2024-01-23 16:14:52
今日开发altera dma驱动,获取资源的时候得到下面的打印,显示获取的资源类型为CmResourceTypeMemoryLarge,这个资源与普通的CmResourceTypeMemory不一样,查看官网,
CmResourceTypeMemoryLarge One of u.Memory40, u.Memory48, or u.Memory64.
The CM_RESOURCE_MEMORY_LARGE_XXX flags set in the Flags member determines which structure is used.
CM_RESOURCE_MEMORY_LARGE_40 The memory descriptor uses the u.Memory40 member.
CM_RESOURCE_MEMORY_LARGE_48 The memory descriptor uses the u.Memory48 member.
CM_RESOURCE_MEMORY_LARGE_64 The memory descriptor uses the u.Memory64 member.
For raw resources: Specifies the bus-relative physical address of the lowest of a range of contiguous memory addresses that are allocated to the device.
For translated resources: Specifies the system physical address of the lowest of a range of contiguous memory addresses that are allocated to the device.
For more information about raw and translated resources, see Remarks.
Contains the high 32 bits of the 40-bit length, in bytes, of the range of allocated memory addresses. The lowest 8 bits are treated as zero.
For raw resources: Specifies the bus-relative physical address of the lowest of a range of contiguous memory addresses that are allocated to the device.
For translated resources: Specifies the system physical address of the lowest of a range of contiguous memory addresses that are allocated to the device.
For more information about raw and translated resources, see Remarks.
Contains the high 32 bits of the 48-bit length, in bytes, of the range of allocated memory addresses. The lowest 16 bits are treated as zero.
For raw resources: Specifies the bus-relative physical address of the lowest of a range of contiguous memory addresses that are allocated to the device.
For translated resources: Specifies the system physical address of the lowest of a range of contiguous memory addresses that are allocated to the device.
For more information about raw and translated resources, see Remarks.
Contains the high 32 bits of the 64-bit length, in bytes, of the range of allocated memory addresses. The lowest 32 bits are treated as zero.
下一篇: time库的使用