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java图片加水印 博客分类: java基础 javaimagewatermark

程序员文章站 2024-02-14 18:53:52





一: 添加文字水印:


 * Embeds a textual watermark over a source image to produce
 * a watermarked one.
 * @param text The text to be embedded as watermark.
 * @param sourceImageFile The source image file.
 * @param destImageFile The output image file.
static void addTextWatermark(String text, File sourceImageFile, File destImageFile) {
    try {
        BufferedImage sourceImage = ImageIO.read(sourceImageFile);
        Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) sourceImage.getGraphics();
        // initializes necessary graphic properties
        AlphaComposite alphaChannel = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.1f);
        g2d.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 64));
        FontMetrics fontMetrics = g2d.getFontMetrics();
        Rectangle2D rect = fontMetrics.getStringBounds(text, g2d);
        // calculates the coordinate where the String is painted
        int centerX = (sourceImage.getWidth() - (int) rect.getWidth()) / 2;
        int centerY = sourceImage.getHeight() / 2;
        // paints the textual watermark
        g2d.drawString(text, centerX, centerY);
        ImageIO.write(sourceImage, "png", destImageFile);
        System.out.println("The tex watermark is added to the image.");
    } catch (IOException ex) {




 * Embeds an image watermark over a source image to produce
 * a watermarked one.
 * @param watermarkImageFile The image file used as the watermark.
 * @param sourceImageFile The source image file.
 * @param destImageFile The output image file.
static void addImageWatermark(File watermarkImageFile, File sourceImageFile, File destImageFile) {
    try {
        BufferedImage sourceImage = ImageIO.read(sourceImageFile);
        BufferedImage watermarkImage = ImageIO.read(watermarkImageFile);
        // initializes necessary graphic properties
        Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) sourceImage.getGraphics();
        AlphaComposite alphaChannel = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.3f);
        // calculates the coordinate where the image is painted
        int topLeftX = (sourceImage.getWidth() - watermarkImage.getWidth()) / 2;
        int topLeftY = (sourceImage.getHeight() - watermarkImage.getHeight()) / 2;
        // paints the image watermark
        g2d.drawImage(watermarkImage, topLeftX, topLeftY, null);
        ImageIO.write(sourceImage, "png", destImageFile);
        System.out.println("The image watermark is added to the image.");
    } catch (IOException ex) {