docx是一个.net库,允许开发人员以简单直观的方式处理word 2007/2010/2013文件。 docx是快速,轻量级,最好的是它不需要安装microsoft word或office。docx组件不仅可以完成对文档的一般要求,例如创建文档,创建表格和文本,并且还可以创建图形报表。docx使创建和操作文档成为一个简单的任务。
它不使用com库,也不需要安装microsoft office。在使用docx组件时,你需要安装为了使用docx是.net框架4.0和visual studio 2010或更高版本。
(1).在文档中插入,删除或替换文本。所有标准文本格式都可用。 字体{系列,大小,颜色},粗体,斜体,下划线,删除线,脚本{子,超级},突出显示。
本文将结合docx的源码进行解析,使用.net reflector对dll文件进行反编译,以此查看源代码。将dll文件加入.net reflector中,点击打开文件。
public static docx create(stream stream) { memorystream stream2 = new memorystream(); postcreation(ref package.open(stream2, filemode.create, fileaccess.readwrite)); docx cx = load(stream2); cx.stream = stream; return cx; }
public paragraph append(string text) { list<xelement> content = helperfunctions.formatinput(text, null); base.xml.add(content); this.runs = base.xml.elements(xname.get("r", docx.w.namespacename)).reverse<xelement>().take<xelement>(content.count<xelement>()).tolist<xelement>(); return this; }
public paragraph bold() { this.applytextformattingproperty(xname.get("b", docx.w.namespacename), string.empty, null); return this; }
public override table inserttableafterself(int rowcount, int coloumncount) { return base.inserttableafterself(rowcount, coloumncount); } public virtual table inserttableafterself(int rowcount, int coloumncount) { xelement content = helperfunctions.createtable(rowcount, coloumncount); base.xml.addafterself(content); return new table(base.document, base.xml.elementsafterself().first<xelement>()); }
public class customproperty { // fields private string name; private string type; private object value; // methods public customproperty(string name, bool value); public customproperty(string name, datetime value); public customproperty(string name, double value); public customproperty(string name, int value); public customproperty(string name, string value); private customproperty(string name, string type, object value); internal customproperty(string name, string type, string value); // properties public string name { get; } internal string type { get; } public object value { get; } }
public class barchart : chart { // methods public barchart(); protected override xelement createchartxml(); // properties public bardirection bardirection { get; set; } public bargrouping bargrouping { get; set; } public int gapwidth { get; set; } }
public abstract class chart { // methods public chart(); public void addlegend(); public void addlegend(chartlegendposition position, bool overlay); public void addseries(series series); protected abstract xelement createchartxml(); public void removelegend(); // properties public categoryaxis categoryaxis { get; private set; } protected xelement chartrootxml { get; private set; } protected xelement chartxml { get; private set; } public displayblanksas displayblanksas { get; set; } public virtual bool isaxisexist { get; } public chartlegend legend { get; private set; } public virtual short maxseriescount { get; } public list<series> series { get; } public valueaxis valueaxis { get; private set; } public bool view3d { get; set; } public xdocument xml { get; private set; } }
public void addlegend(chartlegendposition position, bool overlay) { if (this.legend != null) { this.removelegend(); } this.legend = new chartlegend(position, overlay); this.chartrootxml.add(this.legend.xml); }
public void addseries(series series) { if (this.chartxml.elements(xname.get("ser", docx.c.namespacename)).count<xelement>() == this.maxseriescount) { throw new invalidoperationexception("maximum series for this chart is" + this.maxseriescount.tostring() + "and have exceeded!"); } this.chartxml.add(series.xml); }
public void removelegend() { this.legend.xml.remove(); this.legend = null; }
/// <summary> /// 创建棒形图 /// </summary> /// <param name="path">文档路径</param> /// <param name="dicvalue">绑定数据</param> /// <param name="categoryname">类别名称</param> /// <param name="valuename">值名称</param> /// <param name="title">图标标题</param> public static bool barchart(string path,dictionary<string, icollection> dicvalue,string categoryname,string valuename,string title) { if (string.isnullorempty(path)) { throw new argumentnullexception(path); } if (dicvalue == null) { throw new argumentnullexception("dicvalue"); } if (string.isnullorempty(categoryname)) { throw new argumentnullexception(categoryname); } if (string.isnullorempty(valuename)) { throw new argumentnullexception(valuename); } if (string.isnullorempty(title)) { throw new argumentnullexception(title); } try { using (var document = docx.create(path)) { //barchart图形属性设置,bardirection图形方向枚举,bargrouping图形分组枚举 var c = new barchart { bardirection = bardirection.column, bargrouping = bargrouping.standard, gapwidth = 400 }; //设置图表图例位置 c.addlegend(chartlegendposition.bottom, false); //写入图标数据 foreach (var chartdata in dicvalue) { var series = new series(chartdata.key); series.bind(chartdata.value, categoryname, valuename); c.addseries(series); } // 设置文档标题 document.insertparagraph(title).fontsize(20); document.insertchart(c); document.save(); return true; } } catch (exception ex) { throw new exception(ex.message); } }
/// <summary> /// 创建一个具有超链接、图像和表的文档。 /// </summary> /// <param name="path">文档保存路径</param> /// <param name="imagepath">加载的图片路径</param> /// <param name="url">url地址</param> public static void hyperlinksimagestables(string path,string imagepath,string url) { if (string.isnullorempty(path)) { throw new argumentnullexception(path); } if (string.isnullorempty(imagepath)) { throw new argumentnullexception(imagepath); } if (string.isnullorempty(url)) { throw new argumentnullexception(url); } try { using (var document = docx.create(path)) { var link = document.addhyperlink("link", new uri(url)); var table = document.addtable(2, 2); table.design = tabledesign.colorfulgridaccent2; table.alignment = alignment.center; table.rows[0].cells[0].paragraphs[0].append("1"); table.rows[0].cells[1].paragraphs[0].append("2"); table.rows[1].cells[0].paragraphs[0].append("3"); table.rows[1].cells[1].paragraphs[0].append("4"); var newrow = table.insertrow(table.rows[1]); newrow.replacetext("4", "5"); var image = document.addimage(imagepath); var picture = image.createpicture(); picture.rotation = 10; picture.setpictureshape(basicshapes.cube); var title = document.insertparagraph().append("test").fontsize(20).font(new fontfamily("comic sans ms")); title.alignment = alignment.center; var p1 = document.insertparagraph(); p1.appendline("this line contains a ").append("bold").bold().append(" word."); p1.appendline("here is a cool ").appendhyperlink(link).append("."); p1.appendline(); p1.appendline("check out this picture ").appendpicture(picture).append(" its funky don't you think?"); p1.appendline(); p1.appendline("can you check this table of figures for me?"); p1.appendline(); p1.inserttableafterself(table); var p2 = document.insertparagraph(); p2.appendline("is it correct?"); document.save(); } } catch (exception ex) { throw new exception(ex.message); } }
/// <summary> /// 将指定内容写入文档 /// </summary> /// <param name="path">加载文件路径</param> /// <param name="content">写入文件内容</param> /// <param name="savepath">保存文件路径</param> public static void programmaticallymanipulateimbeddedimage(string path, string content, string savepath) { if (string.isnullorempty(path)) { throw new argumentnullexception(path); } if (string.isnullorempty(content)) { throw new argumentnullexception(content); } if (string.isnullorempty(savepath)) { throw new argumentnullexception(savepath); } try { using (var document = docx.load(path)) { // 确保此文档至少有一个图像。 if (document.images.any()) { var img = document.images[0]; // 将内容写入图片. var b = new bitmap(img.getstream(filemode.open, fileaccess.readwrite)); //获取此位图的图形对象,图形对象提供绘图功能。 var g = graphics.fromimage(b); // 画字符串内容 g.drawstring ( content, new font("tahoma", 20), brushes.blue, new pointf(0, 0) ); // 使用创建\写入流将该位图保存到文档中。 b.save(img.getstream(filemode.create, fileaccess.write), imageformat.png); } else { document.saveas(savepath); } } } catch (exception ex) { throw new exception(ex.message); } }
详解开源免费且稳定实用的.NET PDF打印组件itextSharp(.NET组件介绍之八)