Setting this option to FALSE suppresses "control notresponding" errors. 13. 等待鼠标状态。 [-] void WaitForMouseIdle(integeriTimeOut) [ ] integeriTime=1 [-]while(Cursor.GetType()=="WAIT" || Cursor.GetType()=="DELAY" iTime iTimeOut) [ ] sle
Setting this option to FALSE suppresses "control not
responding" errors.
13. 等待鼠标状态。
[-] void WaitForMouseIdle(integer
iTimeOut) [ ] integer
iTime=1 [-]
while(Cursor.GetType()=="WAIT" || Cursor.GetType()=="DELAY"
&& iTime
[ ] sleep(1) [ ] iTime = iTime+5 [-] if(iTime > iTimeOut) [ ] Log.Fail("Cursor status is not idle in
{iTimeOut} seconds") [ ]
14. 使用
List of
string lsFileContents
ListInsert (lsFile, i, lsNewInfo[i])
ListWrite (lsFile,
"{GetProgramDir ()}\Sample.txt")
15. silktest 中使用递归实现清空文件夹内容方法:
[+] void
glClearFolder(String filepath) [+]
//---------------------Log---------------------// [ ] // Author : Cheers Li [ ] // Date : 2009-09-15 [ ]
//-----------------------------------------------// [ ] filepath=Trim(filepath) [+]
if(SubStr(filepath,Len(filepath),1)=="") [ ]
filepath=SubStr(filepath,1,Len(filepath)-1) [+] else [ ]
filepath=SubStr(filepath,1,Len(filepath)) [ ] String tempfilepath [ ] String tmDir [+] if(!SYS_DirExists(filepath)) [ ] RaiseError(13,"The path : {filepath} does not
exists! ") [ ] List of FILEINFO
fFileContents=SYS_GetDirContents(filepath) [-] FILEINFO item [-] for each item in fFileContents [ ] tempfilepath="{filepath}"+item.sName [-] if(item.bIsDir) [-]
if(ListCount(SYS_GetDirContents(tempfilepath))==0) [ ] SYS_RemoveDir(tempfilepath) [-] else [ ] glClearFolder(tempfilepath)