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ScopeMetadata scopeMetadata = this.scopeMetadataResolver.resolveScopeMetadata(abd);

ScopeMetadata resolveScopeMetadata(BeanDefinition definition);

//找到resolveScopeMetadata(BeanDefinition definition)方法的实现如下:

	public ScopeMetadata resolveScopeMetadata(BeanDefinition definition) {
		ScopeMetadata metadata = new ScopeMetadata();
		if (definition instanceof AnnotatedBeanDefinition) {
			AnnotatedBeanDefinition annDef = (AnnotatedBeanDefinition) definition;//强装
			AnnotationAttributes attributes = AnnotationConfigUtils.attributesFor(
					annDef.getMetadata(), this.scopeAnnotationType); //Scope.class就是this.scopeAnnotationType
			if (attributes != null) {
                //获取 proxyMode 属性值
				ScopedProxyMode proxyMode = attributes.getEnum("proxyMode");
				if (proxyMode == ScopedProxyMode.DEFAULT) {
					proxyMode = this.defaultProxyMode;
		return metadata;







	static AnnotationAttributes attributesFor(AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata, Class<?> annotationClass) {
		return attributesFor(metadata, annotationClass.getName());

//上述方法的重载方法:attributesFor(metadata, annotationClass.getName())源码:

	static AnnotationAttributes attributesFor(AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata, String annotationClassName) {
		return AnnotationAttributes.fromMap(metadata.getAnnotationAttributes(annotationClassName, false));

//继续追踪AnnotationAttributes.fromMap(metadata.getAnnotationAttributes(annotationClassName, false))方法如下:
//1.参数中的方法:metadata.getAnnotationAttributes(annotationClassName, false)


	 * Return an {@link AnnotationAttributes} instance based on the given map.
	 * <p>If the map is already an {@code AnnotationAttributes} instance, it
	 * will be cast and returned immediately without creating a new instance.
	 * Otherwise a new instance will be created by passing the supplied map
	 * to the {@link #AnnotationAttributes(Map)} constructor.
	 * @param map original source of annotation attribute <em>key-value</em> pairs
	public static AnnotationAttributes fromMap(@Nullable Map<String, Object> map) {
		if (map == null) {
			return null;
		if (map instanceof AnnotationAttributes) {
			return (AnnotationAttributes) map;
		return new AnnotationAttributes(map);


metadata.getAnnotationAttributes(annotationClassName, false)源码

	 * Retrieve the attributes of the annotation of the given type, if any (i.e. if
	 * defined on the underlying element, as direct annotation or meta-annotation),
	 * also taking attribute overrides on composed annotations into account.
	 * @param annotationName the fully qualified class name of the annotation
	 * type to look for
	 * @param classValuesAsString whether to convert class references to String
	 * class names for exposure as values in the returned Map, instead of Class
	 * references which might potentially have to be loaded first
	 * @return a Map of attributes, with the attribute name as key (e.g. "value")
	 * and the defined attribute value as Map value. This return value will be
	 * {@code null} if no matching annotation is defined.
     * 主要的意思是,检索出所给定注释的属性
	Map<String, Object> getAnnotationAttributes(String annotationName, boolean classValuesAsString);


	public Map<String, Object> getAnnotationAttributes(String annotationName, boolean classValuesAsString) { //classValuesAsString=false
		return (this.annotations.length > 0 ? AnnotatedElementUtils.getMergedAnnotationAttributes(
				getIntrospectedClass(), annotationName, classValuesAsString, this.nestedAnnotationsAsMap) : null); 
 //this.annotations = introspectedClass.getAnnotations();
 //2.getAnnotationAttributes(String annotationName, boolean classValuesAsString)的逻辑是:
				getIntrospectedClass(), annotationName, classValuesAsString, this.nestedAnnotationsAsMap)方法,

public Annotation[] getAnnotations() {
        return AnnotationParser.toArray(annotationData().annotations); //得到一个Annotation[]实例,其底层待探索(反射实现)


                getIntrospectedClass(), annotationName, classValuesAsString, this.nestedAnnotationsAsMap)源码:

	 * Get the first annotation of the specified {@code annotationName} within
	 * the annotation hierarchy <em>above</em> the supplied {@code element} and
	 * merge that annotation's attributes with <em>matching</em> attributes from
	 * annotations in lower levels of the annotation hierarchy.
	 * <p>Attributes from lower levels in the annotation hierarchy override attributes
	 * of the same name from higher levels, and {@link AliasFor @AliasFor} semantics are
	 * fully supported, both within a single annotation and within the annotation hierarchy.
	 * <p>In contrast to {@link #getAllAnnotationAttributes}, the search algorithm used by
	 * this method will stop searching the annotation hierarchy once the first annotation
	 * of the specified {@code annotationName} has been found. As a consequence,
	 * additional annotations of the specified {@code annotationName} will be ignored.
	 * <p>This method follows <em>get semantics</em> as described in the
	 * {@linkplain AnnotatedElementUtils class-level javadoc}.
	 * @param element the annotated element
	 * @param annotationName the fully qualified class name of the annotation type to find
	 * @param classValuesAsString whether to convert Class references into Strings or to
	 * preserve them as Class references
	 * @param nestedAnnotationsAsMap whether to convert nested Annotation instances
	 * into {@code AnnotationAttributes} maps or to preserve them as Annotation instances
	 * @return the merged {@code AnnotationAttributes}, or {@code null} if not found
	 * @since 4.2
	 * @see #findMergedAnnotation(AnnotatedElement, Class)
	 * @see #findMergedAnnotationAttributes(AnnotatedElement, String, boolean, boolean)
	 * @see #getAllAnnotationAttributes(AnnotatedElement, String, boolean, boolean)
	public static AnnotationAttributes getMergedAnnotationAttributes(AnnotatedElement element,
			String annotationName, boolean classValuesAsString, boolean nestedAnnotationsAsMap) {
		AnnotationAttributes attributes = searchWithGetSemantics(element, null, annotationName,
				new MergedAnnotationAttributesProcessor(classValuesAsString, nestedAnnotationsAsMap)); 
		AnnotationUtils.postProcessAnnotationAttributes(element, attributes, classValuesAsString, nestedAnnotationsAsMap);
		return attributes;



	 * Search for annotations of the specified {@code annotationName} or
	 * {@code annotationType} on the specified {@code element}, following
	 * <em>get semantics</em>.
	 * @param element the annotated element
	 * @param annotationType the annotation type to find
	 * @param annotationName the fully qualified class name of the annotation
	 * type to find (as an alternative to {@code annotationType})
	 * @param processor the processor to delegate to
	 * @return the result of the processor (potentially {@code null})

     * 大致意思是:在遵循get语义的前提下,在指定element实例上寻找指定的annotationName或者
     * annotationType的注释,由上面传递的参数可知,我们的目的就是寻找@Scope注释
	private static <T> T searchWithGetSemantics(AnnotatedElement element,
			@Nullable Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType,
			@Nullable String annotationName, Processor<T> processor) {

		return searchWithGetSemantics(element,
				(annotationType != null ? Collections.singleton(annotationType) : Collections.emptySet()),
				annotationName, null, processor);

//在往下的searchWithGetSemantics方法(org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotatedElementUtils#searchWithGetSemantics(java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement, java.util.Set<java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation>>, 
java.lang.String, java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation>, org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotatedElementUtils.Processor<T>, java.util.Set<java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement>, int))

1.6 参考文献


