SqlServer2008 Profiler
[From:http://blog.tonysneed.com/2010/08/05/setting-up-sql-server-2008-express-with-profiler/] Setting up SQL Server 2008 Express with Profiler Posted on August 5, 2010 When I teach my DevelopMentor course on Entity Framework 4.0 and WCF Da
Setting up SQL Server 2008 Express with Profiler Posted on August 5, 2010 When I teach my DevelopMentor course on Entity Framework 4.0 and WCF Data Services, I use the Express Edition of SQL Server 2008 R2, but I have need for the SQL Profiler tool, which comes only with the full version and is needed to inspect what SQL is sent to the database. In addition, the setup folks often have a hard time getting the permissions right. So I wrote a script that first installs just the tools from a trial version of the Developer Edition, which include both SQL Management Studio and SQL Profiler. Then I wrote another script that installs just the database engine of SQL Express, adding the BUILTIN\Users account to the sysadmin role, which would enable users to to do various admin tasks such as attaching a database. Here are the steps for these installations: Developer or Standard Edition of SQL Server 2008 R2: Trial Edition: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=de21dffd-4c6c-4963-b00c-5153cf7e41dd - Click on the Eval X86 Executable link to download SQLFULL_x86_ENU.exe. - Execute the file to extract contents to an installation directory, then run the following from an admin command prompt:
- This will install only the tools for SQL Server, including SQL Profiler. SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition (database engine only): http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=8b3695d9-415e-41f0-a079-25ab0412424b&displaylang=en - Execute SQLEXPR32_x86_ENU.exe, then after the main screen is shown, copy the contents of the temporary directory to an installation directory. Run the following from an admin command prompt:
- This will install the database engine and add BUILTIN\Users to the sysadmin role The complete list of SQL Server installation commands is available here.
我们知道 SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition 默认没有 Sql Server Profiler, 如果需要它, 我们不得不重新安装Enterprise版或者Developer版。
这样做太麻烦了,如果我们有SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise或者Developer版本的安装CD或者文件,使用下面的Command可以很快装好Client tools,包括SQL Server Profiler.
注意:将黄色部分替换成自己的Sql Server Instance名字。
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