项目2:PHP抽奖程序 ,抽奖规则代码
2024-02-16 18:37:34
项目4 抽奖程序 分时间段(按时段设置的奖品数为概率)http://blog.csdn.net/wljk506/article/details/7174151 ================================= 项目3 抽奖程序 分时间段http://blog.csdn.net/wljk506/article/details/7105347 ===========================
项目4 抽奖程序 分时间段(按时段设置的奖品数为概率)http://blog.csdn.net/wljk506/article/details/7174151
项目3 抽奖程序 分时间段http://blog.csdn.net/wljk506/article/details/7105347
项目2 抽奖程序
activity_lyq_lottery 奖品表 lotteryid name 礼品名称 sum 礼品总数 time_start 开始时间 time_end 结束时间 addtime 时间 probability 中奖概率 isdisable 是否开启 listorder 排序 time_1 时间段个数限制 time_2 time_3 time_4 time_5 time_6 time_7 msg 发送短信或显示信息 content 备注 angle 转盘角度 activity_lyq_lottery_log 抽奖日志 logid ID uid 用户ID tel 手机号 addtime 抽奖时间 ip 抽奖IP lotteryid 奖品ID iswinning 是否抽中 result 返状态回值 hao 随机号
setlottery (); $this->heimingdan = getcache ( 'tel', 'blanklist' ); } private function setlottery() { $sql = "select u.*"; $sql .= ", (select COUNT(l.lotteryid) from " . DB::table ( $this->lottery_log ) . " AS l where u.lotteryid=l.lotteryid and l.iswinning='1')as num "; $sql .= " from " . DB::table ( $this->lottery ) . " AS u "; $sql .= " where 1 "; $sql .= " and u.isdisable='0' "; $sql .= " and u.time_start'" . TIME . "' "; $sql .= " ORDER BY u.listorder "; $d = DB::fetch_all ( $sql ); //print_r($d); $sum = 0; foreach ( $d as $r ) { $r ['sum_over'] = intval ( $r ['sum'] ) - intval ( $r ['num'] ); if ($r ['sum_over'] > 0) { $sum += $r ['sum_over']; } $r['msg']=str_replace('{name}', $r['name'],$r['msg']); $this->lotteryArray [$r ['lotteryid']] = $r; } $m = 1; $probability = 0; $newsum=0; $arr = array(); //20%空奖+80%奖 $this->max = $sum + $sum * 0.2 / 0.8; foreach ( $this->lotteryArray as $r ) { if ($r ['sum_over'] > 0) { $newsum=$r ['sum_over']; if($r['probability']>0){ $probability=0; $probability=ceil($r ['sum']*100/$r['probability']); if($probability>0){ $newsum=$probability; } } $this->level [$r ['lotteryid']] ['start'] = $m; $this->level [$r ['lotteryid']] ['end'] = $m + $newsum; $m = $m + $r ['sum_over']; } } unset ( $arr ); } /** * 检测用户是否中奖 0 谢谢参与,其他 返回奖品data数据 * @param array $user array(uid,tel,ip) */ public function check($user) { if (intval ( $user ['uid'] ) intval(L_END)){ //已经过了活动时间,非常遗憾,谢谢! return -22; } $hour= date('H'); if($hourintval(L_DAY_END)){ //对不起,现在不是活动时间,活动时间为每天'.L_DAY_START.':00-'.L_DAY_END.':00' return -23; } $data = array( 'uid' => $user ['uid'], 'tel' => $user ['tel'], 'ip' => $user ['ip'], 'addtime' => time () ); $logid = DB::insert ( $this->lottery_log, $data, true ); if ($this->get_user_lfb ( $user ['uid'] ) credit ( $user ['uid'], -11, $logid ); return -11; //您的来福币余额不足 } //检查用户已中奖品数 if ($this->get_lottery ( $user ['uid'], strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d', TIME ) ), strtotime ( "+1day", strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d', TIME ) ) ), true ) >= L_DAY_CISHU) { $this->credit ( $user ['uid'], -12, $logid ); //很遗憾,你本次什么也没有抽到! return -12; } //检测黑名单,设置概率 if ($this->checkhei ( $user ['tel'] ) > 0) { $this->credit ( $user ['uid'], -13, $logid ); //很遗憾,你本次什么也没有抽到! return -13; } $lotteryid = $this->choujiang(); $this->credit ( $user ['uid'], $lotteryidhao); if ($lotteryid > 0) { return $this->lotteryArray [$lotteryid]; } else { return -4; } //-1奖品已发完 //-2本时段奖品已玩 //-3不发奖品 //-4奖品有问题 //-11您的来福币余额不足 //-12很遗憾,你本次什么也没有抽到! //-13黑名单里面,很遗憾,你本次什么也没有抽到! //-21您来早了,活动还没有开始! //-22已经过了活动时间,非常遗憾,谢谢! //-23对不起,现在不是活动时间,活动时间为每天 } /** * 显示 * @param unknown_type $data */ public function show($data){ $ok=0;//3中奖 $zz=0;//转盘度数 $result='';//奖品名称 if(is_array($data)){ $ok=3; $result=$data['msg']; $zz=$data['angle']; }else{ $m=''; switch($data){ case 0:{ $m= '请先登录!'; }break; case -11:{ $m= '您的来福币余额不足!'; }break; case -12:{ $m= '很遗憾,你本次什么也没有抽到!'; }break; case -21:{ $m= '您来早了,活动还没有开始!'; }break; case -22:{ $m= '已经过了活动时间,非常遗憾,谢谢!'; }break; case -23:{ $m= '对不起,现在不是活动时间,活动时间为每天'.L_DAY_START.':00-'.L_DAY_END.':00'; }break; default:{ $m= '很遗憾,你本次什么也没有抽到!'; }break; } $result=$m; $ok=3;//3中奖 //再接再厉 $suiji=array( 0=>120, 1=>240, 2=>360, 3=>120, 4=>240, 5=>360 ); $zz=$suiji[intval(mt_rand ( 0,5))];//再接再厉 } header("Expires:Mon,26Jul199705:00:00GMT"); header("Cache-Control:no-cache,must-revalidate"); header("Pragma:no-cache"); header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); echo ''."\n"; echo ' '."\n"; echo ' '."\n"; } /** * 抽奖的号 */ private $hao=0; /** * 抽奖开始 */ private function choujiang() { $j = 0; $lotteryid = 0; $j = mt_rand ( 1, $this->max ); $this->hao=$j; foreach ( $this->level as $k => $r ) { if ($r ['start'] $j) { $lotteryid = $k; break; } } $d = array( 1 => array( 'time' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d 00:00:00', TIME ) ), 'time_end' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d 01:59:59' ) ) ), 2 => array( 'time' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d 02:00:00', TIME ) ), 'time_end' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d 03:59:59' ) ) ), 3 => array( 'time' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d 04:00:00', TIME ) ), 'time_end' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d 08:59:59' ) ) ), 4 => array( 'time' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d 09:00:00', TIME ) ), 'time_end' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d 11:59:59' ) ) ), 5 => array( 'time' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d 12:00:00', TIME ) ), 'time_end' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d 17:59:59' ) ) ), 6 => array( 'time' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d 18:00:00', TIME ) ), 'time_end' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d 19:59:59' ) ) ), 7 => array( 'time' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d 20:00:00', TIME ) ), 'time_end' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d 23:59:59' ) ) ) ); if($lotteryid>0){ $l=$this->lotteryArray [$lotteryid]; if($l['sum_over']>0){ //本时段 奖品数 $sum=0; foreach ($d as $k=>$r){ if(TIME>=$r['time']&&TIME'.$k; if($l['time_'.$k]>0){//个数限制 $sum=$this->get_lottery_id(0,$r['time'],$r['time_end']+1,$lotteryid); if($sum>=$l['time_'.$k]){ //本时段奖品已玩 $lotteryid=-2; break; } }elseif ($l['time_'.$k]==0){ //不发奖品 $lotteryid=-3; break; }else{ //-1 不限制 } } } }else{ //奖品已发完 $lotteryid=-1; } }else{ //奖品有问题 $lotteryid=-4; } return $lotteryid; } /** * 检测黑名单和普通用户,概率 * @param string $tel * @return 大于1 表示本次禁止抽 */ private function checkhei($tel) { $n = mt_rand ( 1, 100 ); if (in_array ( $tel, $this->heimingdan ['tel'] ) && L_ZY > 0) { if ($n > L_ZY) { return 1; } }else{ if ($n lottery_log ); $sql .= " where 1 "; if (intval ( $start ) > 0) { $sql .= " and addtime>='$start' "; } if (intval ( $end ) > 0) { $sql .= " and addtime0 "; } if (intval ( $uid ) > 0) { $sql .= " and uid='$uid' "; } return intval ( DB::result_first ( $sql ) ); } /** * 合计奖品数 * @param intval $uid * @param intval $start * @param intval $end * @param intval $bool 奖品id * @return number */ private function get_lottery_id($uid = 0, $start = 0, $end = 0, $lotteryid = 0) { $sql = "select count(*) m from " . DB::table ( $this->lottery_log ); $sql .= " where 1 "; if (intval ( $start ) > 0) { $sql .= " and addtime>='$start' "; } if (intval ( $end ) > 0) { $sql .= " and addtime=0) { $sql .= " and lotteryid='$lotteryid' "; } if (intval ( $uid ) > 0) { $sql .= " and uid='$uid' "; } return intval ( DB::result_first ( $sql ) ); } /** * 获取用户来福币 * @param intval $uid * @return number */ public function get_user_lfb($uid) { $sql = "select extcredits2 from sz_common_member_count "; $sql .= " where 1 "; $sql .= " and uid='$uid' "; return intval ( DB::result_first ( $sql ) ); } /** * 记录日志和更新用户来福币 * @param intval $uid * @param intval $r 返回值 * @param intval $logid * @param intval $lotteryid */ private function credit($uid, $result, $logid = 0, $lotteryid = 0,$hao=0) { $data = array(); if ($lotteryid > 0) { $data ['lotteryid'] = $lotteryid; $data ['iswinning'] = 1; } $data ['result'] = $result; $data ['hao'] = $hao; DB::Update ( $this->lottery_log, $data, " logid='$logid' " ); if (L_LFB > 0) { $sql = 'UPDATE sz_common_member_count SET extcredits2=extcredits2-' . L_LFB . ' WHERE uid=' . $uid; DB::query ( $sql ); $this->credit_log ( $uid, 'reduce', L_LFB, 1, '积分清零活动' ); } } /** * 存储过程链接 */ private $StoreProcs; /** * 来福币日志 存储过程 * @param intval $uid * @param string $op add增加 reduce 消耗 * @param intval $creditvalue 来福币 * @param intval $credittype 1来福币 2来福点 * @param string $oreason 说明 */ private function credit_log($uid, $op, $creditvalue, $credittype, $oreason) { if (! $this->StoreProcs) { $this->StoreProcs = new StoreProcs (); } //调用存储过程 $this->StoreProcs->query ( "call app_credit_log($uid,'$op','$credittype',1,$creditvalue,'$oreason')" ); } }'."\n"; echo '
app_qiuxie_log 访问日志 logid ID uid 用户ID tel 手机号 host 网址名称 url 来源页地址 addtime 时间 ip IP type 类型 0默认1.www.****.com/a/autumncrab/统计来源 app_qiuxie_lottery_log 抽奖日志 logid ID uid 用户ID tel 手机号 addtime 抽奖时间 ip 抽奖IP lotteryid 奖品ID iswinning 是否抽中 1抽中0无 isdisable 是否禁用 1禁用0允许 disablecontent 禁用理由 isedit 是否已修改过 0无1已修改 orderid 订单ID号 用于充值订单号 money 金额 充值金额 recharge_time 充值时间 isout 超时 0无1超时 ismenpiao 门票 0无1是 ispay 是否支付 0无1已经支付成功 app_qiuxie_lottery 奖项设置 lotteryid id name 名称 minute 分钟 默认60分钟放出 num 数量 放出多少个 sum 总数 奖品总数 start_time 开始时间 end_time 结束时间 togetherlast 上次一起 上次如果没中,是否和本次一起放出,1一起,0否 probability 中奖概率 默认1% isopen 开启 1开启0关闭 addtime 添加时间 listorder 排序 正序 isrepeat 是否重复中奖 0是1否 ismenpiao 门票 0无1是 app_qiuxie_pay_log 支付日志表 logid ID notify_id 支付宝订单ID out_trade_no 支付订单ID trade_no total_fee 金额 trade_status 成功标志 sign 密钥 query 查询字符串 uid 用户ID tel 手机号 ip IP addtime 时间
lib('lib_qiuxie'); $this->lib('lib_qiuxie_lottery'); $c=qgetcache('qiuxie_setting'); define('QIUXIE_TIME', time()); //当前时间 define('QIUXIE_BM_STAR', strtotime($c['bm_start'])); //报名开始时间 define('QIUXIE_BM_END', strtotime($c['bm_end'])); //报名结束时间,-1意思昨天 23:59:59 define('QIUXIE_CJ_STAR', strtotime($c['cj_start'])); //抽奖开始时间 define('QIUXIE_CJ_END', strtotime($c['cj_end'])); //抽奖结束时间,-1意思昨天 23:59:59 $host='www.*****.com'; //现网 if($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']=='http://test.com'){ $host='http://test.com'; //测试机 }elseif($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']=='125life.com'){ $host='125life.com'; //本地 } define('QIUXIE_URL', 'http://'.$host.'/'); //域名最后加 / define('QIUXIE_LFB',$c['lfb']); //赚取来福币数 define('QIUXIE_CJ_CISHU', $c['cishu']); //抽奖次数 define('QIUXIE_CJ_Probability', 3); //抽奖概率=报名人数*3倍数 define('QIUXIE_RECHARGE', $c['recharge']); //中奖后3小时内充值 define('QIUXIE_MONEY', $c['money']); //充值金额 } /** * 主页 * @see app_mod::on_index() */ public function on_index(){ global $_G; $data=array(); //第几栏 $data['style']['1'] = 1;//2背景白色1背景咖啡 $data['style']['2'] = 2; $data['style']['3'] = 2; $data['style']['4'] = 2; $data['style']['5'] = 2; //检测用户是否已登录 if(intval($_G['uid'])>0){ //检测报名 $data['user']=$this->qiuxie->user($_G['uid']); } //获取用户来福币 $data['user']['sum']=$this->qiuxie->user_lfb($_G['uid'],QIUXIE_BM_STAR,QIUXIE_BM_END); //时间规则判断设置进度 if(QIUXIE_TIMEQIUXIE_BM_STAR&&QIUXIE_TIME QIUXIE_BM_END&&QIUXIE_TIME qiuxie_lottery->getuserwinningqiuxie($_G ['uid'],true); }elseif(QIUXIE_TIME>QIUXIE_CJ_STAR&&QIUXIE_TIME qiuxie_lottery->getuserwinningqiuxie($_G ['uid'],true); }else{ //step5参加蟹宴 $data['style']['1'] = 2; $data['style']['2'] = 2; $data['style']['5'] = 1; } //用户已抽奖次数 $data['user']['lottery']=$this->qiuxie_lottery->getusercount(intval($_G['uid'])); //用户剩余次数 $data['user']['lottery_over']=QIUXIE_CJ_CISHU-$data['user']['lottery']; if($data['user']['lottery_over']qiuxie_lottery->getuserwinningqiuxie($_G ['uid'],true,2); //截止小时 foreach ($data['winning'] as $k=>$r){ if($r['isout']==1){ continue; } if($r['ispay']qiuxie_lottery->alipay_url(date('YmdHis',QIUXIE_TIME).'-'.$r['logid'], $r['name'].'1张押金'.QIUXIE_MONEY.'元', $r['logid']); } } $data['winning'][$k]=$r; break; } //访问日志 $this->qiuxie->log(array('uid'=>$_G['uid'],'tel'=>$_G['tel'],'ip'=>$_G['clientip'])); $this->view('qiuxie/index',$data); } public function on_chouzhong(){ global $_G; print_r($_G); if ($_G ['uid']) { $data=$this->qiuxie_lottery->getuserwinningqiuxie($_G ['uid'],true); print_r($data); }else{ $param=array (); $extra=array ( 'showmsg' => true , 'closetime'=>3, ); showmessage ( '请先登录!',$forward, $param,$extra); } } /** * 报名 */ public function on_baoming(){ global $_G; $forward=QIUXIE_URL.'index.php?dir=qiuxie'; if ($_G ['uid']) { if(intval(QIUXIE_TIME) 2, 'showmsg' => true , 'timeout'=>3, 'refreshtime'=>3, ); showmessage ( $msg,'', $param, $extra); } if(intval(QIUXIE_TIME)>intval(QIUXIE_BM_END)){ $msg= ' 已经过了报名时间,非常遗憾,谢谢!'; $param=array (); $extra=array ('msgtype' =>2, 'showmsg' => true , 'timeout'=>true, 'refreshtime'=>3, ); showmessage ( $msg,'', $param, $extra); } $user=$this->qiuxie->user($_G['uid']); if(intval($user['uid'])>0){ $msg= '您已经报名过了!
'; $msg.='手机号为 '.$user['tel']; $msg.=' 的用户
在 '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$user['addtime']); $mag.=' 报名'; $param=array ('locationtime'=>3); $extra=array ('msgtype' =>2, 'showmsg' => true , 'timeout'=>3, 'refreshtime'=>3, 'locationtime'=>3, ); showmessage ( $msg,'', $param, $extra); }else{ $this->qiuxie->user_add(array('uid'=>$_G['uid'],'tel'=>$_G['tel'],'ip'=>$_G['clientip'])); $msg='提示信息:报名成功!
'; $msg.=''; showmessage ($msg,$forward, '','',1); } }else{ $param=array (); $extra=array ( 'showmsg' => true , 'closetime'=>3, ); showmessage ( '请先登录!',$forward, $param,$extra); } exit; } /** * */ public function on_choujiang(){ global $_G; $forward=QIUXIE_URL.'index.php?dir=qiuxie'; if ($_G ['uid']) { if(intval(QIUXIE_TIME)2, 'showmsg' => true , 'timeout'=>3, 'refreshtime'=>3, ); showmessage ( $msg,'', $param, $extra); } if(intval(QIUXIE_TIME)>intval(QIUXIE_CJ_END)){ $msg= ' 已经过了抽奖时间,非常遗憾,谢谢!'; $param=array (); $extra=array ('msgtype' =>2, 'showmsg' => true , 'timeout'=>true, 'refreshtime'=>3, ); showmessage ( $msg,'', $param, $extra); } $lfb=$this->qiuxie->user_lfb($_G['uid'],QIUXIE_BM_STAR,QIUXIE_BM_END); if($lfb 2, 'showmsg' => true , 'timeout'=>true, 'refreshtime'=>3, ); showmessage ( $msg,'', $param, $extra); } //用户已抽奖次数 $sum=$this->qiuxie_lottery->getusercount(intval($_G['uid'])); if(QIUXIE_CJ_CISHU-$sum2, 'showmsg' => true , 'timeout'=>true, 'refreshtime'=>3, ); showmessage ( $msg,'', $param, $extra); } $user=$this->qiuxie->user($_G['uid']); if(intval($user['uid'])>0){ $this->qiuxie_lottery->setting(QIUXIE_TIME,QIUXIE_CJ_STAR,QIUXIE_CJ_END); $data=$this->qiuxie_lottery->checklevel(array('uid'=>$_G['uid'],'tel'=>$_G['tel'],'ip'=>$_G['clientip'])); $sum=QIUXIE_CJ_CISHU-$sum-1; if($sum '; if(is_array($data)){ $msg.='恭喜您,中奖了,'; $msg.=$data['name'].'1张 ,
'; $msg.=''; showmessage ($msg,$forward, '','',1); }else{ $msg= '您还没报名!'; $param=array ('locationtime'=>3); $extra=array ('msgtype' =>2, 'showmsg' => true , 'timeout'=>3, 'refreshtime'=>3, 'locationtime'=>3, ); showmessage ( $msg,'', $param, $extra); } }else{ $param=array (); $extra=array ( 'showmsg' => true , 'closetime'=>3, ); showmessage ( '请先登录!',$forward, $param,$extra); } exit; } /** * 书签 * 发送短信到书签 */ public function on_shuqian(){ global $_G; $forward=QIUXIE_URL.'index.php?dir=qiuxie'; $param=array (); $extra=array ( 'showmsg' => true , 'closetime'=>3, ); $msg='请先登录!'; if ($_G ['uid']) { if($_G ['tel']){ $content='G3手机免费送啦!即刻下载快捷书签访问****,天天免费送彩票,G3手机、肯德基现金券、话费等你拿!'; $content.='地址:http://wap.*****.cn/index?lanmu=00260009'; app_ctl::fun('sms'); send_sms_first(trim($_G ['tel']),$content,2); $msg='信息已经发送,你将在1分钟内收到短信息!'; }else{ $msg='手机号错误,请联系管理员!'; } }else{ } showmessage ( $msg,$forward, $param,$extra); } /** * 规则 * @see app_mod::on_guize() */ public function on_guize(){ $this->view('qiuxie/guize'); } /** * 支付返回数据 */ public function on_zhifu(){ global $_G; $forward=QIUXIE_URL.'index.php?dir=qiuxie'; //记录日志 $this->qiuxie_lottery->paylog(array('uid'=>intval($_G['uid']),'tel'=>trim($_G['tel']),'ip'=>$_G['clientip'])); //使用团购的支付类 include_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./buy/include/library/AlipayNotify.class.php'; list($ec_contract, $ec_securitycode, $ec_partner, $ec_creditdirectpay) = explode("\t", authcode($_G['setting']['ec_contract'], 'DECODE', $_G['config']['security']['authkey'])); unset($_GET['dir'],$_GET['do']); $alipay = new AlipayNotify($ec_partner,$ec_securitycode,'MD5','utf-8'); $verify_result = $alipay->return_verify(); if ( $verify_result ) { if($_GET['trade_status'] == 'TRADE_FINISHED' || $_GET['trade_status'] == 'TRADE_SUCCESS') { $out_trade_no = trim($_GET['out_trade_no']); //获取订单号 $total_fee = intval($_GET['total_fee']); //获取总价格 $this->qiuxie_lottery->updatelotterylogpay($out_trade_no,$total_fee); if($_G['uid']>0){ $this->qiuxie->updateusermoney($_G['uid'],$total_fee); } $msg='提示信息:
'; if(strpos($data['name'],'门票')){ $msg.='不要忘记支付押金哦!'; } $msg.='
您还有 '.$sum.'次抽奖机会!'; }else{ $msg.='您没有中奖,再接再厉!'; } $msg.=''; $msg.='支付成功!'; $msg.='
'; $msg.='
3秒后跳转'; $msg.=''; showmessage ($msg,$forward, '','',1); } } $param=array (); $extra=array ( 'showmsg' => true , 'closetime'=>3, ); showmessage ( '错误!',$forward, $param,$extra); } } ?>
setout(); } public function setting($time,$star,$end){ $this->lottery_star =$star; $this->lottery_end =$end; $this->time=$time; $this->setout(); $this->setlottery(); $this->setlevel(); } /** * 读取奖品信息 */ private function setlottery(){ $sql="SELECT * "; $sql.=" ,(select ifnull(lotteryid,0) from ".DB::table($this->qx_lottery)." where isrepeat='0' and isopen='1' ORDER BY listorder limit 0,1 ) as repeatid"; $sql.=" ,(select l.sum-ifnull(count(*),0) from ".DB::table($this->qx_lottery_log)." where 1 and addtimetime."' and isdisable='0' and lotteryid=l.lotteryid and isout='0' ) as sum_over"; $sql.=" FROM ".DB::table($this->qx_lottery)." as l "; $sql.=" WHERE isopen='1' ORDER BY listorder "; $data = DB::fetch_all($sql); foreach ($data as $r){ $k=$r['lotteryid']; //总剩余 //$r['sum_over']=$r['sum']-$this->getlotterycount(0,$this->time, $r['lotteryid']); if($r['sum_over']timetime>$r['end_time']){ continue; } //存在自定义时间 if($r['minute']>0){ //算出间隔时间 $r['interval_time']=$r['minute']*60; //几个 时间短内发放 $r['interval_time_num']=floor(($r['end_time']-$r['start_time'])/$r['interval_time']); }else{ //算出间隔时间 $r['interval_time']=ceil(($r['end_time']-$r['start_time'])/$r['sum']); //几个 时间短内发放 $r['interval_time_num']=floor(($r['end_time']-$r['start_time'])/$r['interval_time']); } //存在 自定义 数量 if($r['num']>0){ //每次间隔,发放几个 $r['interval_num']=$r['num']; //发放几次 $r['interval_count']=floor($r['sum']/$r['interval_num']); }else{ //每次间隔,发放几个 $r['interval_num']=floor($r['sum']/$r['interval_time_num']); //发放几次 $r['interval_count']=$r['interval_time_num']; } //本次属于第几次 $r['this_num']=1; for($i=0;$i$this->time){ $r['this_num']=$i; break; } } //本次开始时间 $r['this_time_star']=$r['start_time']+$r['this_num']*$r['interval_time']+1; //本次结束时间 $r['this_time_end']=$r['start_time']+($r['this_num']+1)*$r['interval_time']; if($r['this_num']>1){ //本次开始时间以前已经 获奖数 合计 $r['this_time_star_lastcount']=$this->getlotterycount(0,$r['this_time_star'], $r['lotteryid']); //以前是否还有没有中奖的数 $r['this_time_star_lastcount_over']=($r['this_num']-1)*$r['interval_num']-$r['this_time_star_lastcount']; }else{ $r['this_time_star_lastcount']=0; $r['this_time_star_lastcount_over']=0; } //本次时间内已经获奖数 $r['this_time_count']=$this->getlotterycount($r['this_time_star'],$r['this_time_end'], $r['lotteryid']); //本次时间内还有多少个 $r['this_time_count_over']=$r['this_num']*$r['interval_num']-$r['this_time_count']; $this->lottery[$k]=$r; //本次奖品总数 $this->sum +=$r['interval_num']>0?$r['interval_num']:0; // echo '间隔时间:'.ceil(($r['end_time']-$r['start_time'])/$r['sum']); // echo " 间隔时间次数:"; // echo floor(($r['end_time']-$r['start_time'])/$r['interval_time']); // echo " 每次间隔时间发放个数:"; // echo floor($r['sum']/$r['interval_time_num']); // echo "\n"; } //计算出奖品概率,如果不存在,默认20% if(defined('QIUXIE_CJ_Probability')){ $sum=$this->getbaoming(); if($sumgetlottery(); if($sum21) $sum3=1; $this->max=$this->sum/$sum3; }else{ $this->max=$this->sum/0.2; } } /** * 设置奖项标志位 */ private function setlevel(){ $max=$this->max; //上次如果没中,是否和本次一起放出,1一起,0否 foreach ($this->lottery as $k=>$r){ if($r['togetherlast']==1&&$r['this_time_star_lastcount_over']>0){ $max+=$r['this_time_star_lastcount_over']; } } $min=$this->min; $this->max=$max; foreach ($this->lottery as $k=>$r){ if($r['sum_over']level)); $this->level[$k][]=$j; } //上次如果没中,是否和本次一起放出,1一起,0否 if($r['togetherlast']==1&&$r['this_time_star_lastcount_over']>0){ for($i=1;$ilevel)); $this->level[$k][]=$j; } } } } /** * 检测用户是否中奖 0 谢谢参与,其他 返回奖品data数据 * @param array $user array(uid,tel,ip) */ public function checklevel($user){ if(intval($user['uid'])getuserwinningqiuxie($user['uid'],true); foreach ($tmp as $r){ $winning[]=$r['lotteryid']; } $data=array( 'uid'=>$user['uid'], 'tel'=>$user['tel'], 'ip'=>$user['ip'], 'addtime'=>time(), ); $j=0; for($i=1;$imin, $this->max); } $lotteryid=0; foreach ($this->level as $k=>$r){ if(in_array($j, $r)){ if($this->lottery[$k]['isrepeat']==1&&in_array($k, $winning)){ $k=$this->lottery[$k]['repeatid']; } $lotteryid=$k; break; } } if($this->lottery[$lotteryid]['ismenpiao']==1){ $data['ismenpiao']=1; } $data['lotteryid']=$lotteryid; $data['iswinning']=1; DB::insert($this->qx_lottery_log,$data,true); if($lotteryid>0){ return $this->lottery[$lotteryid]; }else{ return 0; } } /** * 已经获奖数 */ public function getlotterycount($start=0,$end=0,$lotteryid=0){ $sql="select count(*) m from ".DB::table($this->qx_lottery_log); $sql .=" where 1 "; if(intval($start)>0){ $sql .=" and addtime>='$start' "; } if(intval($end)>0){ $sql .=" and addtimeqx_lottery_log); $sql .=" where 1 "; $start=QIUXIE_CJ_STAR; if(intval($start)>0){ $sql .=" and addtime>='$start' "; } $end=QIUXIE_CJ_END; if(intval($end)>0){ $sql .=" and addtimeqx_lottery_log); $sql .=" where 1 "; $sql .=" and isdisable='0' and iswinning='1' and uid='$uid'"; $data = DB::fetch_all($sql); $return=array(); foreach ($data as $r){ $return[]=$r['lotteryid']; } return $return; } /** * 报名用户总数 */ public function getbaoming(){ $sql="select count(*) m from ".DB::table($this->qx_user); $sql .=" where 1 "; if(defined('QIUXIE_BM_STAR')){ $sql .=" and addtime>='".QIUXIE_BM_STAR."' "; } if(defined('QIUXIE_BM_END')){ $sql .=" and addtimeqx_lottery); $sql .=" where isopen='1' "; return intval(DB::result_first($sql)); } /** * 输出用户抽中门票 * @param intval $uid * @param bool $bool 是否是门票 * @param int $isout 0没有过期1过期2全部 */ public function getuserwinningqiuxie($uid,$bool=false,$isout=0){ $sql="select l.*,y.name "; $sql .=" from ".DB::table($this->qx_lottery)." AS y"; $sql .=" LEFT JOIN ".DB::table($this->qx_lottery_log)." as l"; $sql .=" ON l.lotteryid=y.lotteryid "; $sql .=" where 1 and l.iswinning='1' and l.isdisable='0' "; $sql .=" and l.uid='$uid'"; if($isout==2){ }elseif($isout==1){ $sql .=" and l.isout='1' "; }else{ $sql .=" and l.isout='0' "; } if($bool){ $sql .=" and l.ismenpiao='1' "; } return DB::fetch_all($sql); } public function paylog($uer){ $g=$_GET; $data=array('uid'=>$user['uid'], 'tel'=>$user['tel'], 'ip'=>$user['ip'], 'addtime'=>time(), 'notify_id'=>$g['notify_id'], 'out_trade_no'=>$g['out_trade_no'], 'trade_no'=>$g['trade_no'], 'total_fee'=>$g['total_fee'], 'trade_status'=>$g['trade_status'], 'sign'=>$g['sign'], 'query'=>$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ); DB::insert('app_qiuxie_pay_log',$data,true); } /** * 设置超时 */ private function setout(){ $data=array('isout'=>1); $time=$this->time>0?$this->time:time(); $time=$time-3*3600; DB::update($this->qx_lottery_log,$data," iswinning='1' and ismenpiao='1' and recharge_time$orderid, 'money'=>$money); $logid=intval($logid); DB::update($this->qx_lottery_log,$data," logid='$logid' "); } /** * 设置支付成功 */ public function updatelotterylogpay($orderid,$money){ $data=array('money'=>$money,'ispay'=>1,'recharge_time'=>time()); DB::update($this->qx_lottery_log,$data," orderid='$orderid' "); } public function alipay_url($orderid,$subject,$logid){ global $_G; $this->qiuxie_lottery->updatelotterylog($orderid,QIUXIE_MONEY,$logid); list($ec_contract, $ec_securitycode, $ec_partner, $ec_creditdirectpay) = explode("\t", authcode($_G['setting']['ec_contract'], 'DECODE', $_G['config']['security']['authkey'])); $parameter = array( "service" => 'create_direct_pay_by_user', "partner" => $ec_partner, "return_url" => QIUXIE_URL. 'index.php?dir=qiuxie&do=zhifu', "notify_url" => QIUXIE_URL. 'index.php?dir=qiuxie&do=zhifu', "_input_charset" => 'utf-8', "subject" => $subject, "body" => QIUXIE_URL . "index.php?dir=qiuxie", "out_trade_no" => $orderid, "price" => QIUXIE_MONEY, 'quantity' => 1, "payment_type" => 1, "show_url" => QIUXIE_URL . "index.php?dir=qiuxie", "seller_email" => '111111111@163.com', ); return self::trade_returnurl($parameter,$ec_securitycode); } private function trade_returnurl($args,$code) { ksort($args); $urlstr = $sign = ''; foreach($args as $key => $val) { $sign .= '&'.$key.'='.$val; $urlstr .= $key.'='.rawurlencode($val).'&'; } $sign = substr($sign, 1); $sign = md5($sign.$code); return 'https://www.alipay.com/cooperate/gateway.do?'.$urlstr.'sign='.$sign.'&sign_type=MD5'; } }?>
set($name, $data); } /** * 读取缓存,默认为文件缓存,不加载缓存配置。 * @param string $name 缓存名称 * @param $filepath 数据路径 DISCUZ_ROOT.$filepath/ */ function qgetcache($name, $filepath='') { $cache= new cache_file('',$filepath); return $cache->get($name); } /** * 删除缓存,默认为文件缓存,不加载缓存配置。 * @param $name 缓存名称 * @param $filepath 数据路径 DISCUZ_ROOT.$filepath/ */ function qdelcache($name, $filepath='') { $cache= new cache_file('',$filepath); return $cache->delete($name); } class cache_file { /*缓存默认配置*/ protected $_setting = array( 'suf' => '.cache.php', /*缓存文件后缀*/ 'type' => 'array', /*缓存格式:array数组,serialize序列化,null字符串*/ ); /*缓存路径*/ protected $filepath = ''; /** * 构造函数 * @param array $setting 缓存配置 * @return void */ public function __construct($setting = '',$filepath='') { if(!defined('CACHE_PATH')){ define('CACHE_PATH', DISCUZ_ROOT.'data/'); } if(!empty($filepath)){ $this->filepath=DISCUZ_ROOT.$filepath.'/'; } $this->get_setting($setting); } /** * 写入缓存 * @param string $name 缓存名称 * @param mixed $data 缓存数据 * @param array $setting 缓存配置 * @param string $module 所属模型 * @return mixed 缓存路径/false */ public function set($name, $data, $setting = '', $module = 'qiuxie') { $this->get_setting($setting); $filepath = CACHE_PATH.'caches_'.$module.'/'; if(!empty($this->filepath)){ $filepath=$this->filepath; } $filename = $name.$this->_setting['suf']; if(!is_dir($filepath)) { mkdir($filepath, 0777, true); } if($this->_setting['type'] == 'array') { $data = ""; } elseif($this->_setting['type'] == 'serialize') { $data = serialize($data); } $file_size = file_put_contents($filepath.$filename, $data); return $file_size ? $file_size : 'false'; } /** * 获取缓存 * @param string $name 缓存名称 * @param array $setting 缓存配置 * @param string $type 缓存类型 * @param string $module 所属模型 * @return mixed $data 缓存数据 */ public function get($name, $setting = '', $module = 'qiuxie') { $this->get_setting($setting); $filepath = CACHE_PATH.'caches_'.$module.'/'; if(!empty($this->filepath)){ $filepath=$this->filepath; } $filename = $name.$this->_setting['suf']; if (!file_exists($filepath.$filename)) { return false; } else { if($this->_setting['type'] == 'array') { $data = @require($filepath.$filename); } elseif($this->_setting['type'] == 'serialize') { $data = unserialize(file_get_contents($filepath.$filename)); } return $data; } } /** * 删除缓存 * @param string $name 缓存名称 * @param array $setting 缓存配置 * @param string $module 所属模型 * @return bool */ public function delete($name, $setting = '', $module = 'qiuxie') { $this->get_setting($setting); $filepath = CACHE_PATH.'caches_'.$module.'/'; if(!empty($this->filepath)){ $filepath=$this->filepath; } $filename = $name.$this->_setting['suf']; if(file_exists($filepath.$filename)) { return @unlink($filepath.$filename) ? true : false; } else { return false; } } /** * 和系统缓存配置对比获取自定义缓存配置 * @param array $setting 自定义缓存配置 * @return array $setting 缓存配置 */ public function get_setting($setting = '') { if($setting) { $this->_setting = array_merge($this->_setting, $setting); } } public function cacheinfo($name, $setting = '', $module = 'qiuxie') { $this->get_setting($setting); $filepath = CACHE_PATH.'caches_'.$module.'/'; if(!empty($this->filepath)){ $filepath=$this->filepath; } $filename = $filepath.$name.$this->_setting['suf']; if(file_exists($filename)) { $res['filename'] = $name.$this->_setting['suf']; $res['filepath'] = $filepath; $res['filectime'] = filectime($filename); $res['filemtime'] = filemtime($filename); $res['filesize'] = filesize($filename); return $res; } else { return false; } } } ?>