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mysql data文件夹位置查找

程序员文章站 2024-02-12 22:04:52
找到自己的mysql数据库的安装位置,如下 c:\program files\mysql\mysql server 5.1,在它里面有个的my.ini文件,寻找如下行: [...

c:\program files\mysql\mysql server 5.1,在它里面有个的my.ini文件,寻找如下行:

复制代码 代码如下:

# the tcp/ip port the mysql server will listen on
#path to installation directory. all paths are usually resolved relative to this.
basedir="c:/program files/mysql/mysql server 5.1/"
#path to the database root
datadir="c:/programdata/mysql/mysql server 5.1/data/"
# the default character set that will be used when a new schema or table is