public class loaderadapter extends baseadapter{ private static final string tag = "loaderadapter"; private boolean mbusy = false; public void setflagbusy(boolean busy) { this.mbusy = busy; } private imageloader mimageloader; private int mcount; private context mcontext; private string[] urlarrays; public loaderadapter(int count, context context, string []url) { this.mcount = count; this.mcontext = context; urlarrays = url; mimageloader = new imageloader(context); } public imageloader getimageloader(){ return mimageloader; } @override public int getcount() { return mcount; } @override public object getitem(int position) { return position; } @override public long getitemid(int position) { return position; } @override public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) { viewholder viewholder = null; if (convertview == null) { convertview = layoutinflater.from(mcontext).inflate( r.layout.list_item, null); viewholder = new viewholder(); viewholder.mtextview = (textview) convertview .findviewbyid(; viewholder.mimageview = (imageview) convertview .findviewbyid(; convertview.settag(viewholder); } else { viewholder = (viewholder) convertview.gettag(); } string url = ""; url = urlarrays[position % urlarrays.length]; viewholder.mimageview.setimageresource(r.drawable.ic_launcher); if (!mbusy) { mimageloader.displayimage(url, viewholder.mimageview, false); viewholder.mtextview.settext("--" + position + "--idle ||touch_scroll"); } else { mimageloader.displayimage(url, viewholder.mimageview, true); viewholder.mtextview.settext("--" + position + "--fling"); } return convertview; } static class viewholder { textview mtextview; imageview mimageview; } }
public class imageloader { private memorycache memorycache = new memorycache(); private abstractfilecache filecache; private map<imageview, string> imageviews = collections .synchronizedmap(new weakhashmap<imageview, string>()); // 线程池 private executorservice executorservice; public imageloader(context context) { filecache = new filecache(context); executorservice = executors.newfixedthreadpool(5); } // 最主要的方法 public void displayimage(string url, imageview imageview, boolean isloadonlyfromcache) { imageviews.put(imageview, url); // 先从内存缓存中查找 bitmap bitmap = memorycache.get(url); if (bitmap != null) imageview.setimagebitmap(bitmap); else if (!isloadonlyfromcache){ // 若没有的话则开启新线程加载图片 queuephoto(url, imageview); } } private void queuephoto(string url, imageview imageview) { phototoload p = new phototoload(url, imageview); executorservice.submit(new photosloader(p)); } private bitmap getbitmap(string url) { file f = filecache.getfile(url); // 先从文件缓存中查找是否有 bitmap b = null; if (f != null && f.exists()){ b = decodefile(f); } if (b != null){ return b; } // 最后从指定的url中下载图片 try { bitmap bitmap = null; url imageurl = new url(url); httpurlconnection conn = (httpurlconnection) imageurl .openconnection(); conn.setconnecttimeout(30000); conn.setreadtimeout(30000); conn.setinstancefollowredirects(true); inputstream is = conn.getinputstream(); outputstream os = new fileoutputstream(f); copystream(is, os); os.close(); bitmap = decodefile(f); return bitmap; } catch (exception ex) { log.e("", "getbitmap catch exception...\nmessage = " + ex.getmessage()); return null; } } // decode这个图片并且按比例缩放以减少内存消耗,虚拟机对每张图片的缓存大小也是有限制的 private bitmap decodefile(file f) { try { // decode image size bitmapfactory.options o = new bitmapfactory.options(); o.injustdecodebounds = true; bitmapfactory.decodestream(new fileinputstream(f), null, o); // find the correct scale value. it should be the power of 2. final int required_size = 100; int width_tmp = o.outwidth, height_tmp = o.outheight; int scale = 1; while (true) { if (width_tmp / 2 < required_size || height_tmp / 2 < required_size) break; width_tmp /= 2; height_tmp /= 2; scale *= 2; } // decode with insamplesize bitmapfactory.options o2 = new bitmapfactory.options(); o2.insamplesize = scale; return bitmapfactory.decodestream(new fileinputstream(f), null, o2); } catch (filenotfoundexception e) { } return null; } // task for the queue private class phototoload { public string url; public imageview imageview; public phototoload(string u, imageview i) { url = u; imageview = i; } } class photosloader implements runnable { phototoload phototoload; photosloader(phototoload phototoload) { this.phototoload = phototoload; } @override public void run() { if (imageviewreused(phototoload)) return; bitmap bmp = getbitmap(phototoload.url); memorycache.put(phototoload.url, bmp); if (imageviewreused(phototoload)) return; bitmapdisplayer bd = new bitmapdisplayer(bmp, phototoload); // 更新的操作放在ui线程中 activity a = (activity) phototoload.imageview.getcontext(); a.runonuithread(bd); } } /** * 防止图片错位 * * @param phototoload * @return */ boolean imageviewreused(phototoload phototoload) { string tag = imageviews.get(phototoload.imageview); if (tag == null || !tag.equals(phototoload.url)) return true; return false; } // 用于在ui线程中更新界面 class bitmapdisplayer implements runnable { bitmap bitmap; phototoload phototoload; public bitmapdisplayer(bitmap b, phototoload p) { bitmap = b; phototoload = p; } public void run() { if (imageviewreused(phototoload)) return; if (bitmap != null) phototoload.imageview.setimagebitmap(bitmap); } } public void clearcache() { memorycache.clear(); filecache.clear(); } public static void copystream(inputstream is, outputstream os) { final int buffer_size = 1024; try { byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer_size]; for (;;) { int count =, 0, buffer_size); if (count == -1) break; os.write(bytes, 0, count); } } catch (exception ex) { log.e("", "copystream catch exception..."); } } }
public class memorycache { private static final string tag = "memorycache"; // 放入缓存时是个同步操作 // linkedhashmap构造方法的最后一个参数true代表这个map里的元素将按照最近使用次数由少到多排列,即lru // 这样的好处是如果要将缓存中的元素替换,则先遍历出最近最少使用的元素来替换以提高效率 private map<string, bitmap> cache = collections .synchronizedmap(new linkedhashmap<string, bitmap>(10, 1.5f, true)); // 缓存中图片所占用的字节,初始0,将通过此变量严格控制缓存所占用的堆内存 private long size = 0;// current allocated size // 缓存只能占用的最大堆内存 private long limit = 1000000;// max memory in bytes public memorycache() { // use 25% of available heap size setlimit(runtime.getruntime().maxmemory() / 10); } public void setlimit(long new_limit) { limit = new_limit; log.i(tag, "memorycache will use up to " + limit / 1024. / 1024. + "mb"); } public bitmap get(string id) { try { if (!cache.containskey(id)) return null; return cache.get(id); } catch (nullpointerexception ex) { return null; } } public void put(string id, bitmap bitmap) { try { if (cache.containskey(id)) size -= getsizeinbytes(cache.get(id)); cache.put(id, bitmap); size += getsizeinbytes(bitmap); checksize(); } catch (throwable th) { th.printstacktrace(); } } /** * 严格控制堆内存,如果超过将首先替换最近最少使用的那个图片缓存 * */ private void checksize() { log.i(tag, "cache size=" + size + " length=" + cache.size()); if (size > limit) { // 先遍历最近最少使用的元素 iterator<entry<string, bitmap>> iter = cache.entryset().iterator(); while (iter.hasnext()) { entry<string, bitmap> entry =; size -= getsizeinbytes(entry.getvalue()); iter.remove(); if (size <= limit) break; } log.i(tag, "clean cache. new size " + cache.size()); } } public void clear() { cache.clear(); } /** * 图片占用的内存 * * <a href='\"\"' target='\"_blank\"'>@param</a> bitmap * * @return */ long getsizeinbytes(bitmap bitmap) { if (bitmap == null) return 0; return bitmap.getrowbytes() * bitmap.getheight(); } }