SQL Tuning Health-Check Script (SQLHC) (文档 ID 1366133.1)
2024-02-04 19:03:16
For Example: # sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL> START sqlhc.sql T djkbyr8vkc64h ......
- login to the database server and set the environment used by the database instance
- download the "sqlhc.zip" archive file and extract the contents to a suitable directory/folder
- connect into sql*plus as sys, a dba account, or a user with access to data dictionary views and simply execute the "sqlhc.sql" script. it will request to enter two parameters:
- oracle pack license (tuning, diagnostics or none) [t|d|n] (required)
if site has both tuning and diagnostics licenses then specify t (oracle tuning pack includes oracle diagnostics)
- a valid sql_id for the sql to be analyzed.
- oracle pack license (tuning, diagnostics or none) [t|d|n] (required)
for example:
# sqlplus / as sysdba
sql> start sqlhc.sql t djkbyr8vkc64h