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32位汇编语言 在一段数组中找最大数 x86 汇编语言 asm文件 irvine32 intel 汇编语言

程序员文章站 2024-02-02 16:02:46


Create a procedure named FindLargest that receives two parameters: a pointer to a signed doubleword array, and a count of the array’s length. The procedure must return the value of the largest array member in EAX. Use the PROC directive with a parameter list when declaring the procedure. Preserve all registers(except EAX) that are modified by the procedure. Write a test program that calls FindLargest and passes three different arrays of different lengths. Besure to include negative values in your arrays. Create a PROTO declaration for FindLargest.


; author: BoPang 
; email: 1275189619@qq.com
; 2021/7/11
include Irvine32.inc 
 FIndLargest PROTO,  pArray: ptr SDWORD, 
   arrayLength: DWORD
 Array SDWORD 5, 3, -2, 4, 8
 ;arrayLength DWORD 5

 main PROC  
 INVOKE FindLargest, ADDR Array, lengthof Array-1
 call WriteDec
   main ENDP 

   FindLargest PROC,
   pArray: ptr SDWORD, 
   arrayLength: DWORD
   push esi
   push ecx
   ;dec arrayLength
   mov ecx, arrayLength
   mov esi, pArray
   mov eax, [esi]
   ADD esi,4
   mov ebx,[esi]
   cmp eax, ebx;[esi]
   jge A1
   mov eax, ebx;[esi]
   add esi,4
   loop L1
   pop ecx
   pop esi
   FindLargest ENDP
  END main 
