Spring Data JPA 实现多表关联查询的示例代码
多表查询在spring data jpa中有两种实现方式,第一种是利用hibernate的级联查询来实现,第二种是创建一个结果集的接口来接收连表查询后的结果,这里介绍第二种方式。
实体 userinfo :用户。
实体 address:家庭住址。
1、实体类 userinfo.java
package com.johnfnash.learn.domain; import java.io.serializable; import javax.persistence.entity; import javax.persistence.generatedvalue; import javax.persistence.generationtype; import javax.persistence.id; import javax.persistence.table; @entity @table(name="tb_user") public class userinfo implements serializable { private static final long serialversionuid = 8283950216116626180l; @id @generatedvalue(strategy=generationtype.identity) private long userid; private string name; private int age; private string sex; private string email; // 与 address 的关联 private long addressid; public userinfo() { super(); } public userinfo(string name, int age, string sex, string email, long addressid) { super(); this.name = name; this.age = age; this.sex = sex; this.email = email; this.addressid = addressid; } // getter, setter @override public string tostring() { return string.format("userinfo [userid=%d, name=%s, age=%s, sex=%s, email=%s]", userid, name, age, sex, email); } }
2. 实体类 address.java
package com.johnfnash.learn.domain; import javax.persistence.entity; import javax.persistence.generatedvalue; import javax.persistence.generationtype; import javax.persistence.id; import javax.persistence.table; @entity @table(name = "tb_address") public class address { @id @generatedvalue(strategy = generationtype.identity) private long addressid; private string areacode; private string country; private string province; private string city; private string area; private string detailaddress; public address() { super(); } public address(string areacode, string country, string province, string city, string area, string detailaddress) { super(); this.areacode = areacode; this.country = country; this.province = province; this.city = city; this.area = area; this.detailaddress = detailaddress; } // getter, setter @override public string tostring() { return "address [addressid=" + addressid + ", areacode=" + areacode + ", country=" + country + ", province=" + province + ", city=" + city + ", area=" + area + ", detailaddress=" + detailaddress + "]"; } }
dao 层
package com.johnfnash.learn.repository; import java.util.list; import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.jparepository; import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query; import com.johnfnash.learn.domain.userinfo; import com.johnfnash.learn.domain.viewinfo; public interface userinforepository extends jparepository<userinfo, long> { @query(value = "select new com.johnfnash.learn.domain.viewinfo(u, a) from userinfo u, address a where u.addressid = a.addressid") public list<viewinfo> findviewinfo(); }
注:这里的 viewinfo 类用来一个用来接收多表查询结果集的类(使用 new + 完整类名构造函数)
package com.johnfnash.learn.domain; import java.io.serializable; public class viewinfo implements serializable { private static final long serialversionuid = -6347911007178390219l; private userinfo userinfo; private address address; public viewinfo() { } public viewinfo(userinfo userinfo) { address address = new address(); this.userinfo = userinfo; this.address = address; } public viewinfo(address address) { userinfo userinfo = new userinfo(); this.userinfo = userinfo; this.address = address; } public viewinfo(userinfo userinfo, address address) { this.userinfo = userinfo; this.address = address; } // getter, setter }
2. addressrepository.java
package com.johnfnash.learn.repository; import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.jparepository; import com.johnfnash.learn.domain.address; public interface addressrepository extends jparepository<address, long> { }
package com.johnfnash.learn; import java.util.list; import org.junit.after; import org.junit.before; import org.junit.test; import org.junit.runner.runwith; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired; import org.springframework.boot.test.context.springboottest; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.springrunner; import com.johnfnash.learn.domain.address; import com.johnfnash.learn.domain.userinfo; import com.johnfnash.learn.domain.viewinfo; import com.johnfnash.learn.repository.addressrepository; import com.johnfnash.learn.repository.userinforepository; @runwith(springrunner.class) @springboottest public class userinforepositorytests { @autowired private userinforepository userinforepository; @autowired private addressrepository addressrepository; @before public void init() { address addr1 = new address("027","cn","hubei", "wuhan","wuchang", "123 street"); address addr2 = new address("023","cn","chongqing", "chongqing","yubei", "123 road"); addressrepository.save(addr1); addressrepository.save(addr2); userinfo user1 = new userinfo("zs", 21,"male","123@xx.com", addr1.getaddressid()); userinfo user2 = new userinfo("ww", 25,"male","234@xx.com", addr2.getaddressid()); userinforepository.save(user1); userinforepository.save(user2); } @after public void deleteall() { userinforepository.deleteall(); addressrepository.deleteall(); } @test public void testquery() { list<viewinfo> viewinfos = userinforepository.findviewinfo(); for (viewinfo viewinfo : viewinfos) { system.out.println(viewinfo.getuserinfo()); system.out.println(viewinfo.getaddress()); } } }
查询相关的 sql 如下:
hibernate: select userinfo0_.user_id as col_0_0_, address1_.address_id as col_1_0_ from tb_user userinfo0_ cross join tb_address address1_ where userinfo0_.address_id=address1_.address_id hibernate: select userinfo0_.user_id as user_id1_4_0_, userinfo0_.address_id as address_2_4_0_, userinfo0_.age as age3_4_0_, userinfo0_.email as email4_4_0_, userinfo0_.name as name5_4_0_, userinfo0_.sex as sex6_4_0_ from tb_user userinfo0_ where userinfo0_.user_id=? hibernate: select address0_.address_id as address_1_3_0_, address0_.area as area2_3_0_, address0_.area_code as area_cod3_3_0_, address0_.city as city4_3_0_, address0_.country as country5_3_0_, address0_.detail_address as detail_a6_3_0_, address0_.province as province7_3_0_ from tb_address address0_ where address0_.address_id=? hibernate: select userinfo0_.user_id as user_id1_4_0_, userinfo0_.address_id as address_2_4_0_, userinfo0_.age as age3_4_0_, userinfo0_.email as email4_4_0_, userinfo0_.name as name5_4_0_, userinfo0_.sex as sex6_4_0_ from tb_user userinfo0_ where userinfo0_.user_id=? hibernate: select address0_.address_id as address_1_3_0_, address0_.area as area2_3_0_, address0_.area_code as area_cod3_3_0_, address0_.city as city4_3_0_, address0_.country as country5_3_0_, address0_.detail_address as detail_a6_3_0_, address0_.province as province7_3_0_ from tb_address address0_ where address0_.address_id=? hibernate: select userinfo0_.user_id as user_id1_4_, userinfo0_.address_id as address_2_4_, userinfo0_.age as age3_4_, userinfo0_.email as email4_4_, userinfo0_.name as name5_4_, userinfo0_.sex as sex6_4_ from tb_user userinfo0_ hibernate: select address0_.address_id as address_1_3_, address0_.area as area2_3_, address0_.area_code as area_cod3_3_, address0_.city as city4_3_, address0_.country as country5_3_, address0_.detail_address as detail_a6_3_, address0_.province as province7_3_ from tb_address address0_
userinfo [userid=1, name=zs, age=21, sex=male, ]
address [addressid=1, areacode=027, country=cn, province=hubei, city=wuhan, area=wuchang, detailaddress=123 street]
userinfo [userid=2, name=ww, age=25, sex=male, ]
address [addressid=2, areacode=023, country=cn, province=chongqing, city=chongqing, area=yubei, detailaddress=123 road]
实体 author :作者。
实体 book :书籍
package com.johnfnash.learn.domain; import java.io.serializable; import javax.persistence.entity; import javax.persistence.generatedvalue; import javax.persistence.id; @entity public class author implements serializable { private static final long serialversionuid = 1227555837798655046l; @id @generatedvalue private integer id; private string name; public author() { super(); } public author(string name) { super(); this.name = name; } // getter, setter @override public string tostring() { return string.format("author [id=%s, name=%s]", id, name); } }
book.java 实体类
package com.johnfnash.learn.domain; import java.io.serializable; import javax.persistence.entity; import javax.persistence.generatedvalue; import javax.persistence.id; @entity public class book implements serializable { private static final long serialversionuid = -2470510857424220408l; @id @generatedvalue private integer id; private string name; public book() { super(); } public book(string name) { super(); this.name = name; } //getter, setter @override public string tostring() { return string.format("book [id=%s, name=%s]", id, name); } }
package com.johnfnash.learn.domain; import javax.persistence.entity; import javax.persistence.id; import javax.persistence.idclass; import javax.persistence.table; @entity @idclass(bookauthorpk.class) @table(name = "book_author") public class bookauthor { @id private integer bookid; @id private integer authorid; public bookauthor() { super(); } public bookauthor(integer bookid, integer authorid) { super(); this.bookid = bookid; this.authorid = authorid; } // getter, setter }
注:这里使用 @idclass 注解指定一个联合主键类来映射实体类的多个属性。这个联合主键类的代码如下:
package com.johnfnash.learn.domain; import java.io.serializable; public class bookauthorpk implements serializable { private static final long serialversionuid = -1158141803682305656l; private integer bookid; private integer authorid; public integer getbookid() { return bookid; } public void setbookid(integer bookid) { this.bookid = bookid; } public integer getauthorid() { return authorid; } public void setauthorid(integer authorid) { this.authorid = authorid; } }
dao 层
package com.johnfnash.learn.repository; import java.util.list; import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.jparepository; import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query; import com.johnfnash.learn.domain.book; public interface bookrepository extends jparepository<book, integer> { @query(nativequery = true, value = "select b.id, b.name, group_concat(a.name) as authorname from book b, author a, book_author ba" + " where b.id = ba.book_id and a.id = ba.author_id and b.name like ?1 group by b.id, b.name") list<object[]> findbynamecontaining(string name); }
1)这里使用 nativequery = true 指定使用原生 sql 进行查询(个人觉得复杂的查询使用原生sql更好
2)这里使用了 mysql 的内置函数 group_concat 进行行转列, hql 无法直接识别。可能会出现 caused by: org.hibernate.queryexception: no data type for node: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.methodnode 的错误
package com.johnfnash.learn.repository; import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.jparepository; import com.johnfnash.learn.domain.author; public interface authorrepository extends jparepository<author, integer> { }
package com.johnfnash.learn.repository; import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.jparepository; import com.johnfnash.learn.domain.bookauthor; public interface bookauthorrepository extends jparepository<bookauthor, integer> { }
package com.johnfnash.learn; import static org.junit.assert.assertequals; import java.util.list; import org.junit.after; import org.junit.before; import org.junit.test; import org.junit.runner.runwith; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired; import org.springframework.boot.test.context.springboottest; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.springrunner; import com.johnfnash.learn.domain.author; import com.johnfnash.learn.domain.book; import com.johnfnash.learn.domain.bookauthor; import com.johnfnash.learn.repository.authorrepository; import com.johnfnash.learn.repository.bookauthorrepository; import com.johnfnash.learn.repository.bookrepository; @runwith(springrunner.class) @springboottest public class bookrepositorytests { @autowired private bookrepository bookrepository; @autowired private authorrepository authorrepository; @autowired private bookauthorrepository bookauthorrepository; @before public void init() { author lewis = new author("lewis"); author mark = new author("mark"); author peter = new author("peter"); authorrepository.save(lewis); authorrepository.save(mark); authorrepository.save(peter); book spring = new book("spring in action"); book springboot = new book("spring boot in action"); bookrepository.save(spring); bookrepository.save(springboot); bookauthorrepository.save(new bookauthor(spring.getid(), lewis.getid())); bookauthorrepository.save(new bookauthor(spring.getid(), mark.getid())); bookauthorrepository.save(new bookauthor(springboot.getid(), mark.getid())); bookauthorrepository.save(new bookauthor(springboot.getid(), peter.getid())); } @after public void deleteall() { bookauthorrepository.deleteall(); bookrepository.deleteall(); authorrepository.deleteall(); } @test public void findall() { assertequals(bookrepository.findall().size(), 2); assertequals(authorrepository.findall().size(), 3); list<object[]> books = bookrepository.findbynamecontaining("spring%"); for (object[] book : books) { for (object object : book) { system.out.print(object + ", "); } system.out.println(); } } }
执行 findall 方法后,查询的相关 sql 如下:
hibernate: select b.id, b.name, group_concat(a.name) as authorname from book b, author a, book_author ba where b.id = ba.book_id and a.id = ba.author_id and b.name like ? group by b.id, b.name
3652, spring in action, lewis,mark,
3653, spring boot in action, mark,peter,
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