Android - Gradle 使用干货 之 生成 jar 包 和 生成混淆的 jar 包 和 上传
2024-02-03 18:17:04
1. 前言
Android - Gradle 使用干货 之 artifactory仓库上传arr 配置
前面已经说了上传本地仓库的使用方法,这篇将生成 jar 包 和 混淆 jar 包 并上传到 本地仓库;
2. 生成 jar 包
使用 gradle 的 自定义任务 生成 jar 包,比如:
task buildJar(dependsOn: ['assembleRelease'], type: Jar) {
extension = "jar"
//最终的 Jar 包名
archiveName = "${project.getName()}-release.jar"
def srcClassDir = [project.buildDir.absolutePath + "/intermediates/classes/release"];
from srcClassDir
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任务 依赖于 assembleRelease
, 在 执行该任务的时候,会先执行 asembleRelease
任务,后再将 release
的内容 build
生成文件在 : module_name/build/libs/xxx-release.jar
3. 混淆 jar 包
想要混淆 jar 包 ,需要先生成 jar 包 ,后再混淆,新建混淆任务:
task buildProguardJar(dependsOn: ['buildJar'], type: ProGuardTask) {
//Android 默认的 proguard 文件, 默认的混淆文件有时候出错
//configuration android.getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt')
//会根据该文件对 Jar 进行混淆,注意:需要在 manifest 注册的组件也要加入该文件中
configuration ''
String inJar = buildJar.archivePath.getAbsolutePath()
//输入 jar
injars inJar
//输出 jar
outjars inJar.substring(0, inJar.indexOf(".")) + "_proguard.jar"
AppPlugin appPlugin = getPlugins().findPlugin(AppPlugin)
if (appPlugin != null) {
List<String> runtimeJarList
if (appPlugin.getMetaClass().getMetaMethod("getRuntimeJarList")) {
runtimeJarList = appPlugin.getRuntimeJarList()
} else if (android.getMetaClass().getMetaMethod("getBootClasspath")) {
runtimeJarList = android.getBootClasspath()
} else {
runtimeJarList = appPlugin.getBootClasspath()
for (String runtimeJar : runtimeJarList) {
//给 proguard 添加 runtime
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说明 :
先进行 release
编译,其次 生成 jar
,最后 混淆 jar
buildProguardJar <= buildJar <= assembleRelease
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4. build.gradle
import proguard.gradle.ProGuardTask
apply plugin: ''
apply from: "$rootDir/config.gradle"
apply plugin: 'com.jfrog.artifactory'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
def MAVEN_LOCAL_PATH = urls.localUploadPath
def ARTIFACT_ID = artifactIds.core
def VERSION_NAME = versions.core
def GROUP_ID = groupIds.core
// 编译类型:1 不混淆,2 混淆 ,无需修改,执行不同命令生成不同的jar文件
def build_type = 1
* 执行命令:
* (这是一条命令)
* gradle :core:buildJar
* :core:generatePomFileForMavenJavaPublication
* :core:artifactoryPublish
android {
compileSdkVersion versions.complieSdk
buildToolsVersion versions.buildTools
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion versions.minSdk
targetSdkVersion versions.targetSdk
versionCode versions.code
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile libs.gson
//ok http
compile libs.okhttpLib
compile libs.okhttpInterceptor
compile libs.retrifit2Lib
compile libs.retrifit2Gson
compile libs.retrifit2Rxjava2Adapter
//rx java2
compile libs.rxJava2
compile libs.rxAndroid
compile libs.glide
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
groupId GROUP_ID
version = VERSION_NAME
artifactId ARTIFACT_ID
// Tell maven to prepare the generated "*.jar" file for publishing
def artifactPath = "$buildDir/libs/${project.getName()}-release.jar"
if (build_type == 2) {
artifactPath = "$buildDir/libs/${project.getName()}-release_proguard.jar"
artifactory {
publish {
repository {
// The Artifactory repository key to publish to
repoKey = localRespos.repoName
username = localRespos.userName
password = localRespos.password
maven = true
defaults {
publishArtifacts = true
publishPom = true
resolve {
repoKey = 'jcenter'
task buildJar(dependsOn: ['assembleRelease'], type: Jar) {
build_type = 1
extension = "jar"
//最终的 Jar 包名
archiveName = "${project.getName()}-release.jar"
def srcClassDir = [project.buildDir.absolutePath + "/intermediates/classes/release"];
from srcClassDir
task buildProguardJar(dependsOn: ['buildJar'], type: ProGuardTask) {
//Android 默认的 proguard 文件
//configuration android.getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt')
//会根据该文件对 Jar 进行混淆,注意:需要在 manifest 注册的组件也要加入该文件中
configuration ''
String inJar = buildJar.archivePath.getAbsolutePath()
//输入 jar
injars inJar
//输出 jar
outjars inJar.substring(0, inJar.indexOf(".")) + "_proguard.jar"
AppPlugin appPlugin = getPlugins().findPlugin(AppPlugin)
if (appPlugin != null) {
List<String> runtimeJarList
if (appPlugin.getMetaClass().getMetaMethod("getRuntimeJarList")) {
runtimeJarList = appPlugin.getRuntimeJarList()
} else if (android.getMetaClass().getMetaMethod("getBootClasspath")) {
runtimeJarList = android.getBootClasspath()
} else {
runtimeJarList = appPlugin.getBootClasspath()
for (String runtimeJar : runtimeJarList) {
//给 proguard 添加 runtime
build_type = 2
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生成不混淆的 jar
包 并上传到 本地仓库:
gradle :core:buildJar
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生成混淆的 jar
包 并上传到 本地仓库:
gradle :core:buildProguardJar
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