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spring学习----BeanFactory 博客分类: Spring springBeanFactory 

程序员文章站 2024-02-06 11:52:34




    博客分类: Spring springBeanFactory 

























/* <p>Bean factory implementations should support the standard bean lifecycle interfaces
 * as far as possible. The full set of initialization methods and their standard order is:<br>
 * 1. BeanNameAware's <code>setBeanName</code><br>
 * 2. BeanClassLoaderAware's <code>setBeanClassLoader</code><br>
 * 3. BeanFactoryAware's <code>setBeanFactory</code><br>
 * 4. ResourceLoaderAware's <code>setResourceLoader</code>
 * (only applicable when running in an application context)<br>
 * 5. ApplicationEventPublisherAware's <code>setApplicationEventPublisher</code>
 * (only applicable when running in an application context)<br>
 * 6. MessageSourceAware's <code>setMessageSource</code>
 * (only applicable when running in an application context)<br>
 * 7. ApplicationContextAware's <code>setApplicationContext</code>
 * (only applicable when running in an application context)<br>
 * 8. ServletContextAware's <code>setServletContext</code>
 * (only applicable when running in a web application context)<br>
 * 9. <code>postProcessBeforeInitialization</code> methods of BeanPostProcessors<br>
 * 10. InitializingBean's <code>afterPropertiesSet</code><br>
 * 11. a custom init-method definition<br>
 * 12. <code>postProcessAfterInitialization</code> methods of BeanPostProcessors
 * <p>On shutdown of a bean factory, the following lifecycle methods apply:<br>
 * 1. DisposableBean's <code>destroy</code><br>
 * 2. a custom destroy-method definition
public interface BeanFactory {...}


  • spring学习----BeanFactory
    博客分类: Spring springBeanFactory 
  • 大小: 58.9 KB
相关标签: spring BeanFactory