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程序员文章站 2024-02-09 16:07:22

* Given a set of points, compute the convex hull, the smallest convex set that contains all the points
* in a set of input points. The gift-wrapping algorithm is one simple approach to this problem, and
* there are other algorithms too.
* @param points a set of points with xCoords and yCoords. It might be empty, contain only 1 point, two points or more.
* @return minimal subset of the input points that form the vertices of the perimeter of the convex hull

  1. 如果点的个数小于4,直接返回点集,否则:
  2. 找到当前最左下的点为起始点和终结点,并加入点集
  3. 执行如下循环
    计算当前点到其余每个点的转角度数并遍历 这些点中距离当前点最远的那个点即为下一个要找的点 以该点为当前点,并将其加入集合
  4. 直到终结点等于起始点,返回点集


public static Set<Point> convexHull(Set<Point> points) {
		Point pointNow;
    	Point pointNext = null;
    	Point pointMin = null;
    	Point[] pointsArr = points.toArray(new Point[0]);
    	int len = pointsArr.length;
    	double bearingNow;
    	double bearingNext;
    	double bearingPre;
    	double lengthNext;
    	Set<Point> pointsNew = new HashSet<Point>();
    	if(len != 0) {
    		if(len < 4)
    			return points;
    		for(int i = 0; i < len; i ++) {
    			if(pointMin == null)
    				pointMin = pointsArr[i];
    			else if(pointMin.x() > pointsArr[i].x()) pointMin = pointsArr[i];
				else if(pointMin.x() == pointsArr[i].x())
					if(pointsArr[i].y() < pointMin.y()) pointMin = pointsArr[i];
    		pointNow = pointMin;
    		bearingPre = 0;
    		while(true) {
    			bearingNext = 360;
    			lengthNext = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    			for(int i = 0; i < len; i ++) {
    				if(pointsArr[i].equals(pointNow)) continue;
    				bearingNow = calculateBearingToPoint(bearingPre,(int)pointNow.x(),(int)pointNow.y(),(int)pointsArr[i].x(),(int)pointsArr[i].y());
    				if(bearingNext == bearingNow) {
    					if(lengthNext < (Math.pow(pointsArr[i].x()-pointNow.x(), 2)+Math.pow(pointsArr[i].y()-pointNow.y(), 2))) {
    						lengthNext = Math.pow(pointsArr[i].x()-pointNow.x(), 2)+Math.pow(pointsArr[i].y()-pointNow.y(), 2);
    						pointNext = pointsArr[i];
    				} else if (bearingNext > bearingNow) {
    					lengthNext = Math.pow(pointsArr[i].x()-pointNow.x(), 2)+Math.pow(pointsArr[i].y()-pointNow.y(), 2);
    					bearingNext = bearingNow; 
    					pointNext = pointsArr[i];
    			if(pointMin.equals(pointNext)) break;
    			pointNow = pointNext;
    			bearingPre += bearingNext;
    	return pointsNew;