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程序员文章站 2024-01-25 08:58:40
Web Application Proxy Web Application Proxy 是YARN的一部分。 默认情况下,它将作为资源管理器(RM)的一部分运行,但可以配置为以独立模式运行...

Web Application Proxy

Web Application Proxy 是YARN的一部分。


在YARN中,应用程序主(AM)有责任提供一个web UI并将该链接发送到RM。这就引出了一些潜在的问题。


在未来,我们希望解决上面描述的攻击向量,并使附加到AM的web UI更安全。

部署Web Application Proxy

Configuration Property Description
yarn.web-proxy.address The address for the web proxy as HOST:PORT, if this is not given then the proxy will run as part of the RM.
yarn.web-proxy.keytab Keytab for WebAppProxy, if the proxy is not running as part of the RM.
yarn.web-proxy.principal The kerberos principal for the proxy, if the proxy is not running as part of the RM.

运行 Web Application Proxy

$ yarn proxyserver


$ $HADOOP_YARN_HOME/sbin/yarn-daemon.sh start proxyserver


Web Application Proxy

The Web Application Proxy is part of YARN. By default it will run as part of the Resource Manager(RM), but can be configured to run in stand alone mode. The reason for the proxy is to reduce the possibility of web based attacks through YARN.

In YARN the Application Master(AM) has the responsibility to provide a web UI and to send that link to the RM. This opens up a number of potential issues. The RM runs as a trusted user, and people visiting that web address will treat it, and links it provides to them as trusted, when in reality the AM is running as a non-trusted user, and the links it gives to the RM could point to anything malicious or otherwise. The Web Application Proxy mitigates this risk by warning users that do not own the given application that they are connecting to an untrusted site.

In addition to this the proxy also tries to reduce the impact that a malicious AM could have on a user. It primarily does this by stripping out cookies from the user, and replacing them with a single cookie providing the user name of the logged in user. This is because most web based authentication systems will identify a user based off of a cookie. By providing this cookie to an untrusted application it opens up the potential for an exploit. If the cookie is designed properly that potential should be fairly minimal, but this is just to reduce that potential attack vector. The current proxy implementation does nothing to prevent the AM from providing links to malicious external sites, nor does it do anything to prevent malicious javascript code from running as well. In fact javascript can be used to get the cookies, so stripping the cookies from the request has minimal benefit at this time.

In the future we hope to address the attack vectors described above and make attaching to an AM’s web UI safer.