13.4 性能优化实战 博客分类: ActiveMQ in Action 翻译英文文档翻译 ActiveMQ性能调优实战
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13.4 Tuning in action
13.4 性能优化实战
Let’s demonstrate pulling some of these performance-tuning options together with
an example application. We’ll simulate a real-time data feed, where the producer is
co-located with an embedded broker and a consumer listens for messages remotely.
This is shown in figure 13.7.
We’ll demonstrate using an embedded broker to reduce the overhead of publishing
the data to the ActiveMQ broker. We’ll show some additional tuning on the
message producer to reduce message copying. The embedded broker itself will be
configured with flow control disabled and memory limits set to allow for fast
streaming of messages through the broker.
Finally the message consumer will be configured for straight-through message
delivery, coupled with a high prefetch limit and optimized message acknowledgment.
最后,消息消费者将会配置成直接通过分发方式,同时配置一个高prefetch limit值以及配置
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