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程序员文章站 2024-02-05 15:20:16


if ($_request['action']=="add"){
$userfile = $http_post_files['photo']['tmp_name'];
$userfile_name = $http_post_files['photo']['name'];
$userfile_size = $http_post_files['photo']['size'];
$userfile_type = $http_post_files['photo']['type'];
//get-declare dimensions //
$dimension = getimagesize($userfile);
$large_width = $dimension[0]; // get photo width
$large_height = $dimension[1]; //get photo height
$small_width = 120; // declare thumb width
$small_height = 90; // declare thumb height
//check size //
if ($userfile_size>102400){
   $msg = "the photo is over 100kb. please try again.";
// check type (ie and others) //
if ($userfile_type="image/pjpeg"){
  if ($userfile_type!="image/jpeg"){
    $msg = "the photo must be jpg";
//check width/height //
if ($large_width!=600 or$large_height!=400){
$msg = "the photo must be 600x400 pixels";
//create thumb / upload thumb and photo ///
if ($error<>1){
  $image = $userfile_name; //if you want to insert it to the database
  $pic = imagecreatefromjpeg($userfile);
  $small = imagecreatetruecolor($small_width,$small_height);
  imagecopyresampled($small,$pic,0,0,0,0, $small_width, $small_height, $large_width, $large_height);
  if (imagejpeg($small,"path/to/folder/to/upload/thumb".$userfile_name, 100)){  
    $large = imagecreatetruecolor($large_width,$large_height);
  imagecopyresampled($large,$pic,0,0,0,0, $large_width, $large_height, $large_width, $large_height);
    if (imagejpeg($large,"path/to/folder/to/upload/photo".$userfile_name, 100))
      else {$msg="a problem has occured. please try again."; $error=1;}
  else {
   $msg="a problem has occured. please try again."; $error=1;
/// if everything went right a photo (600x400) and
/// a thumb(120x90) were uploaded to the given folders
<html><head><title>create thumb</title></head>
<form name="form1" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="thisfile.php?action=add" method="post">
select photo: <input type="file" name="photo">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="create thumb and upload">
