2024-02-10 21:02:10
public enum songplaystate
public enum songplaystate { //未播放,播放,重播,切歌 unplayed, played, again, cut } public class song { public string songname { get; set; }//歌曲名称 public string songurl { get; set; }//歌曲路径 public songplaystate playstate = songplaystate.unplayed;//默认未播放 internal songplaystate playstate { get; set; } //状态为已播 public void setsongplayed() { this.playstate = songplaystate.played; } //重唱 public void setplayagain() { this.playstate = songplaystate.again; } //切歌 public void setsongcut() { this.playstate = songplaystate.cut; }
playlist类中实现切歌 重唱 下一首 等.....
public class playlist { //定义一个长度为、 的歌曲数组,默认存储 首歌曲 public static song[] songlist = new song[ ]; public static int songindex = ;//当前播放的歌曲在数组中的索引 //点播一首歌曲,其实是将歌曲对象添加到歌曲数组中 public static bool addsong(song song) { bool success = false;//记录添加歌曲是否成功 for (int i = ; i < songlist.length; i++) { //找到数组中第一个为null的位置 if (songlist[i] == null) { songlist[i] = song; success = true; break; } } return success; } //获取当前播放的歌曲::既然是获取当前播放的歌曲,返回值肯定是song类型 public static song getplaysong() { if (songlist[songindex] != null) { return songlist[songindex]; } else { return null; } } /// <summary> /// 播放下一首 /// </summary> public static void moveon() { if (songlist[songindex] != null && songlist[songindex].playstate == songplaystate.again) { songlist[songindex].setsongplayed(); } else { songindex++; } } /// <summary> /// 当前播放的歌曲名称 /// </summary> /// <returns>歌曲名称</returns> public static string playingsongname() { string songname = ""; // 歌曲名称 if (songlist[songindex] != null) { songname = songlist[songindex].songname; } return songname; } /// <summary> /// 下一首要播放的歌曲名称 /// </summary> /// <returns>歌曲名称</returns> public static string nextsongname() { string songname = ""; // 歌曲名称 if (songlist[songindex + ] != null) { songname = songlist[songindex + ].songname; } return songname; } //重放当前歌曲 public static void playagain() { if (songlist[songindex] != null) { songlist[songindex].setplayagain(); } } //切歌 public static void cutsong(int index) { int i;//循环变量,代表切歌的位置 if (index == - )//循环变量,代表切割的位置 { i = songindex; } else { i = index;//从切歌的位置开始,将歌曲逐个向前移一个位置 } songlist[i].setsongcut(); while (songlist[i] != null) { songlist[i] = songlist[i + ]; i++; //如果达到数组最后一个元素,就将最后一个元素指向空 if (i == songlist.length) { songlist[i] = null; } } } }
public frmmain frmmain; string connectionstr = "server=.;database=myktv;uid=sa"; dbhelp db = new dbhelp(); private sqlconnection con; //首先要查出数据库中的图片路径和歌曲路径 private void frmcountry_load(object sender, eventargs e) { con = new sqlconnection(connectionstr); con.open(); string sql = "select resource_path from resource_path where resource_id= "; string sqlsongpath = "select resource_path from resource_path where resource_id= "; sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(sql,con); sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(sqlsongpath, con); ktvunit.imagepath = cmd.executescalar().tostring(); ktvunit.songpath = cmd .executescalar().tostring(); con.close(); } //点击歌手男女或组合时 private void lvone_click(object sender, eventargs e) { loadsingerarea(); } public string singer_type { get; set; } private void loadsingerarea() { if (this.lvone.selecteditems[ ] != null) { lvone.visible = false; lvtwo.location = lvone.location; lvtwo.dock = dockstyle.fill; lvtwo.visible = true; this.singer_type=convert.tostring(lvone.selecteditems[ ].text); } con = new sqlconnection(connectionstr); string sql = "select singertype_id,singertype_name from singer_type"; sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(sql, con); sqldatareader dr; try { con.open(); lvtwo.items.clear(); dr = cmd.executereader(); if (dr.hasrows) { int index = ; while (dr.read()) { listviewitem lvitem = new listviewitem(); int typeid = convert.toint (dr["singertype_id"]); string typename = convert.tostring(dr["singertype_name"]); lvitem.text = typename; lvitem.tag = typeid; lvitem.imageindex = index; lvtwo.items.add(lvitem); index++; } } dr.close(); } catch (exception ex) { messagebox.show("系统出现异常" + ex.message); } finally { con.close(); } } public string singertype_id { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 点击地区类型时 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void lvtwo_click(object sender, eventargs e) { if (this.lvtwo.selecteditems[ ] != null) { lvtwo.visible = false; lvthree.location = lvtwo.location; lvthree.dock = dockstyle.fill; lvthree.visible = true; this.singertype_id = convert.tostring(lvtwo.selecteditems[ ].tag); } string result = singer_type; if (result != "组合") { result = singer_type == "女歌手" ? "女" : "男"; } con = new sqlconnection(connectionstr); string sql =string.format( "select singer_id,singer_name,singer_photo_url from singer_info where singertype_id={ } and singer_sex='{ }'",singertype_id,result); sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(sql, con); sqldatareader dr; try { con.open(); int index = ; lvthree.items.clear(); imagelist .images.clear(); dr = cmd.executereader(); if (dr.hasrows) { while (dr.read()) { string photourl =ktvunit.imagepath + convert.tostring(dr["singer_photo_url"]); //先给imagelist填充图片 imagelist .images.add(image.fromfile(photourl)); listviewitem lvitem = new listviewitem(); lvitem.text = convert.tostring(dr["singer_name"]); lvitem.tag = convert.tostring(dr["singer_id"]); lvitem.imageindex = index; lvthree.items.add(lvitem); index++; } } dr.close(); } catch (exception ex) { messagebox.show("系统出现异常" + ex.message); } finally { con.close(); } } public void songlist() { //读取数据库,读出该歌手的所有歌曲 stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); //拼接sql语句 sb.appendformat("select song_id,song_name,song_url,singer_name from song_info,singer_info where singer_name='{ }' and song_info.singer_id={ }", lvthree.selecteditems[ ].text, convert.toint (lvthree.selecteditems[ ].tag)); frmsonglist songlist = new frmsonglist(); songlist.sql = sb.tostring(); songlist.previous = ktvclient.previoisform.singer;//指定返回的窗体是按歌手点歌 songlist.showdialog(); this.close(); } private void lvthree_click(object sender, eventargs e) { songlist(); } private void tssingermain_click(object sender, eventargs e) { frmmain main = new frmmain(); main.show(); this.hide(); } private void tssingerback_click(object sender, eventargs e) { if (this.lvone.visible==true) { frmmain man = new frmmain(); man.show(); this.hide(); } else if (this.lvtwo.visible==true) { this.lvtwo.visible = false; this.lvone.visible = true; } else if (this.lvthree.visible==true) { this.lvthree.visible = false; this.lvtwo.visible = true; } } private void tssingercut_click(object sender, eventargs e) { playlist.cutsong(- ); } private void tssingeragain_click(object sender, eventargs e) { playlist.playagain(); } private void tssingeryidian_click(object sender, eventargs e) { frmplaylist frm = new frmplaylist(); frm.show(); }
public frmmain frmmain; [dllimportattribute("user .dll")] private static extern bool animatewindow(intptr hwnd, int dwtime, int dwflags); dbhelp db = new dbhelp(); string connectionstr = "server=.;database=myktv;uid=sa"; private void frmpinyin_load(object sender, eventargs e) { animatewindow(this.handle, , frmmain.aw_slide + frmmain.aw_ver_positive); sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection(connectionstr); con.open(); db.connection(); string sqlsongpath = "select resource_path from resource_path where resource_id= "; sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(sqlsongpath, con); ktvunit.songpath = cmd.executescalar().tostring(); } private void btnsearch_click(object sender, eventargs e) { string pinyin = this.txtpinyin.text; //判断是否是中文 还是拼音 if (!regex.ismatch(this.txtpinyin.text, @"^[\u e -\u fa ]+$")) { stringbuilder py = new stringbuilder(pinyin); for (int i = ; i <= py.length; i++) { py.insert(i, "%"); i++; } string sql = string.format("select song_name,singer_name from dbo.singer_info, dbo.song_info where dbo.singer_info.singer_id=dbo.song_info.singer_id and song_ab like '{ }'", py); this.dgvpinyininfo.datasource = db.datatable(sql,"py"); } else { stringbuilder zw = new stringbuilder(pinyin); for (int i = ; i < zw.length; i++) { zw.insert(i,"%"); i++; } string sql = string.format("select song_name,singer_name from dbo.singer_info, dbo.song_info where dbo.singer_info.singer_id=dbo.song_info.singer_id and song_name like '{ }'", zw); this.dgvpinyininfo.datasource = db.datatable(sql, "py"); } } private void dgvpinyininfo_doubleclick(object sender, eventargs e) { string songname = this.dgvpinyininfo.selectedrows[ ].cells["song_name"].value.tostring(); dbhelp db = new dbhelp(); db.connection(); string sql = string.format("select song_name,singer_name,song_url,song_photo_url from dbo.song_info,dbo.singer_info where dbo.singer_info.singer_id=dbo.song_info.singer_id and song_name='{ }'",songname); sqldatareader reader = db.executereaders(sql.tostring()); song song; if (reader.read()) { song = new song(); song.songname = reader["song_name"].tostring(); song.songurl = ktvunit.songpath+reader["song_url"].tostring(); playlist.addsong(song); } reader.close(); } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "a"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "b"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "c"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "d"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "e"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "f"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "g"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "h"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "i"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "j"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "k"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "l"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "m"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "n"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "o"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "p"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "q"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "r"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "s"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "t"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "u"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "v"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "w"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "x"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "y"; } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { textbox .text = textbox .text + "z"; } private void frmpinyin_formclosing(object sender, formclosingeventargs e) { animatewindow(this.handle, , frmmain.aw_slide + frmmain.aw_ver_positive); } public void binder() { string pinyin = this.textbox .text; stringbuilder py = new stringbuilder(pinyin); for (int i = ; i <= py.length; i++) { py.insert(i, "%"); i++; } string sql = string.format("select song_name,singer_name from dbo.singer_info, dbo.song_info where dbo.singer_info.singer_id=dbo.song_info.singer_id and song_ab like '{ }'", py); dataset ds = db.dataset(sql, "py"); if (ds.tables["py"]!=null) { ds.tables["py"].clear(); } this.dgvpinyininfo.datasource = db.datatable(sql, "py"); } private void picturebox _click(object sender, eventargs e) { string text = textbox .text; int index = text.length - ; if (index >= ) { textbox .text = text.remove(index); } } private void textbox _textchanged(object sender, eventargs e) { if (textbox .text!=string.empty) { binder(); this.dgvpinyininfo.autogeneratecolumns = false; } else { this.dgvpinyininfo.datasource=null; } } private void tspymain_click(object sender, eventargs e) { frmmain main = new frmmain(); main.show(); this.hide(); } private void txpyagain_click(object sender, eventargs e) { frmmain main = new frmmain(); main.playsong(); } song song = new song(); private void tspycut_click(object sender, eventargs e) { song.playstate = songplaystate.cut; } private void tspyyidian_click(object sender, eventargs e) { frmplaylist list = new frmplaylist(); list.show(); } private void tspyback_click(object sender, eventargs e) { application.exit(); }
public frmmain frmmain; string connectionstr = "server=.;database=myktv;uid=sa"; dbhelp db = new dbhelp(); private sqlconnection con; private void frmsongtype_load(object sender, eventargs e) { con = new sqlconnection(connectionstr); con.open(); string sql = "select resource_path from resource_path where resource_id= "; string sqlsongpath = "select resource_path from resource_path where resource_id= "; sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(sqlsongpath,con); ktvunit.songpath = cmd .executescalar().tostring(); sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(sql, con); ktvunit.imagepath = cmd.executescalar().tostring(); con.close(); con = new sqlconnection(connectionstr); string sql = string.format("select songtype_id,songtype_name,songtype_url from song_type"); sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(sql , con); sqldatareader dr; try { con.open(); int index = ; lvsongtype.items.clear(); imagelist .images.clear(); dr = cmd .executereader(); if (dr.hasrows) { while (dr.read()) { string photourl = ktvunit.imagepath + convert.tostring(dr["songtype_url"]); //先给imagelist填充图片 imagelist .images.add(image.fromfile(photourl)); listviewitem lvitem = new listviewitem(); lvitem.text = convert.tostring(dr["songtype_name"]); lvitem.tag = convert.tostring(dr["songtype_id"]); lvitem.imageindex = index; lvsongtype.items.add(lvitem); index++; } } dr.close(); } catch (exception ex) { messagebox.show("系统出现异常" + ex.message); } finally { con.close(); } } private void loadsongtype() { //读取数据库,读出该歌曲类型的所有歌曲 stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); //拼接sql语句 sb.appendformat("select song_info.song_name,singer_info.singer_name,song_info.song_url from singer_info,song_info where song_info.singer_id=singer_info.singer_id and song_info.songtype_id={ }", convert.toint (lvsongtype.selecteditems[ ].tag)); frmsonglist songlist = new frmsonglist(); songlist.sql = sb.tostring(); songlist.previous = ktvclient.previoisform.songtype;//指定返回的窗体是按歌曲类型点歌 songlist.showdialog(); this.close(); } private void lvsongtype_click(object sender, eventargs e) { loadsongtype(); } private void tstysingermain_click(object sender, eventargs e) { frmmain main = new frmmain(); main.show(); this.hide(); } private void tstysingeragain_click(object sender, eventargs e) { frmmain main = new frmmain(); main.playsong(); } song song = new song(); private void tstysingercut_click(object sender, eventargs e) { song.playstate = songplaystate.cut; } private void tstysingeryidian_click(object sender, eventargs e) { frmplaylist list = new frmplaylist(); list.show(); } private void tstysingerback_click(object sender, eventargs e) { frmmain main = new frmmain(); main.show(); this.hide(); }
public frmmain frmmain; dbhelp db = new dbhelp(); string connectionstr = "server=.;database=myktv;uid=sa"; private void frmjb_load(object sender, eventargs e) { sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection(connectionstr); con.open(); db.connection(); string sql = "select song_name,song_play_count from dbo.song_info order by song_play_count desc"; string sqlsongpath = "select resource_path from resource_path where resource_id= "; sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(sqlsongpath, con); ktvunit.songpath = cmd.executescalar().tostring(); dataset ds = db.dataset(sql,"count"); this.dgvsonglist.datasource = ds.tables["count"].defaultview; } private void dgvsonglist_click(object sender, eventargs e) { dbhelp db = new dbhelp(); if (dgvsonglist.selectedrows[ ]!=null) { string songname = this.dgvsonglist.selectedrows[ ].cells["songname"].value.tostring(); db.connection(); string sql = string.format("select song_name,singer_name,song_url,song_photo_url from dbo.song_info,dbo.singer_info where dbo.singer_info.singer_id=dbo.song_info.singer_id and song_name='{ }'", songname); sqldatareader reader = db.executereaders(sql.tostring()); song song; if (reader.read()) { song = new song(); song.songname = reader["song_name"].tostring(); song.songurl = ktvunit.songpath + reader["song_url"].tostring(); playlist.addsong(song); } reader.close(); } else { messagebox.show("空"); } }
public frmmain frmmain; string connectionstr = "server=.;database=myktv;uid=sa"; dbhelp db = new dbhelp(); private sqlconnection con; private void frmnumber_load(object sender, eventargs e) { con = new sqlconnection(connectionstr); con.open(); string sqlsongpath = "select resource_path from resource_path where resource_id= "; sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(sqlsongpath, con); ktvunit.songpath = cmd.executescalar().tostring(); con.close(); for (int i = ; i <= ; i++) { for (int j = ; j <= ; j++) { label label = new label(); label.forecolor = color.red; label.backcolor = color.pink; label.font=new system.drawing.font("华文彩云", ); label.textalign = contentalignment.middlecenter; label.click += label_click; this.mousemove += frmnumber_mousemove; label.mousehover += label_mousehover; label.size = new system.drawing.size( , ); label.text = j.tostring(); if (i > ) { label.text = (j + i + ).tostring(); } if (i > ) { label.text = (j + i + ).tostring(); } if (i > ) { label.text = (j + i + ).tostring(); } label.location = new point( + * j, + * i); this.controls.add(label); } } }
private void frmplaylist_load(object sender, eventargs e) { songlist(); } public void songlist() { lvsong.items.clear(); for (int i = ; i < playlist.songlist.length; i++) { if (playlist.songlist[i]!=null) { listviewitem item = new listviewitem(); item.text = playlist.songlist[i].songname; item.tag = i; string playstate = playlist.songlist[i].playstate == songplaystate.unplayed ? "未播放" : "已播"; item.subitems.add(playstate); lvsong.items.add(item); } } } private void btnclose_click(object sender, eventargs e) { this.close(); }