【求助】php + sphinx 配置后 无法使用!返回空!sphinx.conf是否配置正确
2024-01-31 20:53:10
本帖最后由 default7 于 2013-09-09 12:48:15 编辑
2)数据库:tbdb.ratedat,sphinx来自 sphinx-for-chinese-2.1.0-dev-r3361-win32.zip
3)Apache/2.4.4 (Win32) PHP/5.4.16,服务器版本: 5.6.12-log - MySQL Community Server (GPL)
F:\sphinx\sphinx.conf 全部内容
安装文件 F:/sphinx/Install.bat
sphinx 支持的属性如下:
UNIX 时间戳(timestamps)
浮点值(32位,IEEE 754单精度)
字符串叙述 (尤其是计算出的整数值);
多值属性 MVA (multi-value attributes)
#sql_attr_uint = trade_id
#sql_attr_string = rate_txt
sphinx 支持的属性如下:
UNIX 时间戳(timestamps)
浮点值(32位,IEEE 754单精度)
字符串叙述 (尤其是计算出的整数值);
多值属性 MVA (multi-value attributes)
#sql_attr_uint = trade_id
#sql_attr_string = rate_txt
我发现 这里放在soure部分的 sql_attr_uint,sql_attr_string 就是会显示到搜索结果的$rst[matches][xxxx][attr]中,如果在souce中没有定义这些字段,那么搜索返回数据就没有附带这些字段内容。我写进去是想得到这些数据,但是发现写了之后,就运行出错或者无任何返回值。
SELECT trade_id,trade_time,goods_title,goods_price,uid_buy,uid_sell,rate_txt \
FROM ratedat
很明显 已经指定字段了啊,他会搜索trade_id,trade_time,goods_title,goods_price,uid_buy,uid_sell,rate_txt
但是假如我输入的是文字字符串的关键字,那么他岂不同样会检索 trade_id,trade_time,uid_buy,uid_sell的内容了?我看到网上有这样的写法,指定某个字段的搜索,代码如下:
提示: [_error] => query error: no field 'goods_title' found in schema
但是假如我 去掉 “ @goods_title”可以搜索到结果,sphinx如何才可以指定在某个文字数据串中搜索结果
1) 里面的 index rt {} 我不知道怎么来用,不是 type = mysql吗,为什么index rt 这个的type=rt ? 如果不加 index rt这一段 也是可以安装成功的
2) 这个sphinx.conf安装是安装成功的,但是如上一楼#6那样指定在某个字段中进行搜索“@goods_title $kw”返回的报错error是 query error: no field 'goods_title' found in schema。
3)如何才可以实现交表查询?我想得到的是这样的数据,三个表 ratedat,rate_buyer,userdat:
sphinx 配置
2)数据库:tbdb.ratedat,sphinx来自 sphinx-for-chinese-2.1.0-dev-r3361-win32.zip
3)Apache/2.4.4 (Win32) PHP/5.4.16,服务器版本: 5.6.12-log - MySQL Community Server (GPL)
F:\sphinx\sphinx.conf 全部内容
source srcDB{ type = mysql sql_host = localhost sql_user = root sql_pass = zbphp.com~$ sql_db = tbdb sql_port = 3306 sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8 #sql_query_pre = SET SESSION query_cache_type=OFF #很奇怪,加这一句会报错! sql_query = \ SELECT trade_id,trade_time,goods_title,goods_price,uid_buy,uid_sell \ FROM ratedat sql_attr_bigint = trade_id sql_attr_bigint = uid_buy sql_attr_bigint = uid_sell sql_attr_timestamp = trade_time sql_query_info = SELECT * FROM ratedat WHERE trade_id=$id}index goods_title{ source = srcDB path = F:/sphinx/data/ratedat.goods_title charset_type = utf-8 html_strip = 1}indexer{ mem_limit = 128M}searchd{ listen = 9312 listen = 9306:mysql41 log = F:/sphinx/log/searchd.log query_log = F:/sphinx/log/query.log read_timeout = 5 max_children = 30 pid_file = F:/sphinx/log/searchd.pid max_matches = 1000 seamless_rotate = 1 preopen_indexes = 1 unlink_old = 1 workers = threads # for RT to work binlog_path = F:/sphinx/data}
安装文件 F:/sphinx/Install.bat
net stop SphinxSearchsc delete SphinxSearchdel /s/q %cd%\log\*.*del /s/q %cd%\data\*.*%cd%\bin\searchd --install --config %cd%\sphinx.conf --servicename SphinxSearch%cd%\bin\indexer -c %cd%\sphinx.conf --allnet start SphinxSearchpause
F:\sphinx>net stop SphinxSearchSphinxSearch 服务正在停止..SphinxSearch 服务已成功停止。F:\sphinx>sc delete SphinxSearch[SC] DeleteService SUCCESSF:\sphinx>del /s/q F:\sphinx\log\*.*删除文件 - F:\sphinx\log\query.log删除文件 - F:\sphinx\log\searchd.logF:\sphinx>del /s/q F:\sphinx\data\*.*删除文件 - F:\sphinx\data\binlog.001删除文件 - F:\sphinx\data\binlog.meta删除文件 - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.spa删除文件 - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.spd删除文件 - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.spe删除文件 - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.sph删除文件 - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.spi删除文件 - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.spk删除文件 - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.spm删除文件 - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.spp删除文件 - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.spsF:\sphinx>F:\sphinx\bin\searchd --install --config F:\sphinx\sphinx.conf --servicename SphinxSearchsphinx-for-chinese 2.1.0-dev (r3361)Copyright (c) 2008-2012, sphinx-search.comInstalling service...Service 'SphinxSearch' installed succesfully.F:\sphinx>F:\sphinx\bin\indexer -c F:\sphinx\sphinx.conf --allsphinx-for-chinese 2.1.0-dev (r3361)Copyright (c) 2008-2012, sphinx-search.comusing config file 'F:\sphinx\sphinx.conf'...indexing index 'goods_title'...WARNING: attribute 'trade_id' not found - IGNORINGWARNING: source srcDB: skipped 10378355 document(s) with DOCID_MAX idscollected 176464 docs, 12.1 MBsorted 0.7 Mhits, 100.0% donetotal 176464 docs, 12144715 bytestotal 37.745 sec, 321754 bytes/sec, 4675.12 docs/sectotal 2 reads, 0.007 sec, 4604.6 kb/call avg, 3.9 msec/call avgtotal 19 writes, 0.360 sec, 950.7 kb/call avg, 18.9 msec/call avgF:\sphinx>net start SphinxSearchSphinxSearch 服务正在启动 .SphinxSearch 服务已经启动成功。F:\sphinx>pause请按任意键继续. . .
SetServer('localhost');$rst = $s->Query('电脑');print_r($s);print_r($rst);/*SphinxClient Object( [_host] => localhost [_port] => 9312 [_offset] => 0 [_limit] => 20 [_mode] => 0 [_weights] => Array ( ) [_sort] => 0 [_sortby] => [_min_id] => 0 [_max_id] => 0 [_filters] => Array ( ) [_groupby] => [_groupfunc] => 0 [_groupsort] => @group desc [_groupdistinct] => [_maxmatches] => 1000 [_cutoff] => 0 [_retrycount] => 0 [_retrydelay] => 0 [_anchor] => Array ( ) [_indexweights] => Array ( ) [_ranker] => 0 [_rankexpr] => [_maxquerytime] => 0 [_fieldweights] => Array ( ) [_overrides] => Array ( ) [_select] => * [_error] => [_warning] => [_connerror] => [_reqs] => Array ( ) [_mbenc] => [_arrayresult] => [_timeout] => 0 [_path] => [_socket] => )Array( [error] => [warning] => [status] => 0 [fields] => Array ( [0] => goods_title [1] => goods_price ) [attrs] => Array ( [trade_time] => 2 [uid_buy] => 6 [uid_sell] => 6 ) [total] => 0 [total_found] => 0 [time] => 0.000)*/
[Mon Sep 9 12:40:43.311 2013] 0.035 sec [all/0/rel 0 (0,20)] [*] 电脑[Mon Sep 9 12:40:48.751 2013] 0.000 sec [all/0/rel 0 (0,20)] [*] 电脑
sphinx似乎不能指定某个字段内的搜索? ?如何指定在某几个字段内搜索?
source srcDB{ type = mysql sql_host = localhost sql_user = root sql_pass = zbphp.com~ sql_db = tbdb sql_port = 3306 sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8 sql_query = \ SELECT trade_id,trade_time,goods_title,goods_price,uid_buy,uid_sell,rate_txt \ FROM ratedat #sql_attr_uint = trade_id #sql_attr_timestamp = trade_time #sql_attr_float = goods_price #sql_attr_string = rate_txt sql_attr_uint = uid_buy sql_attr_string = goods_title sql_query_info = SELECT * FROM ratedat WHERE trade_id=$id}
SELECT trade_id,trade_time,goods_title,goods_price,uid_buy,uid_sell,rate_txt \
FROM ratedat
很明显 已经指定字段了啊,他会搜索trade_id,trade_time,goods_title,goods_price,uid_buy,uid_sell,rate_txt
#sql_attr_uint = trade_id #sql_attr_timestamp = trade_time #sql_attr_float = goods_price #sql_attr_string = rate_txt
#sql_attr_uint = trade_id #sql_attr_timestamp = trade_time #sql_attr_float = goods_price #sql_attr_string = rate_txt
sphinx 支持的属性如下:
UNIX 时间戳(timestamps)
浮点值(32位,IEEE 754单精度)
字符串叙述 (尤其是计算出的整数值);
多值属性 MVA (multi-value attributes)
#sql_attr_uint = trade_id
#sql_attr_string = rate_txt
#sql_attr_uint = trade_id #sql_attr_timestamp = trade_time #sql_attr_float = goods_price #sql_attr_string = rate_txt
sphinx 支持的属性如下:
UNIX 时间戳(timestamps)
浮点值(32位,IEEE 754单精度)
字符串叙述 (尤其是计算出的整数值);
多值属性 MVA (multi-value attributes)
#sql_attr_uint = trade_id
#sql_attr_string = rate_txt
我发现 这里放在soure部分的 sql_attr_uint,sql_attr_string 就是会显示到搜索结果的$rst[matches][xxxx][attr]中,如果在souce中没有定义这些字段,那么搜索返回数据就没有附带这些字段内容。我写进去是想得到这些数据,但是发现写了之后,就运行出错或者无任何返回值。
SELECT trade_id,trade_time,goods_title,goods_price,uid_buy,uid_sell,rate_txt \
FROM ratedat
很明显 已经指定字段了啊,他会搜索trade_id,trade_time,goods_title,goods_price,uid_buy,uid_sell,rate_txt
但是假如我输入的是文字字符串的关键字,那么他岂不同样会检索 trade_id,trade_time,uid_buy,uid_sell的内容了?我看到网上有这样的写法,指定某个字段的搜索,代码如下:
setMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2); $rst = $s->Query('@goods_title '.$kw); print_r($rst); print_r($s); exit();/*SphinxClient Object( [_host] => localhost [_port] => 9312 [_offset] => 0 [_limit] => 20 [_mode] => 6 [_weights] => Array ( ) [_sort] => 0 [_sortby] => [_min_id] => 0 [_max_id] => 0 [_filters] => Array ( ) [_groupby] => [_groupfunc] => 0 [_groupsort] => @group desc [_groupdistinct] => [_maxmatches] => 1000 [_cutoff] => 0 [_retrycount] => 0 [_retrydelay] => 0 [_anchor] => Array ( ) [_indexweights] => Array ( ) [_ranker] => 0 [_rankexpr] => [_maxquerytime] => 0 [_fieldweights] => Array ( ) [_overrides] => Array ( ) [_select] => * [_error] => query error: no field 'goods_title' found in schema [_warning] => [_connerror] => [_reqs] => Array ( ) [_mbenc] => [_arrayresult] => [_timeout] => 0 [_path] => [_socket] => )*/
提示: [_error] => query error: no field 'goods_title' found in schema
但是假如我 去掉 “ @goods_title”可以搜索到结果,sphinx如何才可以指定在某个文字数据串中搜索结果
现在我整个配置文件的内容如下,文件 f:/sphinx/sphinx.conf
source DB{ type = mysql sql_host = localhost sql_user = root sql_pass = zbphp.com~$ sql_db = zbphp_com sql_port = 3306 sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8}source Buyer : DB{ sql_query = \ SELECT trade_id,trade_time,goods_price,goods_title,uid_buy,uid_sell,rate_txt \ FROM ratedat sql_attr_uint = uid_buy sql_attr_string = goods_title sql_attr_float = goods_price sql_attr_timestamp = trade_time sql_query_info = SELECT * FROM ratedat WHERE trade_id=$id}index buyerlist{ type = plain source = Buyer path = F:/sphinx/data/buyerlist docinfo = extern mlock = 0 morphology = none stopwords = min_word_len = 1 charset_type = utf-8 html_strip = 1 min_prefix_len = 0 min_infix_len = 1 ngram_len = 1 charset_table = U+FF10..U+FF19->0..9, 0..9, U+FF41..U+FF5A->a..z, U+FF21..U+FF3A->a..z,\ A..Z->a..z, a..z, U+0149, U+017F, U+0138, U+00DF, U+00FF, U+00C0..U+00D6->U+00E0..U+00F6,\ U+00E0..U+00F6, U+00D8..U+00DE->U+00F8..U+00FE, U+00F8..U+00FE, U+0100->U+0101, U+0101,\ U+0102->U+0103, U+0103, U+0104->U+0105, U+0105, U+0106->U+0107, U+0107, U+0108->U+0109,\ U+0109, U+010A->U+010B, U+010B, U+010C->U+010D, U+010D, U+010E->U+010F, U+010F,\ U+0110->U+0111, U+0111, U+0112->U+0113, U+0113, U+0114->U+0115, U+0115, \ U+0116->U+0117,U+0117, U+0118->U+0119, U+0119, U+011A->U+011B, U+011B, U+011C->U+011D,\ U+011D,U+011E->U+011F, U+011F, U+0130->U+0131, U+0131, U+0132->U+0133, U+0133, \ U+0134->U+0135,U+0135, U+0136->U+0137, U+0137, U+0139->U+013A, U+013A, U+013B->U+013C, \ U+013C,U+013D->U+013E, U+013E, U+013F->U+0140, U+0140, U+0141->U+0142, U+0142, \ U+0143->U+0144,U+0144, U+0145->U+0146, U+0146, U+0147->U+0148, U+0148, U+014A->U+014B, \ U+014B,U+014C->U+014D, U+014D, U+014E->U+014F, U+014F, U+0150->U+0151, U+0151, \ U+0152->U+0153,U+0153, U+0154->U+0155, U+0155, U+0156->U+0157, U+0157, U+0158->U+0159,\ U+0159,U+015A->U+015B, U+015B, U+015C->U+015D, U+015D, U+015E->U+015F, U+015F, \ U+0160->U+0161,U+0161, U+0162->U+0163, U+0163, U+0164->U+0165, U+0165, U+0166->U+0167, \ U+0167,U+0168->U+0169, U+0169, U+016A->U+016B, U+016B, U+016C->U+016D, U+016D, \ U+016E->U+016F,U+016F, U+0170->U+0171, U+0171, U+0172->U+0173, U+0173, U+0174->U+0175,\ U+0175,U+0176->U+0177, U+0177, U+0178->U+00FF, U+00FF, U+0179->U+017A, U+017A, \ U+017B->U+017C,U+017C, U+017D->U+017E, U+017E, U+0410..U+042F->U+0430..U+044F, \ U+0430..U+044F,U+05D0..U+05EA, U+0531..U+0556->U+0561..U+0586, U+0561..U+0587, \ U+0621..U+063A, U+01B9,U+01BF, U+0640..U+064A, U+0660..U+0669, U+066E, U+066F, \ U+0671..U+06D3, U+06F0..U+06FF,U+0904..U+0939, U+0958..U+095F, U+0960..U+0963, \ U+0966..U+096F, U+097B..U+097F,U+0985..U+09B9, U+09CE, U+09DC..U+09E3, U+09E6..U+09EF, \ U+0A05..U+0A39, U+0A59..U+0A5E,U+0A66..U+0A6F, U+0A85..U+0AB9, U+0AE0..U+0AE3, \ U+0AE6..U+0AEF, U+0B05..U+0B39,U+0B5C..U+0B61, U+0B66..U+0B6F, U+0B71, U+0B85..U+0BB9, \ U+0BE6..U+0BF2, U+0C05..U+0C39,U+0C66..U+0C6F, U+0C85..U+0CB9, U+0CDE..U+0CE3, \ U+0CE6..U+0CEF, U+0D05..U+0D39, U+0D60,U+0D61, U+0D66..U+0D6F, U+0D85..U+0DC6, \ U+1900..U+1938, U+1946..U+194F, U+A800..U+A805,U+A807..U+A822, U+0386->U+03B1, \ U+03AC->U+03B1, U+0388->U+03B5, U+03AD->U+03B5,U+0389->U+03B7, U+03AE->U+03B7, \ U+038A->U+03B9, U+0390->U+03B9, U+03AA->U+03B9,U+03AF->U+03B9, U+03CA->U+03B9, \ U+038C->U+03BF, U+03CC->U+03BF, U+038E->U+03C5,U+03AB->U+03C5, U+03B0->U+03C5, \ U+03CB->U+03C5, U+03CD->U+03C5, U+038F->U+03C9,U+03CE->U+03C9, U+03C2->U+03C3, \ U+0391..U+03A1->U+03B1..U+03C1,U+03A3..U+03A9->U+03C3..U+03C9, U+03B1..U+03C1, \ U+03C3..U+03C9, U+0E01..U+0E2E,U+0E30..U+0E3A, U+0E40..U+0E45, U+0E47, U+0E50..U+0E59, \ U+A000..U+A48F, U+4E00..U+9FBF,U+3400..U+4DBF, U+20000..U+2A6DF, U+F900..U+FAFF, \ U+2F800..U+2FA1F, U+2E80..U+2EFF,U+2F00..U+2FDF, U+3100..U+312F, U+31A0..U+31BF, \ U+3040..U+309F, U+30A0..U+30FF,U+31F0..U+31FF, U+AC00..U+D7AF, U+1100..U+11FF, \ U+3130..U+318F, U+A000..U+A48F,U+A490..U+A4CF ngram_chars = U+4E00..U+9FBF, U+3400..U+4DBF, U+20000..U+2A6DF, U+F900..U+FAFF,\ U+2F800..U+2FA1F, U+2E80..U+2EFF, U+2F00..U+2FDF, U+3100..U+312F, U+31A0..U+31BF,\ U+3040..U+309F, U+30A0..U+30FF, U+31F0..U+31FF, U+AC00..U+D7AF, U+1100..U+11FF,\ U+3130..U+318F, U+A000..U+A48F, U+A490..U+A4CF}index rt{ type = rt path = f:/sphinx/data/rt rt_field = goods_title rt_field = rate_txt rt_attr_uint = uid_buy}indexer{ mem_limit = 128M}searchd{ listen = 9312 listen = 9306:mysql41 log = F:/sphinx/log/searchd.log query_log = F:/sphinx/log/query.log read_timeout = 5 max_children = 30 pid_file = F:/sphinx/log/searchd.pid max_matches = 1000 seamless_rotate = 1 preopen_indexes = 1 unlink_old = 1 workers = threads binlog_path = F:/sphinx/data}
1) 里面的 index rt {} 我不知道怎么来用,不是 type = mysql吗,为什么index rt 这个的type=rt ? 如果不加 index rt这一段 也是可以安装成功的
2) 这个sphinx.conf安装是安装成功的,但是如上一楼#6那样指定在某个字段中进行搜索“@goods_title $kw”返回的报错error是 query error: no field 'goods_title' found in schema。
3)如何才可以实现交表查询?我想得到的是这样的数据,三个表 ratedat,rate_buyer,userdat:
SELECT a.*,b.*,c.nick FROM rate_buyer a LEFT JOIN ratedat b ON a.uid=b.uid_buyLEFT JOIN userdat c ON a.uid=c.uid WHERE 1GROUP BY a.uid ORDER BY b.costsum DESC LIMIT $startnum , $perpage ;
source Buyer : DB{ sql_query = \ SELECT a.uid,a.costsum,a.costmax,a.costmin,a.costavg,a.costcount \ ,b.goods_price,b.goods_title,b.trade_id,b.trade_time,b.uid_buy \ ,c.nick \ FROM rate_buyer a \ LEFT JOIN ratedat b ON a.uid=b.uid_buy \ LEFT JOIN userdat c ON a.uid=c.uid \ GROUP BY a.uid \ ORDER BY a.costsum DESC \ sql_attr_uint = uid_buy sql_attr_string = goods_title sql_attr_float = goods_price sql_attr_timestamp = trade_time sql_query_info = SELECT * FROM ratedat WHERE trade_id=$id}
SphinxSearch 服务正在停止..SphinxSearch 服务已成功停止。[SC] DeleteService SUCCESS删除文件 - F:\sphinx\data\binlog.meta删除文件 - F:\sphinx\data\rt.kill删除文件 - F:\sphinx\data\rt.lock删除文件 - F:\sphinx\data\rt.meta删除文件 - F:\sphinx\data\rt.ramsphinx-for-chinese 2.1.0-dev (r3361)Copyright (c) 2008-2012, sphinx-search.comInstalling service...Service 'SphinxSearch' installed succesfully.sphinx-for-chinese 2.1.0-dev (r3361)Copyright (c) 2008-2012, sphinx-search.comusing config file 'F:\sphinx\sphinx.conf'...indexing index 'buyerlist'...collected 136 docs, 0.0 MBsorted 0.0 Mhits, 100.0% donetotal 136 docs, 6577 bytestotal 0.305 sec, 21558 bytes/sec, 445.78 docs/secskipping non-plain index 'rt'...total 2 reads, 0.000 sec, 145.0 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avgtotal 10 writes, 0.028 sec, 61.5 kb/call avg, 2.8 msec/call avgsphinx-for-chinese 2.1.0-dev (r3361)Copyright (c) 2008-2012, sphinx-search.comusing config file 'F:\sphinx\sphinx.conf'...index 'buyerlist': query 'iPhone ': returned 0 matches of 0 total in 0.000 secwords:1. 'iphone': 0 documents, 0 hitsindex 'rt': search error: failed to open f:/sphinx/data/rt.sph: No such file ordirectory.SphinxSearch 服务正在启动 .SphinxSearch 服务已经启动成功。请按任意键继续. . .