oracle sql调错
select count(*) from ((select (case when (instr(',' || wm_concat(type) || ',', ',develop-plan,') 0) then 'develop-plan' else 'unRead' end) type, max(id) id, name, node_level, project, end, max(created_date) created_date, center, year_flg,
select count(*) from ((select (case when (instr(',' || wm_concat(type) || ',', ',develop-plan,') > 0) then 'develop-plan' else 'unRead' end) type, max(id) id, name, node_level, project, end, max(created_date) created_date, center, year_flg, sequence, min(isRead) isRead, MyReplace(wm_concat(msgCreateDate), ',') msgCreateDate, wm_concat(group_name), max(planId), 0 owe_days, 0 owe_money from (select 'develop-plan' as type, node.node_id as id, template_node.node_name as name, template_node.node_level, project.project_name as project, node.schedule_end_date as end, warning.CREATED_DATE as created_date, '' as center, '' as year_flg, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY node.templet_id, project.project_project_id ORDER BY warning.created_date ASC) as sequence, (select min(t.is_read) from plan6_message_user_read t where t.node_id = node.node_id and t.need_reader = 'zhangch' group by t.node_id) isRead, '' msgCreateDate, group_name, info.biz_cd planId, 0 owe_days, 0 owe_money from plan6_warning warning, plan6_node node, project_distribution info, project_period pp, project_project project, plan6_templet_node template_node where warning.node_id = node.node_id and node.plan_id = info.biz_cd and info.project_period_id = pp.project_period_id and pp.is_enabled = 1 and pp.project_project_id = project.project_project_id and template_node.node_id = node.templet_id and info.if_in_plan = 1 and (warning.charger_cd = 'zhangch' OR node.charger_cd = 'zhangch' OR node.center_manager_cd = 'zhangch' OR project.project_charger_cd = 'zhangch' OR project.project_charger_cd2 = 'zhangch' OR project.project_charger_cd_bis = 'zhangch' OR ('wubc' = 'zhangch' AND template_node.node_level in (1, 2)) OR (('xuhf' = 'zhangch' OR 'zhanghf' = 'zhangch') and template_node.node_level = 1)) and warning.stat = 2 and node.status = 1 and node.is_enabled 0 and warning.stat = 2 union select 'unRead' tyep, node.node_id id, template_node.node_name as name, template_node.node_level, project.project_name as project, node.schedule_end_date as end, to_date('', 'yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss') as created_date, '' as center, '' as year_flg, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY node.templet_id, project.project_project_id ORDER BY r.created_date ASC) as sequence, r.is_read isRead, to_char(r.created_date, 'yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss') msgCreateDate, group_name, info.biz_cd planId, 0 owe_days, 0 owe_money from plan6_message_user_read r, plan6_node node, project_distribution info, project_period pp, project_project project, plan6_templet_node template_node where r.node_id = node.node_id and node.plan_id = info.biz_cd and info.project_period_id = pp.project_period_id and pp.is_enabled = 1 and pp.project_project_id = project.project_project_id and template_node.node_id = node.templet_id and info.if_in_plan = 1 and node.is_enabled 0 and r.need_reader = 'zhangch' and r.is_read = '0') warning where warning.sequence = 1 group by name, node_level, project, end, center, year_flg, sequence) union (select 'oa_meeting' as type, metting.oa_meeting_id as id, TO_CHAR( as name, 10 as node_level, '' as project, metting.target_date as end, warning.created_date as created_date, '' as center, '' as year_flg, 0 as sequence, '' isRead, '' msgCreateDate, '' group_name, '' planId, 0 owe_days, 0 owe_money from oa_meeting metting, plan_warning warning where metting.oa_meeting_id = and metting.HIDDEN_FLG = 0 and metting.status in (1, 2, 4) and metting.target_date is not null and instr(';' || warning.responsible_person, ';zhangch;') > 0));
ORA-01790的错误,查到是因为报错的那个wm_concate后面的字段不是group by的字段。
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