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mysql 超大数据/表管理技巧

程序员文章站 2024-02-16 16:31:40







复制代码 代码如下:

        create table `tmp_sampledata` (
        `id` bigint(20) unsigned not null auto_increment,
        `username` varchar(32) default null,
        `passwd` varchar(32) default null,
        `email` varchar(64) default null,
        `nickname` varchar(32) default null,
        `siteid` varchar(32) default null,
        `src` smallint(6) not null default '0′,
        primary key (`id`,`src`)
        ) engine=myisam auto_increment=95660181 default charset=gbk
        /*!50500 partition by list columns(src)
        subpartition by hash (id)
        subpartitions 5
        (partition pose values in (1) engine = myisam,
        partition p2736 values in (2) engine = myisam,
        partition p736736 values in (3) engine = myisam,
        partition p3838648 values in (4) engine = myisam,
        partition p842692 values in (5) engine = myisam,
        partition p7575 values in (6) engine = myisam,
        partition p386386 values in (7) engine = myisam,
        partition p62678 values in (8) engine = myisam) */

    对于拥有分区及子分区的数据表,分区条件(包括子分区条件)中使用的数据列,都应该定义在primary key 或者 unique key中。详细的分区定义格式,可以参考mysql的文档。上面的结构是第一稿的存储方式(后文还将进行修改)。采用load data infile的方式加载,用时30分钟加载8千万记录。感觉还是挺快的(bulk_insert_buffer_size=8m)。

复制代码 代码如下:

        mysql> explain select * from tmp_sampledata where id=9562468\g
        *************************** 1. row ***************************
        id: 1
        select_type: simple
        table: tmp_sampledata
        type: ref
        possible_keys: primary
        key: primary
        key_len: 8
        ref: const
        rows: 8
        1 row in set (0.00 sec)


复制代码 代码如下:

        mysql> explain select * from tmp_sampledata where username = ‘yourusername'\g
        *************************** 1. row ***************************
        id: 1
        select_type: simple
        table: tmp_sampledata
        type: all
        possible_keys: null
        key: null
        key_len: null
        ref: null
        rows: 74352359
        extra: using where
        1 row in set (0.00 sec)

        mysql> explain select * from tmp_sampledata where src between 1 and 7 and username = ‘yourusername'\g
        *************************** 1. row ***************************
        id: 1
        select_type: simple
        table: tmp_sampledata
        type: all
        possible_keys: null
        key: null
        key_len: null
        ref: null
        rows: 74352359
        extra: using where
        1 row in set (0.00 sec)


        create index idx_username on tmp_sampledata(username);


复制代码 代码如下:

        mysql> explain select * from tmp_sampledata2 where username = ‘yourusername'\g
        *************************** 1. row ***************************
        id: 1
        select_type: simple
        table: tmp_sampledata2
        type: ref
        possible_keys: idx_username
        key: idx_username
        key_len: 66
        ref: const
        rows: 80
        extra: using where
        1 row in set (0.00 sec)



复制代码 代码如下:

        mysql> explain select id from tsampledata where username='abcdef'\g
        *************************** 1. row ***************************
        id: 1
        select_type: simple
        table: tsampledata
        type: ref
        possible_keys: idx_sampledata_username
        key: idx_sampledata_username
        key_len: 66
        ref: const
        rows: 80
        extra: using where
        1 row in set (0.00 sec)

        mysql> explain select id from tsampledata where username='abcdef' and src in (2,3,4,5)\g
        *************************** 1. row ***************************
        id: 1
        select_type: simple
        table: tsampledata
        type: ref
        possible_keys: idx_sampledata_username
        key: idx_sampledata_username
        key_len: 66
        ref: const
        rows: 40
        extra: using where
        1 row in set (0.01 sec)

        mysql> explain select id from tsampledata where username='abcdef' and src in (2)\g
        *************************** 1. row ***************************
        id: 1
        select_type: simple
        table: tsampledata
        type: ref
        possible_keys: idx_sampledata_username
        key: idx_sampledata_username
        key_len: 66
        ref: const
        rows: 10
        extra: using where
        1 row in set (0.00 sec)

        mysql> explain select id from tsampledata where username='abcdef' and src in (2,3)\g
        *************************** 1. row ***************************
        id: 1
        select_type: simple
        table: tsampledata
        type: ref
        possible_keys: idx_sampledata_username
        key: idx_sampledata_username
        key_len: 66
        ref: const
        rows: 20
        extra: using where
        1 row in set (0.00 sec)


        where username='abcdef'                                                    rows: 80
        where username='abcdef' and src in (2,3,4,5)            rows: 40
        where username='abcdef' and src in (2)                        rows: 10
        where username='abcdef' and src in (2,3)                    rows: 20

    既然在统计应用中,最多用的是通过username, email进行数据查询,那么在表存储时,应该考虑使用username,email进行分区,而不是通过id。因此重新创建分区表,导入数据:

复制代码 代码如下:

        create table `tmp_sampledata` (
        `id` bigint(20) unsigned not null,
        `username` varchar(32) not null default ”,
        `passwd` varchar(32) default null,
        `email` varchar(64) not null default ”,
        `nickname` varchar(32) default null,
        `siteid` varchar(32) default null,
        `src` smallint(6) not null default '0′,
        primary key (`src`,`username`,`email`, `id`)
        ) engine=myisam default charset=gbk
        partition by list columns(src)
        subpartition by key (username,email)
        subpartitions 10
        (partition pose values in (1) engine = myisam,
        partition p2736 values in (2) engine = myisam,
        partition p736736 values in (3) engine = myisam,
        partition p3838648 values in (4) engine = myisam,
        partition p842692 values in (5) engine = myisam,
        partition p7575 values in (6) engine = myisam,
        partition p386386 values in (7) engine = myisam,
        partition p62678 values in (8) engine = myisam)?;

    这个定义没什么问题,按照预期,它将根据primary key来进行数据表分区。但是这有一个非常非常严重的性能问题:数据在load data infile的时候,同时对数据进行索引创建。这大大延长了数据装载时间,同样是不可忍受的情况。上面这个例子,如果建表时启用了 primary key 或者 unique key, 在我的测试系统上,load data infile执行了超过12小时。而下面这个:

复制代码 代码如下:

        create table `tmp_sampledata` (
        `id` bigint(20) unsigned not null,
        `username` varchar(32) not null default ”,
        `passwd` varchar(32) default null,
        `email` varchar(64) not null default ”,
        `nickname` varchar(32) default null,
        `siteid` varchar(32) default null,
        `src` smallint(6) not null default '0′
        ) engine=myisam default charset=gbk
        partition by list columns(src)
        subpartition by key (username,email)
        subpartitions 10
        (partition pose values in (1) engine = myisam,
        partition p2736 values in (2) engine = myisam,
        partition p736736 values in (3) engine = myisam,
        partition p3838648 values in (4) engine = myisam,
        partition p842692 values in (5) engine = myisam,
        partition p7575 values in (6) engine = myisam,
        partition p386386 values in (7) engine = myisam,
        partition p62678 values in (8) engine = myisam)?;

    mysql> load data infile ‘cvsfile.txt' into table tmp_sampledata fields terminated by ‘\t' escaped by ”;
    query ok, 74352359 rows affected, 65535 warnings (5 min 23.67 sec)
    records: 74352359 deleted: 0 skipped: 0 warnings: 51267046

    对于创建好索引的大数据表,一般般的针对性的查询,应该可以满足需要。但是有些查询可能不能通过索引来发挥效率,比如查询以 163.com 结尾的邮箱:

        select … from … where email like ‘%163.com'

    即便数据针对 email 建立有索引,上面的查询是用不到那个索引的。如果我们使用的是 oracle,那么还可以建立一个反向索引,但是mysql不支持反向索引。所以如果发生类似的查询,只有两种方案可以:
        这样上面的那个查询可以通过 where email like ‘moc.361%' 来完成,但是这个成本(存储、更新)太高昂了



        mysql> set myisam_sort_buffer_size=1048576000;
        query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

        mysql> create index idx_username_src on tmp_sampledata (username,src);
        query ok, 74352359 rows affected (7 min 13.11 sec)
        records: 74352359 duplicates: 0 warnings: 0

        mysql> create index idx_email_src on tmp_sampledata (email,src);
        query ok, 74352359 rows affected (10 min 48.30 sec)
        records: 74352359 duplicates: 0 warnings: 0

        mysql> create index idx_src_username_email on tmp_sampledata(src,username,email);
        query ok, 74352359 rows affected (16 min 5.35 sec)
        records: 74352359 duplicates: 0 warnings: 0
