PostgreSQL 查看表的主外键等约束关系详解
select tc.constraint_name, tc.table_name, kcu.column_name, ccu.table_name as foreign_table_name, ccu.column_name as foreign_column_name, tc.is_deferrable,tc.initially_deferred from information_schema.table_constraints as tc join information_schema.key_column_usage as kcu on tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name join information_schema.constraint_column_usage as ccu on ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name where constraint_type = 'foreign key' and tc.table_name = 'your table name';
unique、primary key、check、foreign key
select tc.constraint_name, tc.table_name, kcu.column_name, ccu.table_name as foreign_table_name, ccu.column_name as foreign_column_name, tc.is_deferrable,tc.initially_deferred from information_schema.table_constraints as tc join information_schema.key_column_usage as kcu on tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name join information_schema.constraint_column_usage as ccu on ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name where constraint_type = 'unique' and tc.table_name = 'table_name';
unique、primary key、check、foreign key, 通过修改上边sql语句的table_name和constraint_type来进行相应的查询。
alter table table_name add constraint uk_users_name1 unique (name);
alter table table_name drop constraint if exists uk_users_name1;
postgres=# \d+ pg_depend table "pg_catalog.pg_depend" column | type | modifiers | storage | stats target | description -------------+---------+-----------+---------+--------------+------------- classid | oid | not null | plain | | 系统oid objid | oid | not null | plain | | 对象oid objsubid | integer | not null | plain | | refclassid | oid | not null | plain | | 引用系统oid refobjid | oid | not null | plain | | 引用对象id refobjsubid | integer | not null | plain | | deptype | "char" | not null | plain | | pg_depend类型 indexes: "pg_depend_depender_index" btree (classid, objid, objsubid) "pg_depend_reference_index" btree (refclassid, refobjid, refobjsubid) has oids: no
--btw:oid是object identifier的缩写,是对象id的意思,因为是无符号的4字节类型,不够足够大,所以一般不用来做主键使用,仅系统内部,比如系统表等应用,可以与一些整型数字进行转换。与之相关的系统参数是default_with_oids,默认是off
postgres=# \d pg_constraint table "pg_catalog.pg_constraint" column | type | modifiers ---------------+--------------+----------- conname | name | not null -- 约束名 connamespace | oid | not null -- 约束所在命名空间的oid contype | "char" | not null -- 约束类型 condeferrable | boolean | not null -- 约束是否可以推迟 condeferred | boolean | not null -- 缺省情况下,约束是否可以推迟 convalidated | boolean | not null -- 约束是否经过验证 conrelid | oid | not null -- 约束所在的表的oid contypid | oid | not null -- 约束所在的域的oid conindid | oid | not null -- 如果是唯一、主键、外键或排除约束,则为支持这个约束的索引;否则为0 confrelid | oid | not null -- 如果是外键,则为参考的表;否则为 0 confupdtype | "char" | not null -- 外键更新操作代码 confdeltype | "char" | not null -- 外键删除操作代码 confmatchtype | "char" | not null -- 外键匹配类型 conislocal | boolean | not null coninhcount | integer | not null -- 约束直接继承祖先的数量 connoinherit | boolean | not null conkey | smallint[] | -- 如果是表约束(包含外键,但是不包含约束触发器),则是约束字段的列表 confkey | smallint[] | -- 如果是一个外键,是参考的字段的列表 conpfeqop | oid[] | -- 如果是一个外键,是pk = fk比较的相等操作符的列表 conppeqop | oid[] | -- 如果是一个外键,是pk = pk比较的相等操作符的列表 conffeqop | oid[] | -- 如果是一个外键,是fk = fk比较的相等操作符的列表 conexclop | oid[] | -- 如果是一个排除约束,是每个字段排除操作符的列表 conbin | pg_node_tree | -- 如果是一个检查约束,那就是其表达式的内部形式 consrc | text | -- 如果是检查约束,则是表达式的人类可读形式 indexes: "pg_constraint_oid_index" unique, btree (oid) "pg_constraint_conname_nsp_index" btree (conname, connamespace) "pg_constraint_conrelid_index" btree (conrelid) "pg_constraint_contypid_index" btree (contypid)
dependency_normal (n) :普通的依赖对象,如表与schema的关系 dependency_auto (a) :自动的依赖对象,如主键约束 dependency_internal (i) :内部的依赖对象,通常是对象本身 dependency_extension (e) :9.1新增的的扩展依赖 dependency_pin (p) :系统内置的依赖
select classid::regclass as "depender object class", case classid when 'pg_class'::regclass then objid::regclass::text when 'pg_type'::regclass then objid::regtype::text when 'pg_proc'::regclass then objid::regprocedure::text else objid::text end as "depender object identity", objsubid, refclassid::regclass as "referenced object class", case refclassid when 'pg_class'::regclass then refobjid::regclass::text when 'pg_type'::regclass then refobjid::regtype::text when 'pg_proc'::regclass then refobjid::regprocedure::text else refobjid::text end as "referenced object identity", refobjsubid, case deptype when 'p' then 'pinned' when 'i' then 'internal' when 'a' then 'automatic' when 'n' then 'normal' end as "dependency type" from pg_catalog.pg_depend where (objid >= 16384 or refobjid >= 16384);
btw:我通常喜欢在where后面加个条件 and deptype <>'i' 排除internal依赖
postgres=# create table tbl_parent(id int); create table postgres=# 执行上面的sql; depender object class | depender object identity | objsubid | referenced object class | referenced object identity | refobjsubid | dependency type -----------------------+--------------------------+----------+-------------------------+------------- pg_class | tbl_parent | 0 | pg_namespace | 2200 | 0 | normal (1 row)
postgres=# alter table tbl_parent add primary key(id); alter table depender object class | depender object identity | objsubid | referenced object class | referenced object identity | refobjsubid | dependency type -----------------------+--------------------------+----------+-------------------------+------- pg_class | tbl_parent | 0 | pg_namespace | 2200 | 0 | normal pg_constraint | 16469 | 0 | pg_class | tbl_parent | 1 | automatic (2 rows)
正常情况下用户删除有依赖关系的对象时会提示需要先删除最里层没依赖的对象,但是如果通过删除系统表,但又删得不对,就会导致异常,比如上面这个例子会出现 cache lookup failed for constraint
postgres=# select oid,conname,connamespace,contype from pg_constraint where conname like 'tbl_parent%'; oid | conname | connamespace | contype -------+-----------------+--------------+--------- 16469 | tbl_parent_pkey | 2200 | p (1 row) postgres=# delete from pg_constraint where conname like 'tbl_parent%'; delete 1 postgres=# select oid,conname,connamespace,contype from pg_constraint where conname like 'tbl_parent%'; oid | conname | connamespace | contype -----+---------+--------------+--------- (0 rows) postgres=# drop table tbl_parent; error: cache lookup failed for constraint 16469 --16496是约束的oid postgres=#
2.删除该表所有的系统依赖信息 上面的问题需要删除
postgres=# delete from pg_depend where objid = 16469 or refobjid = 16469 ; delete 2 postgres=# drop table tbl_parent; drop table
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