc).range; opara3 = odoc.content.paragraphs.add(ref orng); opara3.range.text = "this is a sentence of normal text. now here is a table:"; opara3.range.font.bold = 0; opara3.format.spaceafter = 24; opara3.range.insertparagraphafter(); //添加一个3行5列的表格,填充数据,并且设定第一行的样式 word.table otable; word.range wrdrng = odoc.bookmarks.get_item(ref oendofdoc).range; otable = odoc.tables.add(wrdrng, 3, 5, ref omissing, ref omissing); otable.range.paragraphformat.spaceafter = 6; int r, c; string strtext; for(r = 1; r <= 3; r++) for(c = 1; c <= 5; c++) { strtext = "r" + r + "c" + c; otable.cell(r, c).range.text = strtext; } otable.rows[1].range.font.bold = 1; otable.rows[1].range.font.italic = 1; //接着添加一些文字 word.paragraph opara4; orng = odoc.bookmarks.get_item(ref oendofdoc).range; opara4 = odoc.content.paragraphs.add(ref orng); opara4.range.insertparagraphbefore(); opara4.range.text = "and here's another table:"; opara4.format.spaceafter = 24; opara4.range.insertparagraphafter(); //添加一个5行2列的表,填充数据并且改变列宽 wrdrng = odoc.bookmarks.get_item(ref oendofdoc).range; otable = odoc.tables.add(wrdrng, 5, 2, ref omissing, ref omissing); otable.range.paragraphformat.spaceafter = 6; for(r = 1; r <= 5; r++) for(c = 1; c <= 2; c++) { strtext = "r" + r + "c" + c; otable.cell(r, c).range.text = strtext; } otable.columns[1].width = oword.inchestopoints(2); //change width of columns 1 & 2 otable.columns[2].width = oword.inchestopoints(3); //keep inserting text. when you get to 7 inches from top of the //document, insert a hard page break. object opos; double dpos = oword.inchestopoints(7); odoc.bookmarks.get_item(ref oendofdoc).range.insertparagraphafter(); do { wrdrng = odoc.bookmarks.get_item(ref oendofdoc).range; wrdrng.paragraphformat.spaceafter = 6; wrdrng.insertafter("a line of text"); wrdrng.insertparagraphafter(); opos = wrdrng.get_information (word.wdinformation.wdverticalpositionrelativetopage); } while(dpos >= convert.todouble(opos)); object ocollapseend = word.wdcollapsedirection.wdcollapseend; object opagebreak = word.wdbreaktype.wdpagebreak; wrdrng.collapse(ref ocollapseend); wrdrng.insertbreak(ref opagebreak); wrdrng.collapse(ref ocollapseend); wrdrng.insertafter("we're now on page 2. here's my chart:"); wrdrng.insertparagraphafter(); //添加一个chart word.inlineshape oshape; object oclasstype = "msgraph.chart.8"; wrdrng = odoc.bookmarks.get_item(ref oendofdoc).range; oshape = wrdrng.inlineshapes.addoleobject(ref oclasstype, ref omissing, ref omissing, ref omissing, ref omissing, ref omissing, ref omissing, ref omissing); //demonstrate use of late bound ochart and ochartapp objects to //manipulate the chart object with msgraph. object ochart; object ochartapp; ochart = oshape.oleformat.object; ochartapp = ochart.gettype().invokemember("application", bindingflags.getproperty, null, ochart, null); //change the chart type to line. object[] parameters = new object[1]; parameters[0] = 4; //xlline = 4 ochart.gettype().invokemember("charttype", bindingflags.setproperty, null, ochart, parameters); //update the chart image and quit msgraph. ochartapp.gettype().invokemember("update", bindingflags.invokemethod, null, ochartapp, null); ochartapp.gettype().invokemember("quit", bindingflags.invokemethod, null, ochartapp, null); //... if desired, you can proceed from here using the microsoft graph //object model on the ochart and ochartapp objects to make additional //changes to the chart. //set the width of the chart. oshape.width = oword.inchestopoints(6.25f); oshape.height = oword.inchestopoints(3.57f); //add text after the chart. wrdrng = odoc.bookmarks.get_item(ref oendofdoc).range; wrdrng.insertparagraphafter(); wrdrng.insertafter("the end."); //close this form. this.close(); }
如果您要使用自动化功能创建的文档都是通用格式,则利用基于预设格式的模板的新文档来开始创建过程会更加容易。与从头创建文档相比,将某个模板与 word 自动化客户端配合使用有两大优点:
通过使用模板,可以精确地调整表格、段落和其他对象在文档中的布局,并可为这些对象添加格式设置。通过使用自动化功能,可以基于包含下面这样的代码的模板创建新文档: 在模板中,可以定义书签,这样,自动化客户端就可以在文档的特定位置加入可变文本,如下所示: 使用模板的另一个优点在于,您可以创建和存储希望在运行时应用的格式样式,如下所示:
object otemplate = "c:\\mytemplate.dot"; odoc = oword.documents.add(ref otemplate, ref omissing, ref omissing, ref omissing); object obookmark = "mybookmark"; odoc.bookmarks.item(ref obookmark).range.text = "some text here"; object ostylename = "mystyle"; odoc.bookmarks.item(ref obookmark).range.set_style(ref ostylename); object ostylename = "mystyle"; oword.selection.set_style(ref ostylename);
最主要的就是理解word application 的框架层次,其它的就像面向过程编程一样,一步步写代码,其中比较麻烦的是嵌套的表格。