2022-03-19 09:57:10
参考了一下这篇文章:https://blog.csdn.net/xichenguan/article/details/51764100 , 感谢原作者 有两个表,分别存放了【操作员】和【单据】,要根据单据的不同类型来分类汇总(销售单、销售退货单,笔数和金额),并且显示在同一张表里,不想用做两次查询再 ......
参考了一下这篇文章:https://blog.csdn.net/xichenguan/article/details/51764100 , 感谢原作者
select b.inputid as 开单员编号, e.fullname as 开单员, isnull( ( select count(*) from d_bilndx where draft=3 and biltype=12 and d_bilndx.inputid=e.id ), 0) as '销售开单笔数', isnull( ( select sum(d_bilndx.amount) from d_bilndx where draft=3 and biltype=12 and d_bilndx.inputid=e.id ), 0) as '销售开单金额', isnull( ( select count(*) from d_bilndx where draft=3 and biltype=13 and d_bilndx.inputid=e.id ), 0) as '销售退单笔数', isnull( ( select sum(d_bilndx.amount) from d_bilndx where draft=3 and biltype=13 and d_bilndx.inputid=e.id ), 0) as '销售退单金额', count(b.biltype) as 开单总笔数, sum(b.Amount) as 开单金额 from d_bilndx as b left join d_employee as e on b.inputid=e.id where b.draft=3 and ( b.biltype=12 or b.biltype=13 ) group by b.inputid, e.fullname, e.id
select e1.id as ePersonCode, e1.FullName as eFullName, isnull(Bill_Sale_NUm, 0) as Bill_Sale_Num, isnull(Bill_Sale_Amount, 0) as Bill_Sale_Amount, isnull(Bill_SaleReturn_Num, 0) as Bill_SaleReturn_Num, isnull(Bill_SaleReturn_Amount, 0) as Bill_SaleReturn_Amount from d_employee as e1 left join ( select b.inputid as ePersonCode, e.fullname as eFullName, isnull( ( select count(*) from d_bilndx where draft=3 and biltype=12 and d_bilndx.inputid=e.id ), 0) as Bill_Sale_Num, isnull( ( select sum(d_bilndx.amount) from d_bilndx where draft=3 and biltype=12 and d_bilndx.inputid=e.id ), 0) as Bill_Sale_Amount, isnull( ( select count(*) from d_bilndx where draft=3 and biltype=13 and d_bilndx.inputid=e.id ), 0) as Bill_SaleReturn_Num, isnull( ( select sum(d_bilndx.amount) from d_bilndx where draft=3 and biltype=13 and d_bilndx.inputid=e.id ), 0) as Bill_SaleReturn_Amount, count(b.biltype) as Bill_Total_Num from d_employee as e left join d_bilndx as b on b.inputid=e.id where (b.draft=3 or b.draft=2) and ( b.biltype=12 or b.biltype=13 ) and ( b.date>='2018-05-31' and b.date<='2018-05-31' ) group by b.inputid, e.fullname, e.id ) as t1 on e1.id = t1.ePersonCode where e1.id<>'00000'
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