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程序员文章站 2024-02-06 15:58:04

define('IN_ECS', true);require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/init.php');$type = !empty($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : 'best';if ($type != 'best' && $type != 'promote' && $type != 'hot' && $type != 'new'){	$type = 'best';}$smarty->assign('type', $type);if (empty($_GET['order_price'])){	$order_rule = 'ORDER BY shop_price ASC, g.last_update DESC';}else{	$order_rule = 'ORDER BY shop_price DESC, g.last_update DESC';}if ($type == 'promote'){	$goods = wap_get_promote_goods($order_rule);}else{	$goods = wap_get_recommend_goods($type, $order_rule);}$num = count($goods);if ($num > 0){	foreach ($goods as $key => $data)	{		$sort_array[$data['id']] = $key;	}	$page_num = '10';	$page = !empty($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1;	$pages = ceil($num / $page_num);	if ($page  $pages)	{		$page = $pages;	}	$i = 1;	foreach ($sort_array as $goods_key)	{		if (($i > ($page_num * ($page - 1 ))) && ($i ".encode_output($goods[$goods_key]['name'])."[".encode_output($price)."]
"; $goods_data[] = array('i' => $i , 'price' => encode_output($price) , 'id' => $goods[$goods_key]['id'] , 'name' => encode_output($goods[$goods_key]['name']), 'thumb' => $goods[$goods_key]['thumb']);//16:43 2013-07-16 } $i++; } $smarty->assign('goods_data', $goods_data); $pagebar = get_wap_pager($num, $page_num, $page, 'goods_list.php?type='.$type.'&order_price='.(empty($order_price)?0:$order_price), 'page'); $smarty->assign('pagebar' , $pagebar);}$smarty->assign('footer', get_footer());$smarty->display('goods_list.html');function wap_get_recommend_goods($type = '', $order_rule = ''){ if (!in_array($type, array('best', 'new', 'hot'))) { return array(); } //取不同推荐对应的商品 static $type_goods = array(); if (empty($type_goods[$type])) { //初始化数据 $type_goods['best'] = array(); $type_goods['new'] = array(); $type_goods['hot'] = array(); $data = read_static_cache('recommend_goods'); if ($data === false) { $sql = 'SELECT g.goods_id, g.is_best, g.is_new, g.is_hot, g.is_promote, b.brand_name,g.sort_order ' . ' FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . ' AS g ' . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('brand') . ' AS b ON b.brand_id = g.brand_id ' . ' WHERE g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 AND g.is_delete = 0 AND (g.is_best = 1 OR g.is_new =1 OR g.is_hot = 1)'. ' ORDER BY g.sort_order, g.last_update DESC'; $goods_res = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); //定义推荐,最新,热门,促销商品 $goods_data['best'] = array(); $goods_data['new'] = array(); $goods_data['hot'] = array(); $goods_data['brand'] = array(); if (!empty($goods_res)) { foreach($goods_res as $data) { if ($data['is_best'] == 1) { $goods_data['best'][] = array('goods_id' => $data['goods_id'], 'sort_order' => $data['sort_order']); } if ($data['is_new'] == 1) { $goods_data['new'][] = array('goods_id' => $data['goods_id'], 'sort_order' => $data['sort_order']); } if ($data['is_hot'] == 1) { $goods_data['hot'][] = array('goods_id' => $data['goods_id'], 'sort_order' => $data['sort_order']); } if ($data['brand_name'] != '') { $goods_data['brand'][$data['goods_id']] = $data['brand_name']; } } } write_static_cache('recommend_goods', $goods_data); } else { $goods_data = $data; } $time = gmtime(); $order_type = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['recommend_order']; static $type_array = array(); $type2lib = array('best'=>'recommend_best', 'new'=>'recommend_new', 'hot'=>'recommend_hot'); if (empty($type_array)) { foreach($type2lib as $key => $data) { if (!empty($goods_data[$key])) { $data_count = count($goods_data[$key]); $num = $data_count ; if ($order_type == 0) { //usort($goods_data[$key], 'goods_sort'); $rand_key = array_slice($goods_data[$key], 0, $num); foreach($rand_key as $key_data) { $type_array[$key][] = $key_data['goods_id']; } } else { $rand_key = array_rand($goods_data[$key], $num); if ($num == 1) { $type_array[$key][] = $goods_data[$key][$rand_key]['goods_id']; } else { foreach($rand_key as $key_data) { $type_array[$key][] = $goods_data[$key][$key_data]['goods_id']; } } } } else { $type_array[$key] = array(); } } } //取出所有符合条件的商品数据,并将结果存入对应的推荐类型数组中 $sql = 'SELECT g.goods_id, g.goods_name, g.goods_name_style, g.market_price, g.shop_price AS org_price, g.promote_price, ' . "IFNULL(mp.user_price, g.shop_price * '$_SESSION[discount]') AS shop_price, ". "promote_start_date, promote_end_date, g.goods_brief, g.goods_thumb, g.goods_img, RAND() AS rnd " . 'FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . ' AS g ' . "LEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('member_price') . " AS mp ". "ON mp.goods_id = g.goods_id AND mp.user_rank = '$_SESSION[user_rank]' "; $type_merge = array_merge($type_array['new'], $type_array['best'], $type_array['hot']); $type_merge = array_unique($type_merge); $sql .= ' WHERE g.goods_id ' . db_create_in($type_merge); $order_rule = empty($order_rule) ? ' ORDER BY g.sort_order, g.last_update DESC' : $order_rule; $sql .= $order_rule; $result = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); foreach ($result AS $idx => $row) { if ($row['promote_price'] > 0) { $promote_price = bargain_price($row['promote_price'], $row['promote_start_date'], $row['promote_end_date']); $goods[$idx]['promote_price'] = $promote_price > 0 ? price_format($promote_price) : ''; } else { $goods[$idx]['promote_price'] = ''; } $goods[$idx]['id'] = $row['goods_id']; $goods[$idx]['name'] = $row['goods_name']; $goods[$idx]['brief'] = $row['goods_brief']; $goods[$idx]['brand_name'] = isset($goods_data['brand'][$row['goods_id']]) ? $goods_data['brand'][$row['goods_id']] : ''; $goods[$idx]['goods_style_name'] = add_style($row['goods_name'],$row['goods_name_style']); $goods[$idx]['short_name'] = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['goods_name_length'] > 0 ? sub_str($row['goods_name'], $GLOBALS['_CFG']['goods_name_length']) : $row['goods_name']; $goods[$idx]['short_style_name'] = add_style($goods[$idx]['short_name'],$row['goods_name_style']); $goods[$idx]['market_price'] = price_format($row['market_price']); $goods[$idx]['shop_price'] = price_format($row['shop_price']); $goods[$idx]['thumb'] = get_image_path($row['goods_id'], $row['goods_thumb'], true); $goods[$idx]['goods_img'] = get_image_path($row['goods_id'], $row['goods_img']); $goods[$idx]['url'] = build_uri('goods', array('gid' => $row['goods_id']), $row['goods_name']); if (in_array($row['goods_id'], $type_array['best'])) { $type_goods['best'][] = $goods[$idx]; } if (in_array($row['goods_id'], $type_array['new'])) { $type_goods['new'][] = $goods[$idx]; } if (in_array($row['goods_id'], $type_array['hot'])) { $type_goods['hot'][] = $goods[$idx]; } } } return $type_goods[$type];}function wap_get_promote_goods($order_rule = ''){ $time = gmtime(); /* 取得促销lbi的数量限制 */ $sql = 'SELECT g.goods_id, g.goods_name, g.goods_name_style, g.market_price, g.shop_price AS org_price, g.promote_price, ' . "IFNULL(mp.user_price, g.shop_price * '$_SESSION[discount]') AS shop_price, ". "promote_start_date, promote_end_date, g.goods_brief, g.goods_thumb, goods_img, b.brand_name, " . "g.is_best, g.is_new, g.is_hot, g.is_promote, RAND() AS rnd " . 'FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . ' AS g ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('brand') . ' AS b ON b.brand_id = g.brand_id ' . "LEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('member_price') . " AS mp ". "ON mp.goods_id = g.goods_id AND mp.user_rank = '$_SESSION[user_rank]' ". 'WHERE g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 AND g.is_delete = 0 ' . " AND g.is_promote = 1 AND promote_start_date = '$time' "; $order_rule = empty($order_rule) ? 'ORDER BY g.sort_order, g.last_update DESC' : $order_rule; $sql .= $order_rule; $result = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); $goods = array(); foreach ($result AS $idx => $row) { if ($row['promote_price'] > 0) { $promote_price = bargain_price($row['promote_price'], $row['promote_start_date'], $row['promote_end_date']); $goods[$idx]['promote_price'] = $promote_price > 0 ? price_format($promote_price) : ''; } else { $goods[$idx]['promote_price'] = ''; } $goods[$idx]['id'] = $row['goods_id']; $goods[$idx]['name'] = $row['goods_name']; $goods[$idx]['brief'] = $row['goods_brief']; $goods[$idx]['brand_name'] = $row['brand_name']; $goods[$idx]['goods_style_name'] = add_style($row['goods_name'],$row['goods_name_style']); $goods[$idx]['short_name'] = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['goods_name_length'] > 0 ? sub_str($row['goods_name'], $GLOBALS['_CFG']['goods_name_length']) : $row['goods_name']; $goods[$idx]['short_style_name'] = add_style($goods[$idx]['short_name'],$row['goods_name_style']); $goods[$idx]['market_price'] = price_format($row['market_price']); $goods[$idx]['shop_price'] = price_format($row['shop_price']); $goods[$idx]['thumb'] = get_image_path($row['goods_id'], $row['goods_thumb'], true); $goods[$idx]['goods_img'] = get_image_path($row['goods_id'], $row['goods_img']); $goods[$idx]['url'] = build_uri('goods', array('gid' => $row['goods_id']), $row['goods_name']); } return $goods;}




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