using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.text; using system.runtime.interopservices; namespace windowsapplication1 { class ldt1 { [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "loaddrv")] public static extern int loaddrv(); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "enablecard")] public static extern int enablecard(); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "stopsigcheck")] public static extern int stopsigcheck(int handle); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "resetusb")] public static extern int resetusb(int handle); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "hangup")] public static extern int hangup(int handle); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "initdtmfbuf")] public static extern int initdtmfbuf(int handle); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "setdialpara")] public static extern int setdialpara(uint16 ringback1, uint16 ringback0, uint16 busylen, uint16 ringtimes, uint16 sendnosignallen); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "disablecard")] public static extern int disablecard(); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "freedrv")] public static extern int freedrv(); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "getdtmfcode")] public static extern int getdtmfcode(uint16 line); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "isring")] public static extern bool isring(uint16 line); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "getcalleridstr")] public static extern uint16 getcalleridstr(uint16 line, stringbuilder idstr); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "isoffhook")] public static extern bool isoffhook(uint16 line); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "startrecordfile")] public static extern bool startrecordfile(uint16 line, string filename, uint32 dwrecordlen); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "checkrecordend")] public static extern bool checkrecordend(uint16 line); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "stoprecordfile")] public static extern bool stoprecordfile(uint16 line); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "pcmtowave")] public static extern int pcmtowave(string sourcefilename, string targetfilename); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "readcheckresult")] public static extern int readcheckresult(int line, int mode); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "startsigcheck")] public static extern void startsigcheck(int line); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "readusbstate")] public static extern bool readusbstate(int line); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "getringnum")] public static extern int getringnum(int line); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "initringnum")] public static extern void initringnum(int line); [dllimport("usbms.dll", entrypoint = "readserialno")] public static extern int readserialno(int line,stringbuilder serialno); } }
while (ldt1.isoffhook((ushort)this.line)) { int temp = ldt1.getdtmfcode((ushort)this.line); if (temp > 0) { phonenum = phonenum + this.convertint(temp); } thread.sleep(300); } private string convertint(int code) { string ret=""; switch (code) { case 10: ret = "0"; break; case 11: ret = "*"; break; case 12: ret = "#"; break; case 13: ret = "a"; break; case 14: ret = "b"; break; case 15: ret = "c"; break; case 16: ret = "d"; break; default: ret = code.tostring(); break; } return ret; }
public static string uploadfileex(string uploadfile, string url, string fileformname, string contenttype, namevaluecollection querystring, cookiecontainer cookies) { if ((fileformname == null) || (fileformname.length == 0)) { fileformname = "file"; } if ((contenttype == null) || (contenttype.length == 0)) { contenttype = "application/octet-stream"; } string postdata; postdata = "?"; if (querystring != null) { foreach (string key in querystring.keys) { postdata += key + "=" + querystring.get(key) + "&"; } } uri uri = new uri(url + postdata); string boundary = "----------" + datetime.now.ticks.tostring("x"); httpwebrequest webrequest = (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create(uri); //webrequest.cookiecontainer = cookies; webrequest.contenttype = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary; webrequest.method = "post"; string huanhang = "\r\n"; byte[] huanhangbyte = encoding.utf8.getbytes(huanhang); // build up the post message header stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); sb.append("--"); sb.append(boundary); sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append("content-disposition: form-data; name=\""); sb.append(fileformname); sb.append("\"; filename=\""); sb.append(path.getfilename(uploadfile)); sb.append("\""); sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append("content-type: "); sb.append(contenttype); sb.append("\r\n"); sb.append("\r\n"); string postheader = sb.tostring(); byte[] postheaderbytes = encoding.utf8.getbytes(postheader); // build the trailing boundary string as a byte array // ensuring the boundary appears on a line by itself byte[] boundarybytes = encoding.ascii.getbytes("--" + boundary + ""); filestream filestream = new filestream(uploadfile, filemode.open, fileaccess.read); long length = postheaderbytes.length + filestream.length + boundarybytes.length + huanhangbyte.length; webrequest.contentlength = length; stream requeststream = webrequest.getrequeststream(); // write out our post header requeststream.write(postheaderbytes, 0, postheaderbytes.length); // write out the file contents byte[] buffer = new byte[checked((uint)math.min(4096, (int)filestream.length))]; int bytesread = 0; while ((bytesread = filestream.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)) != 0) requeststream.write(buffer, 0, bytesread); requeststream.write(huanhangbyte, 0, huanhangbyte.length); // write out the trailing boundary requeststream.write(boundarybytes, 0, boundarybytes.length); filestream.dispose(); requeststream.dispose(); webresponse responce = webrequest.getresponse(); stream s = responce.getresponsestream(); streamreader sr = new streamreader(s); string retval=sr.readtoend(); sr.dispose(); if (file.exists(uploadfile)) { try { file.delete(uploadfile); }catch(exception e) { } } return retval; }