2024-02-06 13:02:52
// functions for loading, contructing and
// displaying the tree are in this file
class treenode
// each node in the tree has member variables containing
// all the data for a post except the body of the message
public $m_postid;
public $m_title;
public $m_poster;
public $m_posted;
public $m_children;
public $m_childlist;
public $m_depth;
public function __construct($postid, $title, $poster, $posted, $children,
$expand, $depth, $expanded, $sublist)
// the constructor sets up the member variables, but more
// importantly recursively creates lower parts of the tree
$this->m_postid = $postid;
$this->m_title = $title;
$this->m_poster = $poster;
$this->m_posted = $posted;
$this->m_children =$children;
$this->m_childlist = array();
$this->m_depth = $depth;
// we only care what is below this node if it
// has children and is marked to be expanded
// sublists are always expanded
if(($sublist||$expand) && $children)
$conn = db_connect();
$query = "select * from header where parent = $postid order by posted";
$result = $conn->query($query);
for ($count=0; $row = @$result->fetch_assoc(); $count++)
if($sublist||$expanded[ $row['postid'] ] == true)
$expand = true;
$expand = false;
$this->m_childlist[$count]= new treenode($row['postid'],$row['title'],
$row['children'], $expand,
$depth+1, $expanded, $sublist);
function display($row, $sublist = false)
// as this is an object, it is responsible for displaying itself
// $row tells us what row of the display we are up to
// so we know what color it should be
// $sublist tells us whether we are on the main page
// or the message page. Message pages should have
// $sublist = true.
// On a sublist, all messages are expanded and there are
// no "+" or "-" symbols.
// if this is the empty root node skip displaying
//color alternate rows
echo '";
echo "'#ffffff'>";
// indent replies to the depth of nesting相关文章
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